Well, it's definitely 'Walk Anywhere You Need to Go Today' Thursday because I am wearing perfectly matched underwear befitting sex or a car wreck. And as I'm not even dating, well, even Jimmy the Greek wouldn't take that action. Then again, maybe I should dash back and shave my legs in either case.

Which makes me think about how I was advised during dating versus now-a-days. Back then it was 'make sure he buys you at least three nice meals before...' Hey, maybe that's part of my weight issue! LOL.

Regardless, I considered it a gift from my underwear Angel because I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday when I endured the day feeling as if my long-line posture bra was trying to strangle me. Now we gals know usually the underwear doesn't shrink. But it had to. My pants, blouses, etc., still fit. EITHER WAY .. as advised by Roth... I am not going to wear clothes that don't fit. I will not shake or squeeze myself into anything. It makes my body rebel.

Insistent I wasn't going to spend another day like yesterday, while dressing this morning I said 'Ok.. Angel... help me pick out some underthings that still make me feel good about myself' and Voila. Everything matched. That rarely happens.

So enough mentioning of the unmentionables. What else is going on?

Your thoughts, comments, sharing, insight, inspiration and empathy on my journal the other day ~ still touching me. I have gone back and reread your gifts more times than you'd believe. Thank you. While I'm sorry so many of you experience the same thing it was comforting to know I'm not completely insane. Just partially. And yeah, I did think of the 'Runaway Bride' scenario but forgot to consider this time my gift instead of task. Yay me.. I get to really discover who I am. I may get a T-Shirt that reads 'yes, at this age, I finally have the time to find myself ... so watch out.' I may start at square one ~ like in First Grade.

During one of my 'extreme, mindless web surfing' sessions the other day I saw an article about Apple Cider Vinegar reducing belly fat and as that seems to be my Achilles abdomen lately for whatever inexplicable reason I thought I'd give it a try as the reports showed true results in blind studies. Sure, there's exercise, but there's also reality with my history that includes 4 previous massive weight losses, age, gravity, and blood sugar issues. What can it hurt, right?

I know 'nothing' is a quick weight loss magic pill. I'm not expecting that I'll have a bikini body or can start eating Ritz Crackers by the sleeve again (that comes to mind because a kid in the shop had one yesterday ... a whole sleeve of them.. and I so wanted to ask for one. Thank you Universe for giving me the maturity to refrain from asking a child for one of her crackers!) But I also liked the many other health benefits listed from helping restore hair growth and making a great bath soak. It reminded me of the health benefits associated with coconut oil.

But in the usual bizarre haphazard way of everything I do .. I just bought a bottle and took a big swig of it last night while cooking dinner. Yes, in my house, with just me, I drink from the bottle, carton, whatever. I'll go back to being polite when I share my space again, okay!

But drinking pure ACV? Wrong. Oh. So. Wrong. It should be diluted.. I read later.. as I was wondering if I was going to hurl. Today I diluted it, am sipping it as I type this, and will concede it's not half bad. It may be an acquired taste like tonic water. When I first began drinking 'that' for my nightly leg cramps it seemed gross too; basically slammed down while I nearly held my nose, like medicine. Now, I enjoy it in a nice wine glass in the evening, like a special beverage.

Interesting massage yesterday. She was really working my shoulders deep - as they are evidently the worst pain I'm carrying. While she did her magic, I tried to work mine with meditation. Some of the time I was so focused on food it was maddening. I lay there, eyes closed, zoning out on the music as if I were in complete savasana (the closest I've been to yoga in a while) but mentally I was thinking about nachos and chinese and burgers, oh my! But nothing really lasts mentally for me during a massage because the deep tissue release always sends other inexplicable memory flashes thru me and I lose my train of thought. People, locations, situations.. all random from years ago .. pop up and I think 'now where in the heck was THAT stored? Why am I thinking of that person that time at that place?'

