Another good day yesterday. I'm eating much healthier food - getting in five servings of fruits and vegetables. Yesterday, I had two servings of baby lima beans, a serving of homemade Chick-fil-A Coleslaw, a whole apple (sliced with cheddar cheese on it), and a serving of a smoothie I had made the day before and frozen it to be like ice cream - it had at least one serving of mixed banana, blueberries, strawberries and grapes.

Drank my 8 cups of water.

Walked 1.5 miles. Knee was hurting from the time I woke up. This was my 8th day of walking more than just for my Premise jobs. Walking for 200 steps every half an hour is working very well for me, and it is starting to feel like a habit.

Finished up "Mini Habits for Weight Loss" by Stephen Guise for the second time yesterday. Starting a Christian book called "Breaking the Stronghold of Food" by Michael and Nancy Brown. I'm a little hesitant to take my focus away from the habit-building reading (listening on Audible). It's only a 7-hour read though, so I won't have my attention diverted for too long. Should finish that in two or three days. Then, I plan to go back and do "Atomic Habits" by James Clear for a FOURTH time. That is the one that got me started with the mini habits, and it's an easy listen at only 5 hours and 35 minutes.

Today's Quote: "People with high self-control tend to spend less time in tempting situations." (James Clear, "Atomic Habits") Make unhealthy foods inconvenient by having them out of sight, or if possible, don't bring them into your home at all. Have healthy alternatives in plain sight. The focal point on my kitchen counter right now is a bowl of washed black grapes, four bananas and two Honeycrisp apples. (It used to be three different boxes of Entennman donut varieties.)
114.9 kg これまでの減量分: 2.5 kg.    残り: 46.9 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に3.8 kg減量中

23 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I am so impressed! You are really developing some healthy habits and you seem to be enjoying it. Keep up the great work👏 
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: Shake Those Pounds
Well done Debbie; we all know it's all about our mind-set. We can do this! 💚 
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
I just love your progress and reading about your new habits. It is very inspiring!! Thank you for posting!! 
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: juliejbird
Congratulations on your progress and plan. If you're not using a knee brace, try using one at least a couple of times a day. Just a sleeve might provide the support needed to reduce the pain. I would wear mine whenever I did house cleaning before this swelling in my legs & feet made even wearing shoes a torture. 
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: jeannieselby
Your dedication to developing healthy lifestyle habits is truly inspiring. I'm not on a diet, I'm on a journey.. You're laying the stepping stones!  
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: SLYONE 22
Debbie it is working for me as well. ive been adding 3.5 oz of taco meat or chicken to a whole can of sliced carrots for approximately 250 cals and im full. at supper i go with a whole can of mixed vegetables with meat added and its under 400 for the meal best part is im full.  
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: jimrogers2
Hello Debby, well dine, are you from NZ? 
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: elke konig
Love love LOVE how well you're doing!! I'm gonna get those books too💙🤗 
2022年 03月 22日 投稿者: CrystalJo74




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