Whoop whoop whoop!!!!! Today the scale stopped at 145.0 and 145.2 multiple times. This is goal weight one!!!! Ten months to the day i started this journey with full hip replacement surgery (July 12 2022). What a difference ten months has made to my mental, physical and spiritual health! I feel awake and alive again. The last 8 years was like walking thru mud day to day. Exhaustion, illness, headaches, stress, stress, oh and stress. Stress, pain and medication are no joke to physical well being. I bless my daughter, my husband, my puppies, my therapist and my trainer tho most of them will never know how truly grateful i am for the support. I tell them but the gratitude is so huge it cannot be conveyed properly. Now I’m going to work on ten more pounds for the vacation cushion of five pounds up/down. It’s gorgeous outside today so even God is smiling on me🥰😇😂.

1335 kcal 脂質: 66.89g | たんぱく質: 67.81g | 炭水化物: 164.01g.   朝食: Orgain Creamy Chocolate Protein Shake. 昼食: Vitasoy Plain Soymilk, Harris Teeter Blueberries, HEB Cantaloupe Chunks, Mayonnaise, Don Pancho Carb Control Wrap, Great Value Canned Chicken, Cranberries, Great Value Pineapple Chunks, Kroger Honeydew Melon. 夕食: Hormel Turkey Pepperoni 70% Less Fat, Post Grape-Nuts Cereal. 軽食/その他: Slim-Fast Keto Fat Bomb Peanut Butter Cup, Slim-Fast Keto Fat Bomb Peanut Butter Cup. もっと...

102 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Well done 👍👍 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: sk.17
Great job!! I know I have done that too - step on the scale because it better not be messing with me. Scale...Scale... on the floor...who's the lightest of them all! Love the sunglasses! So cute! 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: Redporchlady
Hey look you’re not using a flip phone anymore 😜 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: Supergainz1
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: Sarah1950
Excellent work! Excellent goals! As a side, I hope you are wearing sunblock everywhere, as I see the potential for a verrrrry interesting tan 😄 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: JustBananas
You are beautiful! Awesome job! Love those glasses to btw 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: DaniBSkinnySoon
Excellent! Wish I could see the picture you posted, it didn't come through on my app So excited for you! I can see how motivated you are and you should be very proud of yourself! I'm proud of you! You are right about the worth of support you get and how important it is. My husband is my biggest fan and he encouraged me so much even though he didn't care what I looked liked. When I was heavy he never uttered a negative comment. He's a keeper for sure! My son also encouraged me as he is really into fitness. I'm so happy you reached your goal!❤️❤️💪💪🎉🎉🎉 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: Diana 1234
Congratulations, it's so good to hear your joy! And, you're looking fantastic. Keep up the good work. 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
So happy you got it replaced! It will be 4 yrs I had both my knees replaced same day same time...worst pain ever...My knees were so painful bone on bone for 4 yrs...it was painful going thru recovery and it took over a yr and at times they still get tight but no pain! I gained alot of weight not being mobile...and now after having breathing issues for 5 months and finally well now, I have struggled to lose any weight...but I am very happy for others who have beat it!  
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: missybrubaker
That smile says it all! Beautiful ❤️  
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: SherryeB
Congratulations 🎉 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: teachertracey
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: wifey9707
Thank you all!!!!!!! Im pretty happy. 75 pounds in 10 months to the day and 82 from my highest in January last year. I am now just going to try and get stronger, more muscle and more sleep (rpl). Super—-silly guy I didn’t try and shrink this pic which im guessing is why some are blurry. No flip for me😉. Rpl—i had chick noodle soup last night and my hubby was like, sodium sodium be prepared so i was shocked. Jb-i need to i get forgetful about that stuff. Would be a polka dot tan for sure. Danibss-my kiddo got me these glasses in one of the fancy shops in Las Vegas a couple years. I like them because she gave them to me…and they’re cool😎. Diana-thank you tons. I find you so inspirational. Actually i find lots of you inspirational. My husband is same. Loved me fat loved me skinny just wants me to be healthy so i live longer. SHIRFLEUR you aren’t far behind me by end of year or shortly after i would bet😘. Missy-you’ve got this. One day at a time and time flies! Sherryeb-you pretty thing, thank you1. SIK-i wish a pic should show how truly healthy i feel and I’ve got some medical conditions that are pretty serious but i dont even feel them. To the rest of you thank you and thank you. I was pretty excited today. Usually the scale is like disgusting medicine to me. Have to do it but dont want to if anyone else feels like that i sure understand🤪 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
God is definitely smiling on you. :) I can sometimes feel peopel bring God with them when they come into a room and I definitely feel it with you. I am sorry for your tribulations and I am in awe of your progress, and encouraged by your success. bless you for everything you are, you're such a lovely person. 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: Bubbles McBubble
as an owner of long hair, i sure can relate 🤣🤣 its either stuck in something or there's something stuck in it.  
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: kaylinrenee
congratulations to you and you look fabulous by the way.  
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: buenitabishop
Bubbles thanks i think thats one of the best things anyone has ever said to me. God is my rock, starts and ends there. Don’t be sorry for tribulations it could always be so much worse. Im happy. I have a child (well she’s 33) i absolutely am in awe of and adore and a husband i feel the same about. Im so lucky, my life is very full. And puppies (well grown up dogs i refuse to acknowledge are grown)!! Buenita, i sure do wish you could cook for me. Your food looks so yummy always, mine is so boring and bland most of the time. Sigh. Xoxo 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
What a wonderful accomplishment! Your story is very motivating. Congratulations 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: Fritzy 22
Happy for you!! Great picture! You look healthy, beautiful and are glowing!! LOVE the sun glasses! 
2023年 05月 12日 投稿者: StormsGirl
Amazing! You should be so very proud of yourself!! 
2023年 05月 13日 投稿者: immort777





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