NSV, friend I haven’t seen in 3-4 months asked if I lost weight. I actually gained m. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
60.7 kg これまでの減量分: 18.7 kg.    残り: 2.2 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1214 kcal 脂質: 71.02g | たんぱく質: 72.73g | 炭水化物: 69.10g.   朝食: Kroger Glazed Chocolate Donut Holes, Espresso Coffee, Organic Valley Organic Half & Half, Coffee. 昼食: Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream, Starbucks Pike Place Roast (Tall), County Line Meat Stick, Frigo Wisconsin Colby Jack Cheese. 夕食: Sushiya Sashimi, Southern Tsunami Sushi Bar Spicy Tuna Roll. もっと...
1679 kcal 運動: Fitbit - 24 時間. もっと...
週に0.6 kg増量中

2 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I’ve had the exact same reaction from people. Awesome right!! 
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: wifey9707
The best, wifey!!!  
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: moopie321
Lol I keep trying to see your progress and forgetting it’s private, there is another option to open it up to only followers and you get to approve who follows you. But remember that anything you post should be treated as public info.  
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: moopie321
Oh really? Tell me how? Please? But after all this drama, idk. Very nervous.  
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: wifey9707
On a computer go to FatSecret, click on settings, go to change you’re preference to share weight/journal/calendar with followers. Then go to followers to accept and decline the requests. I would be very wary of it too. Maybe wait until everything has calmed and goes back to normal.  
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: moopie321
Thanks Moopie. Can we inbox there privately without me being public? 
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: wifey9707
Inbox is private to other users, like dm on instagram or pm on facebook. 
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: moopie321
I think you can  
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: moopie321
Yeah I knew inbox is private, I meant can I inbox you if I’m a private acct. I should have explained better. Sorry. I’ll try soon when I get access to the iPad. Hang on 
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: wifey9707
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: wifey9707
Got it 
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: moopie321
Oh good!!  
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: wifey9707
Good!! I know that had to make you happy! 
2019年 05月 20日 投稿者: FullaBella
Yes, I’m not taking the most direct route to fatloss but learning a ton about what works for my body and mind. Clearing clutter and creating space in my home and schedule is important.  
2019年 05月 21日 投稿者: moopie321





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