Weird Wednesday ~ that four day weekend still has me turned around. Good. I need a little brain shake up now and then. And I need to clear some things from my little old head so this is a long journal. Read, don't read, all up to you. I just appreciate you stopping by to visit with me.

Well, the hot air balloon ride is off. The Pilot called this morning. 'Too windy again, need to reschedule but have openings tomorrow night' and ... I just considered this second cancellation a sign. Not sure of what.. as I know it is risky. Maybe that this isn't the one for me? Maybe I'll wait until the fall and go to the big one in Albuquerque ~ it falls on Cutty's BD and I'll celebrate that way.

So I'm glad I did take Blondie to the Aquarium, lunch and carriage ride on Saturday instead of just sitting home on my BD waiting, desperate, for this. I feel like I had a great weekend all around and .. that's that.

All things Food? Recovered yesterday ~ like the weekend never happened. Yay. I know this may read as if I'm in denial but I think I'm finally making peace with myself on this weight thing. NOW if I can JUST hold onto this feeling for 24 hours and then wake up tomorrow and do it all over again. What I hate is when the following happens. It's not the end of my journal today - I guess it's just a commercial, LOL.

Right now I'm craving home cooked turnip greens. I consider that a good thing that I'm craving THAT instead of this. This was the free BD cake I got at the Vintage Room. It's a bad pic w/a cell phone in low lights... but you can still taste that cream filling, can't you?

Amazing it was. I considered myself Amazing that I didn't feel the need to try to eat the whole thing as I would have two years ago. Nor did I stare at it with horror and regret as I would have a year ago. Am I finally growing UP?

Sure, I know by a medical chart and runway model standards I am still considered overweight. But I'm healthy. I move. Stand. Walk. Even trot a little now and then. I can lift, bend, kneel, dig and get off the floor without using a chair to pull myself up.

I had a fabulous massage last night and as I meditated and reflected I realized it's been months since I woke up with my hands throbbing in pain and numbness. It's working. I can stand and walk without limping. The food, the meditation, massage, moving more.. it's all a combination of working for the better. Not perfect. Just progress. But three years ago the suggested 'cure' was surgery. Two years ago the doc wanted to put me on meds for blood sugar and cholesterol. I'm so glad I said NO. I'm so grateful my body responded to my healing attempts.

I think THIS is the part of this weight loss, healthy living journey I'm truly being able to appreciate. The combination of MINDfulness and EWYL and just generally trying to LOVE myself for who and what I am today. Not tomorrow or next month when I lose another 10lbs. I love that my lab reports are healthy and I'm moving and I have a great life. Whenever I sit out here (the chaise is new - my BD present to myself purchased with some of my casino winnings this weekend)

I reflect how fortunate I am. My body has taken so much abuse from me and it's still here, kicking butt and taking names. I look around at people my age who's health is worse. Either from not caring, not trying, or just not able to overcome whatever is going on. NO, I don't believe every illness a person has is the result of weight. But I do know for ME, some were. The ripple effect of weight not making me want to move and not moving just making me want to eat and not finding anything else to do making food my entertainment and then back at square one of not wanting to move because of the weight. And the pain. So much pain because my body hurt trying to carry it all. I'm not skinny, but I can still work on this:

and this:

even though this meme was probably created for me:

Oh, speaking of health... on the elevator this weekend a woman asked about Mushy, "Is that a SERVICE dog?' I answered, 'Yes Ma'am'... I love flashing that badge whenever some uniformed person approaches me 'Excuse, me Ma'am but...' and I know the question is following. Anyway .. the passenger on the elevator asked 'So what's wrong with you?'

Seriously. I straightened my back, looked her in the face and asked, to be sure I'd heard her correctly...'What's WRONG with ME?" She said 'Yeah." So I answered 'I freak out on elevators...' They got off at the next floor. Go figure!

More consideration of the mindfulness of living. When I went to the vintage fair last Friday the only thing I bought was a bar of soup. I was surrounded by 'stuff' and cute things and all but after putting so much into my home this winter ... I didn't feel I needed anything. I didn't feel the need to binge shop as I have in the past.

And when I went to the casino resort - I originally booked the presidential suite but then thought 'you know.. it IS only one night.. and you're NOT going to be there that much... why so much excess..... you saw where that DIDNT get you in San Antonio... remember? So I phoned back and booked just a regular suite. And it was fabulous. And I enjoyed the night all the same at a tenth of the cost.

