Second day in a row of "real" exercise. Yesterday, I walked 1/4 of a mile (didn't do more, because I was wearing a backless sneaker, and with the uneven terrain, I was kinda unstable). Today, I wore proper shoes, and I walked 6/10 of a mile in 15 minutes. Not gonna win any records, but I'm making progress. @BeckyBaby65too inspired me yesterday by saying that she used to walk 5K's, and I realized that I could do that, too, just not all at one time! At my current rate of speed, I should be able to get it in easily within two WEEKS. Hey, it's better than NOT walking (which is what I "usually" do). Today, I listened to "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes while I walked. Got my motivation and physical exercise both checked off in one fell swoop. Making progress!

1691 kcal 脂質: 133.20g | たんぱく質: 71.55g | 炭水化物: 55.55g.   朝食: Eggland's Best Large Grade A Eggs, Great Value Pork Sausage Patty, Great Value Shredded Mild Cheddar Cheese, Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream, Truvia Sweetener (Packet), Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Herbal Tea. 昼食: Pearls Large Black Olives, Roma Tomatoes, Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing, Iceberg Lettuce (Includes Crisphead Types), Fresh Express Baby Spinach. 夕食: Chicken Super Soup. 軽食/その他: Peanuts, Kroger CARBmaster Peach Yogurt, Pecan Nuts, Atkins Endulge Chocolate Coconut Bar (MINUS Sugar Alcohol). もっと...
2757 kcal 運動: 歩く(ゆっくり) - 時速3km - 15 分, 勉強 - 2 時間   30 分, 家事 - 40 分, 料理 - 20 分, 休憩 - 9 時間   15 分, 睡眠 - 11 時間. もっと...

20 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Way to go Debbie! Loving your motivation right now 🥰 awesome way to ring in the new year!!! 
2019年 12月 31日 投稿者: PurpleAsh93
going to be starting my exercise too. trying to suck up to it 
2019年 12月 31日 投稿者: feezyswavy
2019年 12月 31日 投稿者: liv001
DON'T YOU FEEL GREAT? Woo hoo lady! :0) 
2019年 12月 31日 投稿者: binkytexas
@freezyswavy, I find that just TALKING to people on here about exercising helps to motivate me! I wouldn't say I feel "great" yet, @binkytexas, but I'm pretty proud of myself for at least getting out there. Wouldn't it be amazing if this was the year I actually began to LIKE exercising!!! 
2020年 01月 1日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
Thank you, @ashleyrestani. I'm so grateful that the Lord has given me the motivation I needed to get back on track. It's been a LONG time OFF the wagon, and it feels really good to be back ON again instead of just watching other people gallop past. 
2020年 01月 1日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
Slow n steady wins the race! You got this!💜🙏💪 
2020年 01月 1日 投稿者: Diana 1234
Debbie-- I would love to do some 5K's !! Have to build my lungs back up. Nice getting out there and moving! Baby steps and you will make it!! LOL the right shoes do help.....  
2020年 01月 1日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Exercise is so important not only weight control but mental health. Get a group of friends or neighbors together to meet up and walk. Debbie Cousins, I think your husband is a minister, start a “walking” crew of parents and their kids, young teens and older adults. Make it a church goal to see how many pounds you can collectively lose by summer or Christmas. Talk, socialize, help the kids build good habits. You have to make any type of exercise enjoyable some how or you won’t stick with it. Exercise is usually the number 1 thing that is suggested to treat almost any malady including depression and other mental health issues. Simple walking actually changes your brain chemistry. 
2020年 01月 6日 投稿者: Kenna Morton
And we're at that time of the dark winter where our brain chemistry needs all the help it can get!  
2020年 01月 6日 投稿者: erikahollister




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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