Does anyone else get hangry during a fast? The longest I fasted was for 48 hrs. I couldn’t take my mind off foo. I was keto prior to going into the fast so I wouldn’t feel too hungry.

Restriction Drops Serotonin
Besides a drop in metabolism, a starvation diet also causes a drop in serotonin. This neurotransmitter creates the calm, peaceful and satisfied feeling. When serotonin levels get too low, people feel more agitated and cranky. When trying to change habits, this agitated state can make it much harder to be successful and stay motivated. This leaves dieters more likely to splurge on extra treats and fall "off the wagon" of healthy eating in search of some joy and relief. Eating, especially carbohydrates, supports a more consistent serotonin level and the emotional strength to stay on track.

990 kcal 脂質: 55.59g | たんぱく質: 54.01g | 炭水化物: 78.24g.   朝食: Organic Valley Organic Half & Half, Coffee. 夕食: Trader Joe's Cauliflower Mash, Cooked Spinach (from Fresh, Fat Added in Cooking), KFC Fried Chicken Breast. 軽食/その他: Watermelon . もっと...
1857 kcal 運動: Fitbit - 24 時間. もっと...

8 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Intriguing. Could this be a 'survival' instinct where the body recognizes 'yeah, it's really time to eat and here's a little aggression to go hunt & kill?' We don't need that of course in our modern world. Nor do most of us wait until that phase.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
Yes, it’s for survival. The body get stressed when starved of fuel. Sohangry, you are real. 
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
The body fuels what’s most important and emotional control isn’t a priority. This is why for me, i yo-yo when I fast. I get super hungry, lose the ability to make good decisions to eat reasonably and gorge myself. Small deficits works best for me. I feel a little deprived but I can continue to control my mood and food. 
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
I guess if after eating, even if overeating, we all waited for that next fasting 'hangry' it'd be okay?  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
I think that's what drives so many disordered eating patterns. The concept of 'x' meals a day, one diet suggests xx-mini meals a day, the perception of starvation affecting metabolism because of a fasting... it's all confusing.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
Opinions vary on whether *I* am truly fasting by only drinking coffee with half & half until 6-7 pm. I don't think of it as an intentional fast. I've just become adjusted to 'not being hungry' throughout the day.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
It’s a liquid fast. I think it’s great you know you’re not hungry and you eat when you are. 👍👍👍 
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
Getting there - trying to train myself not to eat out of habit, boredom, emotions... one meal at a time some days.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
BTW - I held a tree pose this morning for a decent length. It was interesting hearing the cracking when I extended into it.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
I do not think starvation diet and fasting are the same thing as long as you are fasting with body fat to lose.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: liv001
Liv, “ Starvation” was define here as severe food restriction with very low calorie levels. Fasting in diet terms (source google) I see as consuming 0-500 cal a day. I was thinking about this bc it came up in an metabolic ward study by yang and itallie. They put the obese participants in a 10 day 0 calorie diet which they called the starvation diet. On FS sometimes fasting used interchangeably with starvation having a negative connotation. I also see members called a liquid diet as a fast too because they are abstaining from chewing. I’m currently fasting/starving but not hungry right now. Saving my daily calories for a dinner date with a girlfriend.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
Bella, if you’re on ig send me messages when you feel like emotionally eating or blog here. It’s one of the hardest habits to break and something I struggle with even though it seems like my weight is stable.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
Bella, 👍👍👍 on holding that pose! Meditation helps with studying focused!  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
Studying= staying; I need a new phone  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
Thanks Moopie - I will, and do (just post or ramble here when fighting a binge). I think that was my fav to child's pose or Shavasana... 
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: FullaBella
💕💕💕 my current fav is happy baby. 
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
I am with Fung on the issue of how starving and fasting are not the same.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: liv001
Maybe that’s partially why the FS community have communication problems. We’re using the same word but with different meaning.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
Liv, so according to Fung a fat person can fast but a skinny person starves? Is that the difference? I should read Fung to understand the differences. 
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: moopie321
Well if you undereat that encourages the body to "shut down" and try to save energy. If you fast the body will more easily access its store energy and lose fat. You will end up being in ketosis after a couple of days and you can go on fasting for a long time if you have a lot of body fat. (the record as far as we know is 382 days) So Fung argues two different systems are activated. If you do not have body fat the body will break down protein. Fung argues, we do not have proof of this though, that the body will break down the useless protein first like excess skin rather than essential organs like heart and muscles. Fung has given a lot interviews and podcasts so it is easy to listen to him talk about this.  
2019年 08月 15日 投稿者: liv001





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