Colonoscopy went well this morning. No polyps and no cancer! I did have some internal and external hemorrhoids (which I have had for several years - no biggie) and I had some diverticula (but not inflamed, so no problem). Thankful to God for the good report, and that I didn't have to stay in limbo waiting for results!

Getting the IV in was brutal. Two different people had to try, and they both put on the tightest tourniquets I have ever seen! I'm always pretty hard to get an IV into, but with having done the colon prep, I was slightly dehydrated which added to the problem.

When they put in the sedative into the IV line, it burned like my hand was on fire! They said it doesn't bother some people at all, but I had a REALLY hard time waiting for the sedative to finally kick in (which probably only took about six seconds).

Other than that, it was a breeze.

Had a Diet Coke with a glass full of ice and a straw waiting for me in a cooler in the car! Had one more glass when I got home, but am now switching over to get in my last six bottles of water for the day. I know some of my followers are dead set against me having DC, but I'll get there - all in a matter of time. PBPWMGINFWMY. Remember that from buttons many years ago? Please Be Patient With Me, God is Not Finished With Me Yet.

That about sums it up. Sorry to be posting so many times in a day. Just thought y'all might want to know how the procedure went.

40 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Praise be! Very happy to hear all went well and good report! 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: catwmncat
I remember when I went through mine. I didn't lose anything I gain. the prep I had was different than any I've had in the past I actually gained. it was like something was in that drink. I'm not sure. But anyway, you have been doing a wonderful job. Just keep up the good work. 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: ladytanker
Glad everything checked out well! They always have an awful time getting IV's in me also. I have tiny thin veins...haha only thing thin on me...Last time I was all bruised up as it took 7 tries. They kept apologizing and I kept saying it's ok, try again through gritted teeth.  
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: Rckc
Great news! 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: Javadali
Happy all is well. I love that PBPWMGINFWMY. 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: meonadiet
Love the good report! 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: liz-andra
thanks for the update 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: dboza
Great to know your are well! Except for the IV :( Go girl!!!  
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: tmarga
Glad to hear the update, and it's actually a good report. 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: Snowwhite100
Glad your colonoscopy was good...had mine a couple weeks ago and had pretty much the exact same! 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: hjwd72
Glad it went well. Hope you are relaxing the rest of the day. 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: jeannieselby
Hate that procedure! It saved my life once...twenty years ago...and year or so...I have to have it done again. So there is that. Rest. Enjoy the good news🤷🏻‍♀️ 🏆🤣🏆 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: Judyrose1997
EVery year! 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: Judyrose1997
You are so lucky! 👏🙌 It saved my life three years ago and it saved my life 1 week ago, again. Runs in families, I was told. I lost a cousin to colon cancer. Now I need to do it every 2 years. 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: INF
I'm so happy you had excellent results!! I've lost family to colon cancer, and my sister was diagnosed stage 3 at 39. She's a survivor (by the grace of God). Us siblings are now on a 5-year check, and that's OK ... catch it soon and you can survive. 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: Joleen2012
I'm a BIG diet soda drinker(mostly Diet Pepsi), but over the last month and a half, I have only had one a day most days. Used to be the only thing I drank, and could easily drink a 6 pack of 16.9 ounce bottle or more. Now replaced it with water and drink between 3 - 6 bottles of water daily. 
2021年 06月 23日 投稿者: keiann
So glad you got a good report. God is good!! I gave up all carbonated drinks a few years ago. I don't miss them at all. I did get a root beer a year or so ago because it was on tap and I thought it would taste like I remember from the soda fountain of my childhood. Couldn't drink it, sickening sweet. 2 sips and I was done.  
2021年 06月 24日 投稿者: rhontique
Clean bill of health is worth a million bucks. Congrats! 
2021年 06月 24日 投稿者: troutymctrouttrout
my moms needs to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy...really scared  
2021年 06月 24日 投稿者: Darkwolffx
@Darkwolffx, tell your mom not to be scared of the procedure. The colonoscopy itself is a breeze! You just lie on your side on a table (this hospital actually had you sit in a chair while they hook up your IV, blood pressure cuff, oxygen monitor - and they wheel you to the room, and the chair becomes a bed). Anyway, you lie on your side, and they put the anesthesia into your IV, and in less than 10 seconds you are sedated and don't have any idea what is being done to you. Afterward, you have no memory of the procedure. When is she having it done and what is her name. I will pray for her (and for you - it sounds like you are scared, too). Thanks everyone for all the great comments! Made me feel well-loved! 
2021年 06月 24日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins




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