New low!! Had to record it because it's the first one I've had in the last 23 days lol. This is an epic success considering I had a graduation party, then a birthday party to attend yesterday. They both sucked.

I started off my day with some eggs and toast followed by a 3.5 mile walk. First exercise I've gotten in what seems like forever. I ended up with these enormous blisters on the insides of both my big toes. I do not understand that at all. I am a runner, why am I getting blisters now... during a walk?? I'm clueless, but they freaking hurt like hell. By the time I got back to my vehicle they had already ruptured and the skin had been rubbed off. Ouch! I was starving after so when I went to the store to get gifts for the parties I also grabbed a greek yogurt and a rev wrap. No need to be starving at the party, right?

The graduation party was fine, it was my brother-in-laws daughter. I guess she's my niece lol but I'm only nine years older than her. I didn't really know anyone there, and I'm a little socially awkward so I just coasted through it. I ate half of a hamburger and some potato salad. I don't know about anyone else, but it seems rude to me not to eat especially when someone is working so hard to get all that food ready. Oh, and there was this weird incident where I was sitting on a bench watching my son play on the playground and I look over to see a seven year old girl butt as naked in the sandbox... no idea where her parents were, I grabbed my son and got the hell out of there.

My sister's birthday party was an entirely different story. My mom and brother were drunk upon my arrival. My brother especially was making an ass out of himself in front of my poor grandma and aunts/uncles. Jesus freakin Christ. My mom gave me shit about being late to her party. It was a disaster. At one point my mom and brother were arguing about who was going to go to town to get more tequila because they were both drunk... I went. I needed out anyway lol. When I got back it was still more BS, my brother was screaming at the kids, made a bad joke about 'needles' and I left. Just like that, up and out. DONE. WTF is a matter with these people??? I wanted to load up not just my son, but my sister, and my step sisters three children and take them all home. Those kids deserve popcorn and a movie, not jerry springer live. The poor babies. It felt wrong to leave them all because I kind of feel like I needed to babysit them, but I have to save myself, right?? OH, at that party I had a chicken breast on a bun and one deviled egg. My sober mom had chicken breasts because she knows I'm trying to do better on my intake. Very kind of her. She's in there somewhere and she loves me....

Today, thank the sweet baby jesus in heaven, is entirely dedicated to my husband and I. We are going to do whatever we want, no family obligations, no drama. At the party my step sister (SS) was fighting with her husband something fierce. Really makes me appreciate the relationship I have with my husband. Aside from minor annoyances that I'm sure every wife has, we get along extremely well. He has never called me a name or disrespected me, let alone in public. Last night I heard SS's husband called her bad names at least a dozen times. I don't know why she puts up with it, especially with three young boys around. Those boys might be the closest thing I ever get to being an aunt, so I'm going to try to be more involved with them this summer. Might do them some good to spend a little time with a couple that doesn't hate each other...

So after all that craziness I came home last night and had a few glasses of wine with my husband. We talked about our crazy ass families, and the loss of our good friend. Thank god for my husband and his love and support.

Went to bed last night and almost immediately was slammed with the most intense pain on my left side from the middle of my chest all the way down to my hips. I'd put It at about an 8 on the pain scale. My husband gave me some gas ex, I don't know if it worked or not but eventually the pain faded away. I'm more inclined to believe that it was a really bad IBS thing, but I don't know. Monitored my heart rate to make sure my heart wasn't going all crazy but it was fine. Sucks not having health insurance lol. Should we go to the ER? IDK, flip a coin :)

Now that all of that is behind me, I am looking forward to a happy day, with, of course, spot on intake. I will be weighing in more often to keep me on track, and look forward to another new low next week.

I hope you are all having a good weekend!!!

83.0 kg これまでの減量分: 46.7 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1368 kcal 脂質: 48.16g | たんぱく質: 90.43g | 炭水化物: 143.17g.   朝食: Beatrice Skim Milk, Malt-O-Meal Coco Roos Lightly Sweetened Corn Puff Cereal with Real Cocoa, Coffee-Mate Original Powder Creamer. 昼食: Lakeland Hamburger Bun, Trader Joe's Marinated Chicken Breasts. 夕食: Great Value Wavy Cut Potato Chips, Johnsonville Bratwurst Patty (115g). 軽食/その他: Jell-O Sugar Free Fat Free Instant Chocolate Fudge Pudding Mix, Great Value Greek Nonfat Yogurt - Plain. もっと...
週に0.1 kg減量中

