Hmm. Thought I reported in on my weight yesterday, but must have forgot to hit SAVE. Anyway, up to my highest in this upward swing. 241.5. In the past, 252 has been a wake-up call for me, because it means I have gained back HALF of the 100 pounds I lost after having gastric bypass surgery 15 years ago. Hoping I won't have to get that far to shake myself out of this madness. Everything ELSE in my life is going pretty well, Praise the Lord. Maybe I'll be motivated today and fold this basket of towels that has been sitting on the bench for almost a month! (All other laundry is clean and put away -- it's just this ONE basket that I can't seem to make myself take care of!) Hope everyone has a great weekend.
109.5 kg これまでの減量分: 7.9 kg.    残り: 41.5 kg.    ダイエット続き: 不十分.
週に1.6 kg増量中

15 人のサポーター    いいね!   

It’s a struggle isn’t it? We are here to support you! If the weather is good near you, take a little time for yourself outside. I truly believe in the power of nature. I’m doing a new thing (this time). I’m setting smaller goals that are in reach. My mental mantra is “you are doing great - every lb you lose, is a lb healthier! Even though I’m only losing 5 lbs a month - that is 5 lbs less than I was. Hang in there. The fact that you posted today already has you in a better place. 
2020年 07月 11日 投稿者: Skippy2Me
I get that one basket!! Hope you succeeded. I have gained also and this weekend is my new start.  
2020年 07月 11日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
How about enlisting the grandkids to fold the towels. I'm sure they use them when they use your pool. Teaching to fold a towel properly. I bet they just love spending time with you. May today be a blessed day. 
2020年 07月 11日 投稿者: PattiOB
Hi @PattiOB, I tried teaching my grand daughter (9), and she wasnn't buying it! My grandson is only 4, so it would be a little challenging, but I bet he'd probably give it a good try! He's coming over tomorrow, and I might just try that. He loves doing ANYTHING with me, you are right! @wholefoodnut, glad to hear you're reenergized qand starting afresh this weekend. All the best to you! @Skippy2Me, thanks for your kind response. It's been VERY hot here, but I'll have my grandson the next two days, so I'll make sure to get out into the swimming pool with him. 
2020年 07月 12日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins




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