So it's more than just food... this mindful living. How much is enough? How much do I need? What will satisfy my craving and what am I really WANTING? All things to consider as this weekend could have been a disaster.

If you haven't figured this out by now.. well, you're obviously very kind. I'm a compulsive. Binge eater, shopper, drinker and gambler. I am a 'feast or famine' personality and finding myself able to walk away from buying, eating, drinking and gambling BEFORE I am broke, sick, drunk and broke again... well, yeah, I'm happy.

One last thing. NOT hawking this as this isn't MY business nor do I get anything from it. Essential oils. I use them now and then. Peppermint helps me wake up. Lavendar definitely helps me with meditation. This morning I tried Rosemary and had been having trouble 'finding my logic' and it was like ZAP.. my brain finally turned on. Am waiting to try the sandlewood. I know there are some folks out htere insisting 'this is the best.. don't buy there... blah blah'... I get these at the health food store and so far so good. Just a thought.

And with that... I'll wrap this up. Bless all of you ~ those who read it all and those of you who read a little. I'm just happy to have the company. Hope you all have a good day.


81.6 kg これまでの減量分: 47.6 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

2081 kcal 脂質: 132.02g | たんぱく質: 137.92g | 炭水化物: 92.08g.   朝食: Turkey Meat, Muir Glen Organic Diced Tomatoes, Schwan's Six Cheese Tortellini, Schwan's California Blend, Schwan's Mediterranean Vegetable Blend, Cheddar Cheese, Tomatoes, StarKist Foods Chunk Light Tuna in Water, Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise, Whole Milk, Coffee-Mate Sugar Free Hazelnut Liquid Coffee Creamer, Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. 軽食/その他: Walgreens Mixed Nuts. もっと...
1852 kcal 運動: 睡眠 - 24 時間. もっと...

