Hmmmmmmm…….can you imagine how much chicken it takes to feed this boy????

788 kcal 脂質: 18.76g | たんぱく質: 75.24g | 炭水化物: 87.68g.   朝食: Orgain Plant Based Protein Shake. 昼食: Orgain protein powder, Baking powder, Swans Down Cake Flour, Chocolate Chips, Maple Grove Farms Pure Maple Syrup, Bananas, Vanilla Extract, Salt, Egg, Kirkwood Garlic Chicken. 夕食: Post Premier Protein Chocolate Almond Cereal. 軽食/その他: Orgain protein powder, Baking powder, Swans Down Cake Flour, Chocolate Chips, Maple Grove Farms Pure Maple Syrup, Bananas, Vanilla Extract, Salt, Egg. もっと...
2378 kcal 運動: 踏み台昇降 - 1 時間, 歩く(早足) - 時速6.5km - 1 時間   20 分, 休憩 - 13 時間   40 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...

14 人のサポーター    いいね!   

2023年 05月 24日 投稿者: Supergainz1
Super have you ever?????? My word! 
2023年 05月 24日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
Mans better own a bigger chicken farm than Super has because I bet he eats at least 3 whole chickens a day!!! 🤣🤣🤣 
2023年 05月 24日 投稿者: Cyrus Mourningstar
I think he’s vegan 🤔 
2023年 05月 24日 投稿者: Supergainz1
Wow. I wonder how much those steroids set him back. 
2023年 05月 24日 投稿者: Bubbles McBubble
Nah. He’s all natural. Clean food🙄🙄😂 
2023年 05月 24日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
The bigger question is hows his health. Seriously what hes done has real consequences. Ive lost friends when i was younger to steroids 
2023年 05月 24日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
This isn't real. 
2023年 05月 24日 投稿者: -Diablo
Well, Jay Cutler was spending $50k a year on food almost 20 years ago. With inflation, that $76k today.  
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: TheUnhealthyDaddy
If this were real, everyone would know his name. I've never seen him and I watch a lot of bodybuilding YouTube vids lol. This is like those photoshopped thumbnails on videos that get millions of people to click on them because they fall for for it. Everyone would know real life Incredible Hulk. 
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: -Diablo
Wow, so the hulk does exist!  
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: bigbeautifulme
Yeah ngl, that is probs clickbait 😂 
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: bigbeautifulme
must be those duck eggs and liver  
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: ObeseToBeast123
Lol cheesepuff also skips hand day, look how tini those things are, it’s cute. “I et clen foods all day” 
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: Supergainz1
I meant he skips* 
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: Supergainz1
Dang... cheesepuff is a good detective! I wonder what else she could find 🤔 
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: Supergainz1
Lol 315 power cleans n push is steep!! I’m just lookin for 225-255 n I’m good. I thought thought I’d be able to put heavier weights above my head than 175. It was a rude awakening... since ari the CrossFit girl is not here I’ll have to take her place  
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: Supergainz1
And yea definitely cheesepuff!!! But who calls you boss again? 🤔 
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: Supergainz1
Cheesy, congrats!!! I tried to find out who this dude was back when i sent the pic to my hubs years ago. Photoshopped or not he’s enormous! Makes people stop and think for a minute whether positive or negative… 
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: Yearofhealth2023
is that a before and after pic with you in the middle?😁 
2023年 05月 25日 投稿者: DLonggone





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