17 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Wow... I'll never complain about my relatives again.. What a disaster. I'm so glad you have support at home. Take care. 
2014年 06月 22日 投稿者: dboza
Congrats on the new all time low. Very Nice! Crazy family, they sound familar unfortunately. But that sounded like a disaster, poor kids. Find out what that pain was and take care of yourself. No more coin flipping if it happens again. 
2014年 06月 22日 投稿者: ChicaLean
I'm so happy you lost a pound. Not seeing that this morning would have been tough for you, given the circumstances. Your family puts the funk in disfunktion. :| I'm glad we're all here to support each other in these little ways. You're a good kid. You don't deserve what you're dealing with.  
2014年 06月 22日 投稿者: northernmusician
Wow! Bet you are glad when you get home after being around all that! I bet you really appreciate your hubby! Good job on the weight loss.  
2014年 06月 22日 投稿者: kattay
Oh my, family drama...good for you to cut your losses and get the H out of there. Sorry how it made you feel about the kids you left behind. Scary on the pain you had last night. I know what it's like not having health insurance. Since you are alive and well this morning, I'm going to venture that you were correct about the IBS flare. What a relief! I've had that happen myself. Hurts like HECK!! Enjoy your day with your husband.  
2014年 06月 22日 投稿者: gilliansings
You needed to leave your brother's presence with your children. They do not need to be exposed to that. They are the ones that you are responsible for. The other children are not may want to protect them...but they have their parents to do that. Keep that in mind! Watch yourself with your health. What happened with ObamaCare and your family? How is it that you do not have insurance? I have been there with my family when we were a young married couple so I totally understand. However, now they have told us that no one is supposed to be without insurance. Guess they were wrong and people are still slipping through the cracks of what is affordable and do-able with other bills. 
2014年 06月 22日 投稿者: kmunson
Congrats on loss! Families can be a pain at times. You were right to leave and take care of you and your child.  
2014年 06月 22日 投稿者: MomjjjaLou
You made the right choice. You had to leave. It is a shame we can't protect everyone in the world but you are doing what you can to protect those you are responsible for. It would be more sad if your kids got the impression that the type of scene they witnessed was normal. Sending hugs your way. :) 
2014年 06月 23日 投稿者: alexzwk
Congrats on the new low! Sucks about the family though. At least you were strong enough to get your own kids out of there. You can't save everyone but you can at least make sure you protect your own.  
2014年 06月 23日 投稿者: Ms Elizabeth
Congrats on your new low and for taking care of yourself. I don't know why people act like that in front of children. I hope you have a great drama free week. I guess I don't get the lack of health care thing b/c i thought that's what obamacare was supposed to take care of? I'm just asking b/c I thought that's what everyone was supposed to do to have some coverage. Maybe it's not as easy as everyone thinks. 
2014年 06月 23日 投稿者: ny_shelly
How 'calm' it must feel to have that time with your husband today. I, too, find such peace when I know I can come home to someone that I don't have to explain myself to. Enjoy your day. 
2014年 06月 23日 投稿者: mgrill
This is the point where I should be able to respond with something insightful, inspiring and encouraging but all I can think is 'holy smoke... Wow... WTF... OMG...' This is crazy! Love the graphics - perfect with the story! Congratulations on surviving all that! 
2014年 06月 23日 投稿者: FullaBella
Wow, what a weekend. You need a day off just for you. Plus I agree with FullaBella 
2014年 06月 23日 投稿者: SherrieC
Ummm, have to be honest here and say I don't know what to say when it comes to some people allowing their children to run around naked around strangers. It's like asking for problems. Other than that sounds like you are still doing very well and about the blisters, I always rub Vaseline on my feet before putting on my shoes for walking. I've not had a problem with blisters since starting to moisturize my feet, doesn't help much with my Plantar Fac... whatever that is that plagues my foot.  
2014年 06月 23日 投稿者: LadyBea40
Hi Yolanda, just caught up on your last few journals. So very sorry to hear about your friend. It is just awful when friends or loved ones pass unexpectedly, and especially in such a heartbreaking manner. I am also sorry to hear your brother isn't living up to his promises. It seems like you are holding it together despite all of the different stress sources going on right now. Keep it up! Sending good thoughts your way!  
2014年 06月 23日 投稿者: megmonster
Glad you made it through all that crap, Yolanda! My sister and I always talk about how crazy our families (in laws included) are and then wonder - wait, are we sure we're the normal ones?! There's a lot more of crazy than the two of us! Lol! Thanks for the laughs this am. Hope you're feeling better! 
2014年 06月 26日 投稿者: Kiki8123





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