OMG...the whiny FS reminder wants me to WEIGH IN NOW and I better do it before it implodes. I have NO idea how to calculate my miles for Yo's 75/31 challenge so ...I guess I'll just... lie. Like I lie on my weigh in. And about my age. Good Grief - what kind of role model AM I? It's a miracle my capris aren't on fire.

So my oldest Grandson is 17 today ~ we went out to dinner last night and I realize I am really old because I prefer to believe him rather than question if I'm 'getting played'.

I'd given him the option between 1) I pay for half of the car he rec'd on his BD (because I do believe he should pay the other half and learn SOME financial responsibility) or 2) we take that long awaited road trip, just us, to tour the Houston Space Center.

He chose the latter. Seriously. Color me shocked. So I'm worth more than half a car. Naturally my Nana heart melted and he's getting both.

Then he cracked me up.. but I just nodded and listened w/the straightest face I could manage. There's a 'fella' stopping into my shop and calling me 'Darlin'.

The first time he did it I stalled for a second and smiled; Cutty used to call me that. But I didn't say 'that'. I just said 'it's been a while since anyone called me that.' His response was 'well, you're not hanging around the right people'.

Now he makes it a point to call me Darlin' several times when he comes in and he's making up reasons to stop by. He came in yesterday when the youngest Gson was here and of course.. that news got around FAST.

So the oldest decided to advise me ever so wisely last night by saying, "Nana.. a lot of guys these days just wanna hit it & quit it... be careful..."

Kids these day, huh?

So this morning... Mr D brought me a whole package of adding machine tape. It wasn't new ~ but he said 'I noticed you were using that machine the other day and thought you could use this". Isn't that ... sweet? BTW.. this one is NOT married and I think that's way nicer than something creepy like flowers or candy this early; definitely better than writing my name on the money like the skeevy married guy a few months back.

Last night ~ another not so great night of sleep but a little bit better after recovering a lost item. I hate that - when I KNOW that thing I had in my hand Friday afternoon HAS to be here. I yelled 'Gremlins.. GIVE it BACK' and I'll be darned if it wasn't in the very place I'd already looked five times when I went back for the sixth. Weird but grateful. Still, Fri-Tues seem to be my worst nights of sleep. Wed & Thu I'm in zombie mode so those are pretty good. No wonder I fight to not wish my life away; this 5/2 ratio is wearing thin.

I was enjoying my 'church' this morning now that the 'spray of death' two weeks ago calmed the chiggers down and a spider crawled up my arm and around to the back of my neck. I was kind of like:

All things food? Well, I'm tired of the MATH. So I'm just.. trying to eat healthy and planning a Keld Spike Day this weekend w/the Gson. Don't ask me why but I think there will be chocolate involved. Otherwise, I'm just going along. Trying to get some breakfast by 11am (instead of 2pm)now that I'm leaving the coconut oil out of my coffee and hoping I can get some of my 'miles' in this week so Philly doesn't have to do them all.

I emailed Grace - she'd asked me to save water bottles for some VBS craft she's doing this week, so I did, which adds up pretty fast as I drink about 6-8 pints of water a day. NOW she doesn't need them. I want to call and with the same vengeance and defense of 'I threw my Pie for You' say, "Hey, I recycled for you, now come get these darn things!' It's a bit daunting staring at that bag of plastic piling up. Also amazing to reflect I used to drink this many soda's in a day... or more. Wow.

On the other hand .. I think I'm on my way to making THIS ... and I'll need it...

Because it looks here like I need a bigger boat...

And I know all of this isn't coming in this winter ... I wouldn't have any room to walk!

Anyway .. that's my day. I'm thinking about going to a good ole fashioned 'country auction' tonight. Have some fun competively bidding against people I don't know for things I don't need. I may take my badminton racket in case things get out of control :-)

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me. Hope you're having a wonderful day in your world.


83.9 kg これまでの減量分: 45.4 kg.    残り: 2.3 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

1710 kcal 脂質: 105.24g | たんぱく質: 95.02g | 炭水化物: 92.54g.   朝食: Smart Balance Omega Buttery Spread, Schwan's Fully Cooked Angus Meatloaf, Cheddar Cheese, Sunny Farms Jumbo Egg, Sabra Roasted Red Pepper Hummus, Toast Thins Crackers (Rye, Pumpernickel, White Flour), Sylvia's Specially Seasoned Collard Greens, StarKist Foods Chunk Light Tuna in Water, International Delight French Vanilla Coffee Creamer, Hellmann's Mayonnaise with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Heinz Hamburger Dill Chips Pickles, Ocean Spray Craisins Greek Yogurt. もっと...

7 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Finally. Pictures. Thanks Bells. Loving them. Love the hot house. What creativity. 
2014年 07月 22日 投稿者: ClassicRocker
your church is beautiful! i used to be bothered when people would call me darlin' or honey, but now i find it endearing. 
2014年 07月 22日 投稿者: Gnewfry
second the motion on the hot house love love love it. 
2014年 07月 22日 投稿者: deaby16
Beautiful pics and I love how you are learning life lessons from your grandson, that's really funny. 
2014年 07月 22日 投稿者: ChicaLean
Love pics of your 'church'. Love that gson picked time with you - validation of you doing something right (nan is lots of fun). Good boost to your self esteem with the guy in the store. Sounds like you're doing okay. :).  
2014年 07月 22日 投稿者: sarahsmum
Marvelous journal, thanks for sharing! LOL at the spider's web cardio. ;) 
2014年 07月 22日 投稿者: Deb_N
Grandsons in general are great, going canoeing next week with 3 of mine. They harass me constantly. Have fun at your auction.  
2014年 07月 22日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Oh bella....I loved it all! !! 
2014年 07月 23日 投稿者: sharonfriz
Your 'church' is beautiful!! Wish I had that set-up :) Your grandson sounds like a real sweetheart!! 
2014年 07月 24日 投稿者: Annabelle3117





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