Thursday, February 13th. As we countdown to the 'Holiday of the Heart' I seem to feel a need to pour mine out. In other words, today's journal is longer than usual. Read, don't read, whatever you choose. I love you all and hope you're having a great day.

They say the only two things certain in life are death and taxes. I'm predicting my death will be easier than my taxes. You know it's complicated when the accountant says 'I'm training someone ... is it okay if I bring them over to show them what a real return looks like?' LOL. I think that intern went back to her desk and logged onto Career Finder.

And if you were to Google images of the 'worlds dumbest tax payer' today there would likely be a photo of me. If you recall on my previous journal I was praying for a nice healthy refund this year... well... color me DUH when it finally occurred to me (with the accountant's prompting, LOL) they cannot refund what they didn't GET. I'd not made any contributions at all last year while waiting for the resolution of my identify theft filing issue. So while I felt ever so 'prepared' that I took the business check book with me to be able to give the routing number for the refund (( I always forgot it previous years and had to make a second trip)) it came in quite handy to be able to write that nearly four figure check out to pay for the return.

Anyway, that's done. He filed it electronically so I'll wait to see if some other evil doer snagged my number again this year. If not, I'll renew making contributions quarterly to avoid the possible penalty for not prepaying blah blah .. I zone out at that point ... death and taxes. I'll probably die before I ever fully understand taxes. That's why I pay out the 'ear' for the return.

After that I went to Lowes and picked out a new faucet for the kitchen sink. This on top of an already emotional day. Doing things like that has just not been in my wheelhouse all these years. I won't play the 'girl' card as I know there are many women who are just as good carpenters as men - I'm just not one of them. I still reflect back to the time we were laying a new floor in the kitchen and although Cutty kept insisting the tiles needed to face the direction of the 'arrow' on the back I argued and wanted to do a pattern. He finally just 'let me go' and then sat and drank a beer watching me rip it all back up and go buy more tiles to replace them.

Last week I was trying to install a door barricade (after ripping out the one I paid a professional to do) and couldn't understand why the screw wouldn't go all the way into the wall. I do know enough that any good mechanic blames the tools so I thought it was my drill. I was wrong of course. Stick just turned the 'end' to the correct 'setting' and ::zrrrr... insert drill sound here::: away they went. Color me baffled - I thought it was just decoration - images of screws on a drill. No manual in the box when I finally found it in the store room - how was I supposed to know? And once again I'm living proof Angels do protect Fools.

I remember feeling so panicked when Cutty passed away; so lost. I know these are the type things that fed that uncertainty because it's a territory into which I didn't tread. This was his area, his realm of responsibility. Even when he grew too ill to do the work himself he would call 'the guy' and they would discuss it.

Otherwise, I continue to pray my gratitude throughout the day that the Angels are still all around me, protecting me from my own incompetence and supporting me to calmly go about doing the things I do need and know how to do. I have been trying to put this into words inside my head with no success so I'm going to try to write it here to find the conclusion.

It's all muddled about 'being alone' versus 'being independent' and where will my life take me from here. Along with a lifelong tendency to overeat, eat my emotions and feed my disorders, I have a tendency to be a hermit on a huge scale. It's a horrid self created cycle. I would be a workaholic with the constant road travel and long hours which resulted in Cutty (and friends) all finding other ways to amuse themselves in my absence. Often those plans continued even though I was home. In other words, their world didn't stop on a dime just because I'd made an appearance. So I'd sit, home, alone, feeling lonely, feeling rejected and turn to... more work... more trips out... fill the time to avoid feeling the pain. As noted in comments on my journal the other day - the invitations ceased because of my constant rejection of them due to being unavailable.

Though I'm far from ready 'now' I do occasionally think about someday having another person in my life - yet, how will I balance that relationship without losing myself again. Wait, I skipped something, this is too early, LOL. That's how my brain works.

Whenever I think about relationships, much like here where I so value your input, opinions, support, advice, sharing, caring and all of it, it seems the relationship of a 'couple' took on a different aspect in our marriage, one I didn't necessarily always like.

Yes, yes, yes... I loved Cutty. You know that from what I've written and shared many times. But I often found myself frustrated by the conversations of marriage where I felt like I was 'reporting to him' as if he were just another 'boss' in my life. There, I said it.

I sometimes look back on my days now and reflect, 'yup, taxes filed and done with more than 2 months to go on that deadline, bills paid, advertising checked, plumbing issue being addressed, customers coming in the shop, making money, I do show a profit at month end, called about this, checked on that,' and so on. All of this without Cutty hounding me multiple times a day or week or asking for a status update. He was like the 'grey hair' of tasks; the minute I confessed to completing 'one' he'd replace it with 'two more'. So my rebellion caused me to lag on getting anything he requested 'done' because it just meant 'more'.

