Well 20 pounds to go until I reach goal weight #1. I figure if I focused on 25 pound increments, the total 100 pounds won't seem so daunting. my sister was able to do it. she tried every diet possible, pills, shakes, then herbs and went vegan. not to mention she works out like crazy!! I wish she didn't live 13 hours away. but no matter the distance she is a hero to me. she didn't let anything stop her. so if I can even muster half the determination she has then I'm sure my joints and back will appreciate it. it's all possible.... just gotta do it... I have exercise equipment. .. I guess they should be more than a towel rack ... what do any of you use as motivation .. even when every step hurts... what keeps you going??
112.3 kg これまでの減量分: 2.3 kg.    残り: 9.1 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1102 kcal 脂質: 61.56g | たんぱく質: 66.72g | 炭水化物: 69.48g.   朝食: 100% Grapefruit Juice, Traditional Bacon, Egg. 昼食: Baby Spinach, T. Marzetti Simply Dressed Ranch Salad Dressing, Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Hummus, Trader Joe's Cranberry Mango Salsa, Great Value Deli Sliced Smoked Honey Ham, Carrots, Celery, Green String Beans. 夕食: Birds Eye Steamfresh Broccoli, Harris Teeter Angus Beef Loin New York Strip Steak. もっと...
3094 kcal 運動: ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 5 分, 腹筋 - 15 分, ストレッチ(ヨガ) - 35 分, 休憩 - 15 時間   5 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...
週に2.6 kg減量中

11 人のサポーター    いいね!   

You're doing great. I have a lot to lose, myself, and I've been focusing on it 10% at a time, for the same reason you said. What keeps me going is things OTHER than the scale--fitting into clothes I couldn't just a week ago, taking my measurements and seeing they've dropped, too--and so on.  
2016年 01月 15日 投稿者: Elizabeth_V
I'm with Elizabeth_V on the clothes.. I laid a new 'fitting' pair of boxers over an old pair and WOW is there a difference! I also lift a lot and, it may seem odd and semi-vain, but to feel muscles contract and move under the skin is almost addicting; progressive overload is where it is at. In the last 9 months I've lost about 140lbs and the look on people's face that haven't seen me in a while is probably the most priceless thing that keeps me going. For pain, you've just got to battle through it. I've got chronic knee and bone pain for various accidents through out my life. Losing weight has helped with that but it's still there and I've either got to push through it and suffer to find an easier way to get things done. It's just something that I've come to learn to live with. 
2016年 01月 15日 投稿者: Frosty Heimdall
Frosty, were we separated at birth? ;) 
2016年 01月 15日 投稿者: Elizabeth_V
I have friends who will call, text, or call me out in social media if I miss too many exercise times. I don't let that happen too often. 
2016年 01月 15日 投稿者: Bentlygirl
measurements. .. I did mean to do that. perhaps tomorrow. . that's a good idea. as for clothes... I guess I gave up long ago because all my clothes are stretchy so I wouldn't have to feel horrible if I gained more weight. .... maybe I should get a pair of jeans so I can make my self fit into them lol!!!  
2016年 01月 15日 投稿者: 8hunter6
omg.. frosty... lost my whole comment ...it was so long. essentially drs in canada were just waiting for me to be in a wheelchair... my back is pretty messed up. has been for 11 years now. that's why I went for yoga first... I figure it can strengthen all the little connecting muscles on my spine so I can do more things later on... I'd like to lift weights again. I used to love it. in high school I would work out for 3 hours a day... then bike. the whole motivation was self loathing and hate... I don't feel like that anymore so that's why I need to find a new sorce of motivation. .. I guess it would be nice if I visited home and people were shocked at my weight loss... ya. I like that 9 months you did that... just wow!  
2016年 01月 15日 投稿者: 8hunter6
Bently girl. that's a good motivator too. you are lucky to have these people who care so much about your well being!! :D unfortunately I have moved 13 hours away from all I know... I am in a new country and I keep having to move so I don't have any friends to keep me on track. it's all me . so I think i need an intrinsic motivator. but also the little girl down the street who calls me the fat mom... that's kind of motivating HA HA HA HA !!  
2016年 01月 15日 投稿者: 8hunter6
I'm motivated by different things at different times. This evening was difficult so I Googled pics of thin people. Getting on this forum and interacting with others also helps. Once I lose a bit more, I'll get motivation from the smaller size clothes I'm wearing.  
2016年 01月 15日 投稿者: OneDayAt
thin people ... not bad... I could get a picture of my sister since that's what I would look like anyway ha ha ha ha  
2016年 01月 16日 投稿者: 8hunter6
just keep on moving girl!!  
2016年 01月 16日 投稿者: tute75
You may want even more frequent successes to celebrate. Maybe even 2 pounds at a time, and reduce exercise to say 3 times a week, but stay in caloric goals. Treat yourself when you reach a goal. When your will power muscle grows even more,you could delay getting your treat- say until you lose 4 pounds rather than 2. All the best. 
2016年 01月 16日 投稿者: LISfifty
tute75 thank you lisfifty. I was doing the yoga everyday to deal with my home life lol. . i was originally going to do it every couple but then I noticed I wasn't as stressed or angry. today I didn't get to do it and I feel like everyone is under my skin... 3 boys and a husband sure know how to piss you off ha ha ha. smaller goals may be more helpful, I might try 5 pound increments. .. I like going by 5s ha ha. thank you for the input :) 
2016年 01月 17日 投稿者: 8hunter6





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