So after a while mentally sampling the junk food menu I decided to put the time to good use and started trying to get my mind and emotions to work in sync with the physical therapy I was receiving. I decided to conclude this extreme pain I'm in lately is unwanted negativity trapped in my body, like a clogged pipe full of .. well.. you know. And with each pressure, each manipulation of my body, it was being released. To the air, out of my fingertips and the soles of my feet. I began repeating 'out you go .. pain be gone.. out...' like some naked prone Lady MacBeth.

Negative energy is a life force. It hovers and lingers. When I finally turned to supine, it was in the room .. as if it had left my body but wanted to hang around for one last chance. I could feel it. Evil energy. And my spirit sagged.

Usually during this part of the massage we have a short dialogue (I SO love that she's quiet the rest of the time, and she loves that *I* am too!) but I remained quiet and went back to work on my energy. I upped my silent chanting to include 'out of this room, out of this building, out of my life' and truly felt it happen.

And color this complete coincidence or Karma and The Universe colliding but as the massage ended and I dressed we had the most UNEXPECTED thunderstorm burst open dropping inches of water and winds bending the trees you'd ever imagine! It was something straight out of The Witches of East Wick.

The masseuse was so worried about me getting wet. I laughed and took off my beautiful strappy high heeled Italian sandals and dashed to the car barefoot. Yeah, I cared more about my shoes than my hair. LOL.

For the rest of my evening, I made a huge pot of turkey vegetable soup. Played with Mushy. Slept really well. Woke today to sunshine and puttered around with my flowers to the point I thought I'd be late dressing for work hence being so thrilled with my dressing Angel stepping in.

Wishing you all a wonderful day. Thank you for stopping by to visit with me.


PS... I am considering administering my own challenge for the first time ever. So a short poll here: anyone wanna join it?

