Shelly LB
2018年 02月に参加しました

110.9 kg
これまでの減量分: 18.3 kg

92.6 kg
成績: 週に0.1 kg減量中

72.6 kg
残り: 20.0 kg
I am 57 years young, have a 2nd go around with life to get fit and healthy, I worked 33 years in restaurants as manager and helped my husband with remodeling, being large was never a problem because I burned so many calories, then I changed careers about 10 years ago, office work and I let my body go, muscle mass is replaced by fat! even though I only really gained 40 lbs from my working weight, 40 lbs of fat is so much more to deal with! I was not even able to get off the couch without a struggle, even my thyroid stopped working for me!, but 5 weeks into this new commitment and I can not only get off the couch I am remodeling again, slowly but able to work out and walk again, can't wait to go hiking! I live in the NW and we have some beautiful trails in the woods that are worth the hike, had no energy the last few years to do anything but sit and do nothing. My doc told me last year not to worry about weight until I had at least 1 year not smoking then Feb 1 she said go for it, All my blood test after just 4 weeks and I have no health issues but I will stay on thyroid meds for probably another 6 months just to be sure I stay on the losing track, then hopefully no more pills, that is my goal all natural and healthy, slow but steady...

Shelly LBの体重の記録


最後の計量: 週に0.2 kg増量中 Up
最後の計量: 週に1.4 kg減量中 Down

Shelly LBの料理帳

カロリー: 326kcal | 脂質: 2.79g | 炭水化物: 54.54g | たんぱく質: 20.06g
Overnight Oatmeal
Cool summer breakfast, ready when you wake up.

Shelly LBの最近の食べ物と運動

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