Tried to walk today and turned back within first 1/4 mile. So icy it was dangerous. Sure enough we get back from running errands and hubs slips in our driveway (which we had salted) and hurts his knee. It’s raining the roads are fine i think it’s just the sidewalks. Poor puppies are so disappointed. 2 days in a row no walk for them. Lil guy is beside himself.

1134 kcal 脂質: 46.55g | たんぱく質: 75.70g | 炭水化物: 114.16g.   朝食: Orgain protein powder, Baking powder, Swans Down Cake Flour, Chocolate Chips, Maple Grove Farms Pure Maple Syrup, Bananas, Vanilla Extract, Salt, Egg. 昼食: Dole Green Onion, Orgain protein powder, Baking powder, Swans Down Cake Flour, Chocolate Chips, Maple Grove Farms Pure Maple Syrup, Bananas, Vanilla Extract, Salt, Egg, Egg White, Kerrygold Aged Cheddar Cheese. 夕食: Orgain protein powder, Baking powder, Swans Down Cake Flour, Chocolate Chips, Maple Grove Farms Pure Maple Syrup, Bananas, Vanilla Extract, Salt, Egg, Darigold 2% Milkfat Cottage Cheese, Dijon Mustard, Kerrygold Aged Cheddar Cheese, Egg White, Strawberries. 軽食/その他: Kirkland Signature Unsalted Mixed Nuts, Lindt Lindor Truffle Balls. もっと...

39 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I hope your hubby is okay.  
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
No farmers market this month? 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Zoofeather
Zoofeather only in the summertime 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
Morticia i think he is okay. Lucky he is 45 and not 85 tho as he went straight down on kneecap. Think hes more mad at himself after warning me heavily. It was super slippery. How’s your husband doing with his treatment? And you? Prayers for you both. 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
Oh my. Must be leg problems week. I hit my leg yesterday at work and boy you should see the bruise on my thigh. I often get bruises from work but this one is severe. Hope your guys knee is going to be OK. I fell like that once walking and tripped in the sidewalk. It wasn’t due to ice and that knee gave me problems for a few years. No joke. 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: wifey9707
Wifey you wont believe it—-my girl was supposed to come for dinner after she got off work but just told me she fell and hurt her back on the ice taking her puppy out this morning. Crap. Be careful out there 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
Oh no! Hope he’s ok! 😬 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: StormsGirl
hope the hubs feels better soon! 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Asarver
Hubs feels fine my lil kiddo slipped on the ice and hurt her back so she’s not feeling so great storms and Ashley.. y’all be careful this winter 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
Oh no! And falling as we get older it takes longer to heal! LOL 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Redporchlady
Awe poor puppies ..but you've gotta be safe. Hope hubby's injury is mild! We are having what I call cold weather but nothing like what most of you are dealing with. It was 33 when I got up this morning...we've been using the fireplace every day . Stay warm friend!💜 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Diana 1234
Thank Diana. I walked yesterday when it was 22 but it rained overnight and froze so too dangerous today. Tomorrow is pt (my workout with trainer i still call pt😂) so im hoping i can do the 4 mile round trip walk there. Rpl right? Hubs is 45. Kid is 34 but still dont bounce up like a 13 year old. 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
when I can't exercise my dog physically I drain him mentally. I make a homemade enrichment, I roll up his kibble in a towel and make him work for his dinner...he loves it! 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: cknchick
Cknchick-great idea!! I took them in the car with me on errands today. That always knocks some of their energy down. 
2024年 01月 17日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
Oh no! I was slipping yesterday trying to get from my front door to my car for work 😬 I’m glad he’s not hurt too badly. But that’s also the same reason our son couldn’t walk the dog either. Last night after Bible study the parking lot was already frozen! Thankfully our son and some of the other teen boys and young men helped people to their cars safely. Waiting on news of if there’s a school delay this morning. They cancelled yesterday. ♥️♥️♥️ Stay safe and warm beautiful! 
2024年 01月 18日 投稿者: annamommy
I can truly empathize with your husband. Been there. My wife is having cabin fever from not being out of the house during this snowy / icy week. She walks for 30 - 45 minutes around the house. Maybe not as good as taking a walk outside, but she gets it done. Hope you are getting better.  
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: Bionici





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