Wow! Thank goodness the birthday gala is over. Been good since saturday and hope to get things under control in time for the next round of indulgence........... don't want to go into christmas at this weight, need to lose at least 1kg before then. I can do it if I stay off the wine and chocolates.

4 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Yes you can do this. We've got to stay of the wine and chocolates. We don't need them.. a pile of a Pooooo X  
2016年 12月 6日 投稿者: Mrs Maths
You can, a week or two of military discipline and that weight will be off. Short-term stern for the loss you want. Go for it! 
2016年 12月 6日 投稿者: StrangeTrout
Totally agree, you don't need them, leave them alone!! 
2016年 12月 6日 投稿者: bowd65
short-term stern! I like that phrase. I will use that on my husband when he complains about the lack of alcohol come 6pm! 
2016年 12月 7日 投稿者: Anne_145
2016年 12月 7日 投稿者: StrangeTrout





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