I must say, FS doesn't seem to have much faith in me. Every time I go to the weigh in screen it automatically has the new weight box filled with a weight a couple pounds higher than my last weigh in. Haters gonna hate, I suppose lol. That's what the kids are saying nowadays. I'm creeping towards the eighties extremely slowly... or as I prefer to think of it, extremely stealthily! Wouldn't want to give myself away and scare them off. Tomorrow is the big day for me, so I will update my weight tomorrow if I weigh in less than today. Otherwise, I'll try again next week lol. That's the name of the game isn't it? "Maybe next week"

So my birthday plans have been turned upside down, and my husband is not excited about it. It was supposed to start out with me sleeping in and the hubs making brunch. (He told me that last night) However, he is now required to work on Saturday, so it will be more like me up at the crack of dawn with the kids juggling pop tarts. lol Cheesecake factory is out, yes it physically hurt me to say that. With my brother staying at my mothers I will not be leaving my kids at her house Saturday night, which means my husband and I need to come up with plans a little more child friendly. The Cheesecake factory is a long drive from home. Well played, universe, well played indeed.

I am not too disappointed though, I'm sure it will be... interesting :-). And I do find it insanely heartwarming to see how hard my husband tries to really make it special for me. He is so disappointed in the recent change of plans. What a sweetheart... an obtuse sweetheart who never picks up his socks or boots, but a sweetheart nonetheless.

Both of my children are on a two hour delay this morning due to fog. I'm grateful it's not snow! So that kind of jacks up my morning gym time idea, still trying to figure out how to work around that. I have nothing planed for dinner, so a trip to the store would be ideal, but I also want to go for a run. Ah, not enough time between the kids going to school and myself going to work. I'm also trying to sort out my food choices for tomorrow. I said I wasn't going to sweat it, and now I'm sweating it. lol I think I'm going to forgo dessert and opt for a bottle of wine instead. A nice dinner at red lobster perhaps, healthy protein packed choices. Brunch? Ah, why do we have to eat so many times a day?? lol I also plan on going to the gym tomorrow morning, the kids can chill in tot watch. All of these ideas are subject to change :-) At least I have happy things to ponder on while I'm working my way through my last work shift of the week. TGIF

Have a great day :-)
86.3 kg これまでの減量分: 43.5 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1518 kcal 脂質: 81.72g | たんぱく質: 95.13g | 炭水化物: 103.84g.   朝食: Amport Foods Roasted and Salted Soy Nuts, Great Value Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Coffee-Mate Original Powder Creamer. 昼食: Sargento Reduced Fat Colby-Jack Cheese Slices, Heinz Horseradish Sauce, Rump Roast, Nickles Light 35 White Bread. 夕食: Old El Paso Super Stuffer Taco Shells, Jason's Deli Tomato Slice, Bolthouse Farms Salsa Ranch Yogurt Dressing, Avocados, Borden Shredded Cheddar Cheese, Ortega Taco Seasoning Mix, HEB Extra Lean Ground Beef 96/4. 軽食/その他: Kellogg's FiberPlus Antioxidants Chewy Bars - Dark Chocolate Almond. もっと...
週に0.3 kg減量中

10 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Your weight just keep going DOWN... and DOWN... and DOWN... CONGRATs on your CONTINUED success, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY eve! :) 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: millerm40
With your wonderful attitude and flexibility I know whatever you choose will bring you a happy birthday. Have a wonderful time and I just love that phrase 'tot watch'.... cute. One thought or suggestion: food is always part of the socializing. It just doesn't have to be a high quantity. Brunch doesn't have to be a meal - it could be a beverage and one small shared appetizer. I think that's where the concept of 'eat six times a day instead of 3' get's skewed; people are thinking 'six meals' instead of 'six times'. ONe of those times could be as minimal as a babybel cheese and a bottle of water. 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: FullaBella
There will be other times when you and hubby will have the opportunity to get out and away without the kiddies. Then make that day your special celebration date. Sending love and hugs and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY. 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: ClassicRocker
In my family we always do a "birthday zone" for a few days before and few days after your birthday - that way when things come up you can always make it up a different day! (Also it elongates the time frame where everyone has to be nice to you.) Hope you have a great day!  
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: megmonster
Always love to read your journals! You're hilarious and spot on in describing some of my feelings at times. Sounds like you have a busy life, but at least a great hubby (well, except for the horror of not picking up socks and boots) to support you. Whatever you decide to do for your big day tomorrow, we are all rooting for you and cheering you on. Maybe if you think of all of us in our cheerleader outfits while you're eating you'll either be laughing too hard to eat everything on your plate, or a little freaked out by the site and lose your appetite. Happy birthday!! 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: Kiki8123
Though being alone with your hubby would have been nice...I think being with the kids will make it extra special. They are little for such a short time...enjoy the birthdays you get with them now. In not too many years they will be unable to be with you on your special day and then you and hubs can do whatever. Just advice from a Mom that spent her birthday without ANY family and had a wonderful time! 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: kmunson
Hope you still get some nice surprises for your birthday! 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: EmmaMaJig
Happy early Birthday!! My hubby and I always go out with the kids for our birthdays, the kids like to be able to celebrate birthdays with us. I'm sure they'll be excited to go out with you guys and it will be lots of fun! Go to the gym tomorrow, it can be your present to yourself. As for today, having the kids home can be a workout of it's own. Have fun Saturday!! :) 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: mars2kids
Stealthily...I like that. Makes me think of Simba (Lion King) learning to pounce. Attack that fat, Girl! 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: LuC2
Socks and boots. It's always the same thing with you women. That and you keep leaving the toilet seat down. Very annoying. ;) Keep up the stealth. Have some fun. I know you will. 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: northernmusician
Congratulations on your continued success in your journey, also enjoy your birthday. I am going to agree with Kmunson about celebrating your special day with your children. They do grow up so fast and your husband will be there for your birthdays but the children will not always be there. Have a great day :) 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: LadyBea40
They say everything happens for a reason, sometimes I think that I just a bunch of crap. Whatever happens you will have a great day, it's your day make it what you want. Have a great weekend 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: SherrieC
Heart warming. a great attitude 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: dreamsinart
It will all come together - you have a knack of making things happen. Have a great birthday weekend 🍰 
2014年 04月 4日 投稿者: Phooka





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