no changes, but at least I'm on the range of weight I want so it's cool.. food habits are ok but: wine 😐 (no regrets though :P)
48.5 kg これまでの減量分: 6 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

933 kcal 脂質: 29.02g | たんぱく質: 42.21g | 炭水化物: 126.67g.   朝食: Astro Original Plain Yogurt, Baguette, Coffee. 昼食: Cheese, Cream of Pumpkin Soup. 夕食: Pita Bread, Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce and Meatballs. もっと...

10 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Good job there, 13dias! 
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: warrenwinter
thank you Warrenwinter..I'm just working on maintaining it for a while before dropping the next half.. also, alcohol kicks in faster when you lose weight LET'S DRINK TO THAT! :) 
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: 13dias
Well there you go! I would post some party songs now if I could. My favorite is Boston's Let's Party! 
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: warrenwinter
l'll Google that .. party mood on a Monday, what a dichotomy hahaha  
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: 13dias
Omg, I'm finally not working tonight or in the morning, after working weird hours every day for ages, and I can have a few drinks. You have inspired me, 13dias! I have been working so hard lately that I totally deserve a little liquid relaxation. What do you think, Warren--debate drinking game? I might need the alcohol to tolerate the whole thing anyway. Drink every time Trump says what? Huge? Crooked Hillary? Build a wall? Emails? I'm going to channel you, 13dias, and have no regrets!  
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: kpwcalories
Fxxk Trump, that con artist fraud. He's the one that needs a drink!  
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: warrenwinter
Wow, Kp, now that I got that, out of my system. I can't say I blame you for wanting to let loose! Don't be raiding you alcohol cabinets too much. You will then be singing the blues. lol 
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: warrenwinter
Oh, no worries, I can get tipsy from a single glass of wine and have never had a hangover! 
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: kpwcalories
Glad you are relieved from the stress. You deserve a break today, my dear! Off to put some pounds on. lol Have a great one! 
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: warrenwinter
13dias, party at Warren's house tonight. I'll meet you there!  
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: kpwcalories
Getting on board again this seems to work better than anything else otherwise it is so easy to lose track of everything I eat working nights 
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: sheshesheila
Online parties seem to be missing something. Maybe it is human contact. lol 
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: warrenwinter
..I'm just reading all this, LOL so many wine lovers around hahaha love it! it's the perfect state to watch the debate :D .. I'm heading to warren's place, better late than never, I'll teleport through pinot noir , see you there kpow and sheshesheila :D  
2016年 09月 26日 投稿者: 13dias
We just ALL need to have our FatSecret Party in Vegas for New Years, and we can hit the buffets and make oaths in blood, that we will lose it all during the year. Lol 
2016年 09月 27日 投稿者: warrenwinter
LOL, OMG so wild!! :D ..typing this with a tea on the side and sitting on couch :[ .. YOLO!! hahaha 
2016年 09月 27日 投稿者: 13dias





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