This last Christmas kilo is proving very stubborn. I have been counting calories but not 100% strict. I was also wondering if there was a lag due to lack of non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) because of lockdown? I am usually out and about much more than this. Even dog walks are curtailed due to icy pavements.
64.2 kg これまでの減量分: 0 kg.    残り: 1.2 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

23 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Anne think of your poor dog he needs his exercise to! 
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Chestnut63
She is still getting out Chesty, but I have to shuffle along instead of the usual stride out.  
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Anne_145
Anne keeping your balance isn't that good exercise?  
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Chestnut63
Yes, it is. When I am at the gym I do a lot of my exercises standing on a BOSU ball (a wobbly thing) and now that I am stuck at home I balance on a couple of house bricks. This forces you to engage many more muscles than when on a solid surface. It is also good for the brain! Sorry for the lecture. I am in that kind of mood today...... 
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Anne_145
Anne you can lecture me anytime, have you got any advice to lose belly fat please?  
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Chestnut63
Although I do not blame the lockdown it has been harder to lose the Christmas calories this year although I have lost 2kg in the last 4 days but it has now slowed only 0.1kg since yesterday but still moving can’t get food delivery until Monday which doesn’t leave a lot of options 
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: razor123ray
Oh, I hope you have some healthy staples in the larder, razor. At the moment, the highlight of my week is going to Morrison and that is without getting my poached eggs on toast when I get there. 
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Anne_145
Go you Anne, being inventive with the house bricks, what a great idea! I've seen lots of tricks recently because of lockdown,,,using tins of beans or bottles of water for weights for eg. Lots of ppl also doing planks or using the couch to do push ups and going on YouTube and searching old school aerobics videos to do ❤️ 
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Bootylicious1!
I’m sure it’s something like that. Restricted activity. Over the holidays I was out every day for a walk with the family, but of course now it’s back to work and home-school and my app tells me i’m using 100cals a day less than last week on average. Looking forward to a couple of good walks at the weekend to blow off the cobwebs. I’m sure your last bit will be dealt with soon. No sign of it in your last pic! 
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: JanusWoman
I miss my dressed crab from Morrisons 
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Gilly B
Reminds me of the thing we used to do as kids with a tin tray on top of a rolling pin lol 
2021年 01月 15日 投稿者: Gilly B





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