well, I have been eating and drinking with gay abandon and it isn't over yet! I have also been hitting the gym a lot so I have bulked up a bit. My clothes feel tight so I am not going to weigh myself. I find it more motivating to focus on losing a bit before I weigh-in instead of punishing myself by weighing in when I know I am too heavy. I would say I have 2kg to lose before I can weigh in. I know that without going on the scales!

5 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I waited a few days before I weighed in too, it does work 😁 
2016年 12月 30日 投稿者: bowd65
If you've been maintaining gym time then you're ahead of the game there, and if not knowing/acknowledging your current weight feels happier for you then stay with that idea as long as you can Bunty, it says 'Just do it' not 'Just measure it' :-) 
2016年 12月 30日 投稿者: ARB0001
I like that, ARB - "Just do it not Just measure it" 
2016年 12月 30日 投稿者: Phooka
Thats a great phrase! I felt as though my policy of not weighing myself when I know I am over might be considered cheating and/or denial. Thanks for that support. 
2016年 12月 31日 投稿者: Anne_145
Sounds good to me. I think it just comes down to whatever motivates you best! Happy New Year! 
2016年 12月 31日 投稿者: heidij123





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