81.6 kg これまでの減量分: 47.6 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

6 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Lol about the napping challenge.... Re the 'undergarments' .... Nothing like nice under wear to make you feel good. It's one thing I love, and I always try and 'match' albeit,mine have lots and lots of white, which all goes together. A few turquoise and peach.... Oh and a smattering of black.... Mmm I really just get some pink lol 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: Sk1nnyfuture
After noon dear...love the pics and cartoons...I also love Ritz crackers...Enjoyed this journal too...you make me think and that's a good thing...some times I just feel numb with life...and have no reactions like I used to...you know like weeks before I am to see my family..I would have butter flies from the expectation of it all...now well...lets just say I am glad I get to go...but it doesn't excite me as much...getting old I guess...LOL....enjoy your matching undies...(smiling)...:O)  
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: BHA
I would so love a napping challenge. And with my schedule, it would actually be a tough one to stick with...but I'd love to give it a try. I applaud your restraint about the Ritz crackers. I find that I do "one for you, two for me" when I dish them out to my kids - LOL. Thanks for the smiles, today. 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: mgrill
huh.. my undies never match. It's hard to find a bra to go with spiderman. Maybe I can find a bat man one then I can flash my bat signals. Maybe I need fancy undies that don't involve jokes or super heroes. Then again I keep getting knocked up so maybe I need ones with locks. As for dating.. I think you need a farmer. Yup uh huh. Farmers are the way to go. I've even got a website you can try out to window shop whats out there. I got one and now the cow poop hides the hair on my legs :) No need to shave. I lost where I was going with this so I'm just gonna shut up now. 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: Ms Elizabeth
Yes! Nap challenge! I'm in. I sooo miss naps from my college. Now that I work until 5, a mid-evening nap often just means early bedtime! I also love your massage story. I feel the same way about negative energy, but I can't seem to shake my rainclouds yet. You are making me regret my decision to not bring yoga cloths to work - that may have done the trick. I love home remedies and read about ACV helping other things (candida overgrowth & bacterial stuff) but I just can't imagine myself stomaching it, even diluted. Which is silly because I honestly don't think I've ever tried it alone. Matching unmentionables - may have to treat myself to a pair soon! :) 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: megmonster
edit: *from my college days.*  
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: megmonster
Thanx.. love the pics 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: dboza
Well, here's an update on 'that which shouldn't be mentioned' - I guess I was so excited about the matching I forgot to put on a blouse. Don't panic - I had a cami type tank on but USUALLY I wear a blouse of some sort - if only a tank top - over that. And worse, it was nearly 2pm when I realized it. (I had a nice cotton jacket on so it's not like anyone saw anything). And triple worse... I said 'meh, been this long ... not going to do anything about it.  
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: FullaBella
Oh Bella, you make me laugh, with you sweetheart not at you. No blouse on, matching underwear in case you get lucky or get in a car wreck. Only you could put it like that. I'm glad you had neither. Don't want you in a car wreck and you aren't ready for sex yet. Well sex might be great but you, and I mean you,though women in general, have a hard time separating the act of gratification from emotion. You sound like you are in a better place today, and I'm glad. Me too :) Re that kind of under garment, I bought a belly holder in thingie for the new dress my daughter bought me. Took a pic wearing it and one without it on. You couldn't tell the difference so I ditched the piece of torture equipment, I mean tummy tamer :) Wish we could all get sensible. Se we have squishy bits, the guys have to have something to lay down on, or hold on to, and we need cushions to sit on :) Did you ever remember what book by Roth you were reading in the library? 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: sarahsmum
Love your thoughts Bella 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
LOL Bella..your a mess...but I love that about you....:O) 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: BHA
Count me in for napping challenge . Past that one with flying colors. 
2014年 06月 19日 投稿者: Char60
Lol Bella. You 😈. Love it ... You'll be streaking next 
2014年 06月 20日 投稿者: Sk1nnyfuture
Love the matching undies, sometimes it's the littlest things that make us the happiest. Word of caution with the AVC .... keep ginger handy to counter its effects. lol 
2014年 06月 20日 投稿者: 2toofat
Bahahaha! Totally awesome - this journal is vintage Bella! I could care less if my unmentionables match or not; as long as it's clean and cotton I'm good. Take care of yourself and have a lovely weekend! Thanks for sharing a little piece of yourself with us. 
2014年 06月 20日 投稿者: Josie Ann
Dairyfarmer'swife, love your comments!? Lived in the country for years, not farming but in the midst of farming. Loved it! Now in the city but would love to go back to the country. Job is in the city. Uck! I need to go bra shopping, not my fav thing to do.  
2014年 06月 20日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Well, in Bellawood today I managed to match the undies AND wear a blouse today. No ritz crackers yet but did order pizza as grandson was here today - only 3 slices.. not bad. But my body definitely feels the 'lack of nutrition' from that as far as lasting power compared to something with more protein and fewer processed carbs. I have done my country/farmer/dairy cattle/beef cattle time.. thank you very much. While I'm not a girly girl, I'm definitely a city gal hopefully for the rest of my life. The ACV was more tolerable today than yesterday but I am downing the whole bottle in one drinking - not favoring the sipping just yet. I did feel a bit better today than the past couple of days but am not sure if it's the B12 lozenges I started the same day as the ACV or both. Maybe that PLUS I rinsed with listerine the other night and thought my mouth was going to burst into flames it burned so bad... so I'm thinking infection. Each day the burning has decreased - either I'm healing or the lining of my mouth is gone, LOL. And finally, the Roth book I was reading in the library was Appetites: On the Search for True Nourishment but again, I only read the first couple of chapters. I may have to read the entire book. Someday. Something to live for, aye? 
2014年 06月 20日 投稿者: FullaBella
Bella.Love.your.journals! Thanks for the name of the Roth book! 
2014年 06月 21日 投稿者: Deb_N
Yeah for matching undies... You never know, when they will be 'exposed'... So it'd good to be prepared lol. Glad the throat is improving... At least I hope it us, rather than going numb :-). Hope you enjoys those 3 slices of pizza :-) 
2014年 06月 21日 投稿者: Sk1nnyfuture
I rarely have matching undies.. basic bras white, beige, black,: I am retiring some hot pink some color of greenish blue. underwear might be anything! I don't worry bout iy.  
2014年 06月 21日 投稿者: wholefoodnut





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