9 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Ok,I'm coming back this afternoon to read the entire journal. But I want to jump through the screen to eat that cake (right now!). That looks yummy! 
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: ChicaLean
I love how you applied "mindfulness" to the hotel booking, not just what is eaten. I think we (and by "we" I mean the compulsive type like myself) consume, not just food, but instant gratification whether that be in $500 weekend shopping sprees, booking Presidential suites or just eating too many calories. By the way, your sitting area arrangement is beautiful. I'm not sure I would ever want to leave it. 
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: 2ManyCurves
Yeah, I read it. The whole thing and the visuals were wonderful. I especially liked the people making a quick exit from the elevator. rofl. The cake, yes, the cake. That's all I'm going to say. I tried to do a scratch and sniff and it didn't work!!! Glad you're loving yourself.  
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: ClassicRocker
I will have to try some essential oils. And I didn't want to say anything, but now that your hot air balloon ride is delayed further, I will fess up. I heard the news about the air balloon accident in Virginia and was freaked out most of the weekend thinking it may have been you. When they released the identities, I was fairly certain it wasn't you, but my mind wasn't cleared until you posted here. Soooo glad! It sounds like you are doing well with moderation and mindfulness. Your 'church' looks awesome! Wish I had a backyard like that!  
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: megmonster
Oh Bella..loved that come back in the elevator..LMAO...Love the lounge and all your pretty flowers etc..Hells Bells I love the you your self..Don't ever change girl...:O) 
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: BHA
I love the comment in the elevator! And you have put together a beautiful spot to relax in. Love all the flowers and plants! I use jasmine essential oil for my homemade deodorant and sometimes put a little on my hair brush when I'm brushing it out at night. I'm thinking of mixing in a little lavender to it too. I get it from the GNC because it is right next door to the Giant Food. Megmonster - I gotta say I thought of her too. I wasn't going to say anything as not to freak her out for the trip. I took DH & DS on a helicopter ride over the beach at OBX last summer. Afterwards I was surprised to find out I was the only one not worried about riding in it. I want to do a balloon ride one day but wish it could be over France or Sweden or something.  
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: DarleneW101
Angel, I'm so happy you too had such an amazing and fun-filled birthday weekend. I love reading about how much you have grown over the past year and beyond. You are the poster child for mindfulness, my Angel, my idol, and in case I haven't told you lately, you are my inspiration and I am so lucky & blessed to have you in my life! xoxox 
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: Ruhu
You are one sassy lady! Loved you service dog response...made me LOL! Serves her right asking in such a rude manner. Also, I have to say I too did not feel good about your weekend ballon ride and thought instantly of you when the Virginia incident happened. Of course I know you live in TX, but I just think those balloons rides are very dangerous. Fabric and fire don't mix. But, hey I'm not an adrenalin junkie in any shape or form, so whatever makes you feel alive. Congrats on the mindful living! It really is taking hold in your brain, so keep it going girl!  
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: Josie Ann
Love your patio and all the flowers !!! Will have to try rosemary for my brain, not kicked in yet after vacation last week, but better today. Also love your mindfulness attitude in everything that you are doing.  
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Such a wonderful journal and worth the read as always. I love your awareness of yourself, it's such a great space to be in and now is your time. Feeling good and feeling good about oneself is more important than any # on a scale. And the pictures of the garden are beautiful. I think I picked my favorite earlier (cake) but the vivid colors in your garden are lovely. It's looks like the perfect space for tranquility. 
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: ChicaLean
Your garden is beautiful!  
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: hungrypuggle16
Thanks everyone. Yeah, the cake was incredible... could go for some right now, LOL. I did manage to refrain from throwing in 'wild woman' act on the elevator but she was already scared so I guess you could say I was mindful even in my insanity. Yes, I'd heard about the tragedy in VA and had several calls from people IRL trying to talk me out of the flight. I just cancelled because it had lost it's appeal after so many reschedules. Thank you for the kind words and compliments on my yard :-) 
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: FullaBella
Bella, my SIL grains service dogs specializes in seizure alert dogs. She also has a service dog of her own for her R.A. and a couple other health issues. They help so many people with different problems.  
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Spell check changed trains to grains.  
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Way to go, Bella! I learn so much from your journal and your comments. :D 
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: Deb_N
:D We have so much in common & yet I feel I learn so much from you! I kind of like that. :D 
2014年 05月 14日 投稿者: myawethinTICself
Oh Bella where do I start!!! The cartoon is brilliant and so true!! But when you see it like that you realise just how silly but fragile we can all be! I love your safe looks magical and what a wonderful place to heal and regroup! The CAKE - wow - note to self "go seek this cake once the wedding is done and no long need to worry about dress fitting!!" lol 
2014年 05月 15日 投稿者: triaby
I love all the photos. I am unreasonably excited about your casino win. 2k?? Seriously - that is some fun money !! Love the chaise and the rug- and all the church photos. Your backyard is stunning. I am so happy you had such a lovely weekend. What a fabulous BD!! Where do you find your cartoons?? They always hit home. Love them !  
2014年 05月 15日 投稿者: sharonfriz
Great, GREAT, journal Bells. I love that you know yourself so well, know your issues and have dealt with and are dealing with them. I envy you. I haven't dealt with a wack of mine, heck haven't even scratched the surface of what they are. Just don't want to go there, head firmly implanted in my butt. I love your back yard/church pictures. You have a lovely oasis there. I am not a gardener. But yours looks like a lot of containers and that I may be able to tackle, perhaps a few at first. I am not good at getting down in the dirt and digging but plant pots I could do. The pics are lovely though. And the BD cake, ooooh mmmmmm gggggggg. Wow. I could taste it from here. I'm so glad you had a good week-end. You so deserve it, and I'm glad you treated yourself to royally, ain't no one going to do it for you and you know Cutty would have approved (of you, looking after you). Thanks again for the PM. I know you care :) 
2014年 05月 15日 投稿者: sarahsmum
Cake looks to die for!! I don't know if I would be able to keep from eating the whole thing lol. Good point in trying to figure out how much you need in other areas of your life. How often do I overcompensate? Probably not often I'm broke lol, but I know I always did in the food department and I will definitely keep those thoughts in mind the next time dessert is offered. Beautiful outdoor sanctuary you have there, I could sit there all day. I don't know how you get anything done :-) Sorry about the rude bitch on the elevator, some people... However, this could be fun. You came up with amusing ways to tell people how you lost weight, perhaps we should come up with some ridiculous reasons for a service dog??? Maybe you're prone to violent fits of rage... or blind.  
2014年 05月 15日 投稿者: Annabelle3117





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