Never understand the fluctuations of near 5 lbs per day possible on this journey. 195 last weekend. But back to 190 today. 👍
86.2 kg これまでの減量分: 9.1 kg.    残り: 6.8 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

17 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I fully agree with @ergifruit. Weigh yourself naked, in the morning, before eating or drinking and after using the bathroom (if possible). Do it once a week on the same day of the week. Getting on the scale daily actually gives you less usable information and can lead to a bad, almost obsessive relationship with the scale. Remember that the scale is only one of many tools to use on your journey. I’ve found weighing myself once a week in conjunction with taking photos every week or two is helpful. If you are doing some form of resistance training along with eating in a healthy calorie deficit , the results will show up clearer in photos than on the scale most of the time. 
2024年 01月 20日 投稿者: ReverseCosmosis
A few years back I decided to see exactly how much my total intake for everything I ate or drank actually weighed in one day. This included all drinks, water, coffee, etc. food, everything I put into my mouth. It came to a total of 13 pounds, but when I stepped on the scale the next morning....I had lost one pound. So, it's a total mystery exactly what happens to what we put in, and how it can leave again so quickly. I don't recall going to the bathroom all that much, and I did not have a BM (TMI....just emphasizing my point) We use it for heating, breathing, scratching our butts..... when you step on the scale it depends on where you catch your body at during it's process as to what it will record. Try logging the weight of everything you intake in one day, tare your empty cup or glass and plates and be amazed at how much you put in - in a single day, then weigh the next morning and you won't see that much of an increase...if any, it's astounding and then you get a better idea of why the scale is not a true marker for your progress. 
2024年 01月 20日 投稿者: debrafrederick





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