Here is an interesting development (well, to me anyway!!) My husband, who is fit and healthy and slim has decided to cut out sugar from his diet. So he no longer brings in cakes, chocolates, puddings etc. This is great for me, less temptations.
However, I am substituting sweet snacks for savoury. eg oatcakes, cheese, marmite. I am eating as many, if not more calories than before. Does anyone have experience of this?

3 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Hi if your craving sweet stuff try a low calorie hot choc or some plain pop corn? Ive slso had friends that have drunk bovril or a low cal stock cube in hot water when theyve craved savoury... 
2016年 03月 10日 投稿者: klw89
Often it is not sweet stuff that I crave but simple carbs eg bread, pasta... Especially just before TOM :(  
2016年 03月 10日 投稿者: eclipsesolaire
I have had no trouble with the sweet stuff either. I am going mad for peanut butter, oatcakes, cheese and crisps. But I suppose that is still better than eating sugar? I am hoping it will settle down when the body has adjusted. 
2016年 03月 13日 投稿者: Anne_145
I think those items you mention are all high salt, which is potentially not good, but they go particularly well with a glass of wine 😁 Since I cut out wine at home, I find I don't create the snacks so much either. I have herb tea, and if I'm actually hungry anytime after dinner, I'll likely go for a low-fat/low-sugar yogurt, or a handful of dry breakfast cereal, or a can of pineapple slices drained and rinsed, or a no-sugar pot of jelly which is marvellous stuff, few calories, makes you feel full, and satisfied sweet cravings all in one go! Sometimes there are naughty nights, however... But that's a different story! 
2016年 03月 15日 投稿者: heidij123
Thats funny isn't it! Cutting out sweet stuff, then craving salt. Glad to report that the salty cravings are retreating and I haven't missed the sugar at all YET. It is strangely liberating not even looking at easter eggs or cake for my husbands birthday. (Not sure if you are on your sabbatical yet, Heidji but thought I would reply anyway!) 
2016年 03月 16日 投稿者: Anne_145
No I'm still here! Won't be off till mid-April, and will be popping in sporadically anyway! 
2016年 03月 17日 投稿者: heidij123





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