Hallelujah, Day #28 of my fast, and I lost 1.5 pounds this morning, making my total for the year 43.5 pounds. The last time I lost as much as this was on Day #7. I think God is showing His approval for me tossing the diet pills (which I only took for four days, with no results) and relying totally on Him to enable me to reach my goal!

@DLynneGarner asked me yesterday, and I forgot to answer: YES, I plan to go more than 30 days on the fast (Lord willing). My intent is to go as long as I have to in order to get down to 199 pounds, which will take me well into June. Probably the least I could go would be to June 14th, which would be 42 days. The most (or hopefully not ALMOST the most) would be June 27th, which will be 55 days total.

The 27th is the last day I could weigh in for my HealthyWager challenge and collect the $1,369. Mind you, this is NOT the way I planned to get to my goal. I had planned to lose 2.5 pounds a week, and started off well. But, then I got behind and GAVE UP for awhile, thinking I could not make the goal. Basically, the whole months of February and April were free-for-alls eating wise, which is why I find myself doing such an extended fast.

It should also be noted that fasting is completely healthy, and I am experiencing only POSITIVE effects from it. I have had at least DOUBLE the energy and motivation I "usually" had ever since I began the fast. My body seems to prefer burning fat over burning food carbs.

God has taught me through this to rely on Him EVERY DAY and to use His strength instead of trying to muster my own (which was rarely successful).

I haven't decided what WOE I'm going to follow when I break the fast. I'm pretty certain it won't be Keto, though I will use some of the low-carb products and recipes. God has given us all good things to enjoy, and I plan to thoroughly enjoy His bounty of seasonal fruits and vegetables. I think the main thing I will strive for is MODERATION -- to not be brought under bondage of any food. I will continue to limit my consumption of Diet Coke, and hopefully give that up someday, but not today.

Doing well on my PT exercises. I've been doing them TWICE a day, instead of just the once which I was prescribed. I REALLY want to be able to scale those stairs to go on the water slides with my grandchildren on July 22nd, which gives me exactly eight weeks from when I started PT (on Thursday) to get into shape. Praying, also, that the increased activity will contribute positively to my weight loss.

Even though I was accidentally awoken at 3am (because I forgot to put my phone on Do Not Disturb), today is starting out to be a wonderful day - got the big loss on the scales and have already done my PT exercises. Hope everyone else has an equally pleasant and productive Sunday, and that you are able to worship God "in person" at your local church. We are still wearing masks, but many of us (especially the ones who have been vaccinated) are back to giving hugs, PTL! Everybody needs a good hug, at LEAST once a week!!!
97.7 kg これまでの減量分: 19.7 kg.    残り: 29.7 kg.    ダイエット続き: 100%.
週に4.8 kg減量中

49 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Praise God...Nice drop 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: donniemae
Awesome progress, Debbie! 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: erikahollister
Very nice. I have not done my PT exercises yet, but I will. Thanks for the inspiration.  
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: WarmBajanBreeze
Yahoo Debbie!!👍👏👏👏👏 Diet pills are not what they used to be - don’t let them mess with your system. 🙂🌸🌼🌺 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: Shrewdness
You've lost about 25 pounds fasting this month. I am in awe! However, the single concern that I have for you is the protein. I tried fasting for 2 weeks once (only water & black coffee plus a multivitamin), and my hair started growing in like straw - dry & brittle & lackluster - and my skin looked like death warmed over. For that reason alone, I won't go more than 2 days at a time without protein. How are you combatting the lack of daily nutrients? 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: JustBananas
Great job 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: pennyfirmin
@justBananas, my body seems to be thriving on using my own fat for energy and health. I do take a Magnesium pill each day (as recommended by many fasting books), but otherwise, it's just water and hot tea (with a Tbsp. of Heavy Cream & 2 Truvia). As far as my hair, it was coming out like crazy BEFORE I started the fast, but hasn't done so at all while I've been fasting. My skin has also been clearer on the fast. Go figure! Thanks for expressing your concern. I am keeping close watch on my body and will see my GP if I encounter any problems. Thanks, everyone else, for your encouragement! 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
Cheering you on! 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: erikahollister
Am watching you with awe! You are in such a good spot, I am so happy for you.  
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: Rckc
This was our first Sunday here in Northern Maine for mask or as you choice. I went without, But at times felt I don't know kinda like I should have it on. Been wearing the darn things so long. 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: debratrachta anderson
For no mask 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: debratrachta anderson
Way to Go, Debbie! You are almost there! WOW! 
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: PattiOB
2021年 05月 30日 投稿者: meonadiet
@JustBananas, I think I forgot to mention that I AM taking a Magnesium pill each day while fasting. Of the seven books of Fasting that I read in March, I think that was the only thing they all agreed on. Some recommended Potassium, but others were actively against it. A lot of vitamins and minerals work with food, and therefore would be ineffective if I was taking them. @debratracta anderson, this is the last Sunday that we will have pews blocked off to force people to sit six feet apart. People will be able to decide to sit wherever they want. Also, will be removing the "stand here" things on the floor in the hallway. We'll continue to wear masks, and continue temperature readings this month, but may loosen those restrictions going forward, as many people have now been vaccinated, and those who want to can still wear masks for their own protection. 
2021年 05月 31日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
So what do you think will happen as soon as you start eating again.? 
2021年 05月 31日 投稿者: Kenna Morton
Which type of magnesium did those books recommend? 
2021年 05月 31日 投稿者: erikahollister
Great job, Keep it going. 
2021年 05月 31日 投稿者: ladytanker




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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