My last fake weigh in. Next Friday we will all know how I have truly done over the last six weeks. Don't expect anything too epic lol.

I have had an odd day. It started off with having to return a phone call to my grandma. This was hard, and I had a lot of anxiety about it because this is the first time I've spoken to her since my mom told her about my brothers addiction, and rehab. It went well. I was open and honest, I told her how hard it has been on me, and how overwhelming everything has been the last week. My grandmother is the strongest woman I know and I think that just by listening she transferred a little of that strength to me. I felt better.

The I had my sons preschool pizza picnic to attend at the reservoir. I don't really know any of the other preschool moms, so I expected to sit there like a bump on a log until it was time to go. Wrong again. Another mom walked up to me and commented on how much weight I've lost since the beginning of my sons first year (2012). I was flattered. She said she never wanted to say anything but since it was the last time we would see each other she would go for it lol. What is it about it being the last chance that makes people so bold? Perhaps its because if it goes badly then at least you don't have to see that person again. I don't know, but I told her to look me up on FB and maybe we can get together during the summer, as our sons are very fond of each other.

I also had a long conversation with my sons teacher. She has invited me to her Zumba classes, and I honestly think I will take her up on it. We talked and talked and talked, and I ended up confiding to her about my brother, my sister and everything in between. This was a faith based preschool, so now I can expect a lot of prayers coming my way; I am grateful. It was nice to let it out, to tell people how overwhelmed I have been. I could almost feel the pressure release. I'm looking forward to meeting the ladies she spoke of in her zumba class. I guess they are a lively bunch, also very into their faith. She also has a prayer support page she is inviting me to in case I would like to share there. I can breathe again. I have been praying and praying, maybe this is a direction I have been meant to head. I was never an overly-religious individual, but I was raised with it, and I'm a believer.

The weight off of my shoulders is immense. I hope it lasts.

On an unrelated note, my husband and I put an ad on a FB garage sale page to try and get rid of some kittens... fail. I will never be able to get rid of these kittens if I immediately dismiss anyone who shows interest. In my defense these people seem young and insanely immature... yes I looked at their pages. Don't judge me lol. I want these guys to go to good forever homes. I'm afraid of them ending up with a 'flipper'. You know, the kind of person who tosses them off once they've lost their luster. I didn't work so damn hard to save these guys just for them to live a crappy life. I'm just going to start wearing a shirt that says, "I lost one hundred pounds, give a kitten a good home and I'll teach you how!" That ought to work.

Anywho, I have to do some cleaning, pick up my daughter and finish out my day. Sorry I am late to the party :-) I hope you are all having wonderful days!

85.7 kg これまでの減量分: 44.0 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

657 kcal 脂質: 30.94g | たんぱく質: 32.58g | 炭水化物: 63.77g.   朝食: Coffee-Mate Original Powder Creamer, Egg, Bertolli Olive Oil, L'oven Fresh 100% Whole Wheat Bread (25g). 昼食: Little Caesars Pepperoni Pizza. もっと...

6 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Uhm... nix on the Tshirt.. I'd be the reader wondering if you lost weight eating cats. Yes, my sense of humor is just that sick. Your journal is so uplifting yet depressing ME all at the same time. Grace invited me to 'ladies night' the other night and I had that 'great.. bump on the log' reaction but didn't go - even when she dangled a carrot in front of me ala 'one of the ladies coming has been to Italy .. she can give you the insider track' but again..No. Hopefully that wasn't MY LAST chance ... next time I'll be as brave as if it were so I can put on my big gal panties and go. Glad to read you're doing well. You were brave, did it, and it rewarded you. Inspiring. 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: FullaBella
I have a habit of avoiding social situations, constantly. Especially when I'm depressed. Classicrocker journaled about sticking with living, even though she is depressed and that has kind of been my mantra. I'm going to keep doing what I need to do and try to stay optimistic about it, even if the day ends in tears and ice cream. I will not stop living, this will pass. Much love Bella <3 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
Bless you for saving the kitties and doing whatever you can to make sure they get a good home! 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: Hezhturann
I would have bought the shirt!! lol!! As for the kitten problem I know your situation all too well!! I have a slew of ferals I feed, and I have a house full of saved, rescued, etc. cats. I want them to go to good homes too. I've talked to a local rescue, and their advice is to ask a fee for them. That will get rid of most of the flippers, baiters and feeders. I'm working on an application to have for would be adopters. I want to make sure that they are willing to do what is necessary to raise and care for these babies!! Glad all went well with the graduation, and glad you got a good pressure release! As always, keeping you in my prayers!! (((HUGS))) 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: pumakitten
You're on the featured page!!! 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: FullaBella
So happy to hear some of the stress is lifting. Isn't it amazing how talking things out and airing those stresses helps? I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: mgrill
Glad to hear the stress is starting to relieve and that you're still getting out there and doing social things! Sometimes it's hard to get outside of our own heads when we just want to shut ourselves in. You're doing fantastic :) 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: PepperMill
I'm so glad you were able to get some of that stress out and the picnic went well. I'm usually that mom who doesn't know anybody and ends up sitting alone. I try to be friendly, but it seems like everyone else already knows each other from other things. It's hard making friends as an adult, so if you have found some positive people, keep in touch with them, it will be nice to have people to talk to, well besides us. :) I hope you can find good homes for your kitties. If we were closer, I know of a perfect home for a kitty with a lady I work with. Good luck!! 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: mars2kids
Sounds like you had a nice time at the pizza shindig and are making new friends! Good stuff. Glad you got to talk to your grandma, fill her in and get a bit of a shoulder to lean on. I was going to suggest asking a shelter how they weed out 'flippers' but Puma beat to it! Good idea! It's ok to be a cat lady - but just remember the bigger they get to the more they poop! ack! Hahaha. I love the car sticker - have pinned that before, it makes me smile every time. Have a lovely weekend! 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: megmonster
OMG the pictures are just to funny. I am so glad that you had a great time and met some really good people. I must say Thank You for being particular when it came to where the kittens were going. That shows so much passion and concern for the animals. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: SherrieC
I never bothered to put a new weight in just trained self to ignore the glaring warning! Not weighing was horrible to first week, but I adapted (and it got much easier once I phycially chucked the scale. If mama ain't weighing...ain't nobody weighing. Have a great rest of the night and I'm SO glad talking to your Gran offered some relief. Sometimes a little conversation and a listening ear is all we really need. :D 
2014年 05月 23日 投稿者: LuC2





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