Maybe it's because I worked professionally for so many years I felt frustrated at that part of our 'marital discussion'. I'm sure he needed assurances all was well especially as he brought his own baggage into the marriage - one of which he couldn't let go of was how his Mother was always hiding the bills, unpaid, from his Father as she spent the money elsewhere and there would always be a fight, utilities shut off, etc. I repeatedly reminded him 'Babe, it's been all these years and the lights are still on, food on the table, cars running, no repo man... trust me, will ya!" but he never seemed to let go. And for a woman who'd spent too many decades giving reports and status updates to corporate suits.. it just felt .. like more of the same without a paycheck.

In 'my' ideal world of 'our' marriage, I'd handle the household and paperwork tasks... he'd handle the physical property and maintenance and we'd just respect each other would be getting it done without the need to question.

I never said things like 'you did pick out a Moen faucet, didn't you? What?? Delta?? Are you nuts??' I just trusted that whatever he picked out was the best and right because he was very intelligent and knew his stuff. Why couldn't he do the same with me? If corporations threw huge piles of money for me to manage their businesses, why couldn't he trust I was doing just as stellar a job with our own finances?

So to realize 'Oh, yeah... I'm doing all those things I always did just with less pressure and hounding I'm getting them done sooner and the lack of discussion about it is making it so much easier' ..well, I guess I will probably have to do a lot of baggage discarding before ever considering another relationship myself.

When I was young my 'ideal husband' had many characteristics... of course, young girls start with the thought of a Prince Charming and then the compromises set in year after year. I blame Mary Richards. (Mary Tyler Moore).

Now, after spending over a decade as a caretaker I cannot ignore the even greater need for compromises considering I am what they refer to as 'a bit long in the tooth' as far as relationship material. I'm so relieved that you do get my sense of humor. With Cutty being older, he married me saying, 'I'll die and leave you a rich, young, widow.' Up until November I'd joke 'buddy... you're zero for three... we're NOT rich, I'm no longer young... and, well....' LOL.

And there were many days as the stressful wear and tear of being a caretaker, watching the evil energy of illness take him from me day by day while leaving me helpless to stop it, I wondered if there would be anything even LEFT of me when he finally did pass. Many times I wondered if I'd go first whenever I felt my heart pounding or subliminally destroyed my own health with poor eating choices leading to high cholesterol and blood sugar.

Mr. Suit-n-Tie Guy (the one who brought the cookie monster to my door) put a topic in front of me the other day I'd not considered. He'd come into the shop as I was finishing up a transaction with another customer and things got a little 'awkward' right there at the end. Suddenly Marty seem 'flustered' and I couldn't figure out what had happened. Had I rushed him? Made him feel 'we're done, get out!' so I asked STG 'what did I do?' and he answered 'Nothing... I think he was a little... ah... star struck?'

Ever obtuse me I laughed, 'Well, you do look nice in your suit and tie' and he laughed 'Not me, silly. You.' I shook my head and heard myself saying, 'Not hardly... he's been my customer for years and he's married with grandchil...' oh yeah, suddenly the image of the recent skeevy married guy came to mind. Oh yeah, that happens. But while I really don't think that was it with Marty ... STG said something that made me start to think about the future and how to be better prepared.

Of course, that led me to remind myself, 'Bella, don't try to plan the fun and adventure out of your future... just sit back and try to enjoy the ride, okay? Put your seatbelt on but let some of the control issues go.'

In all candor, I am not a 'beautiful woman'. I'm fair enough with myself that I'll say 'I wouldn't stop traffic but I wouldn't stop a clock... I'm just middle of the road and everyone thinks they know me because I just don't have any outstanding striking beautiful features.' STG shook his head ((and, for clarity here in case anyone is still reading and wonders why I'm not falling all over this sharp dressed man, he has a partner )) and said 'you have no idea. You've only had 'two' passes that you're aware of ... there have probably been others but you don't recognize them. Within the next six months you're going to see many more. You just wait.'

Of course, the woman in me who's spent the last ten years listening to Cutty tell me the 'same' but ONLY because of the business and money (not because of me being so darned alluring that men would be falling at my feet) bristled at the thought of a line of sleezy con artists coming after this 'old lady and her money.' Hence why I wouldn't know if someone were truly enamored with me unless they offered me a kidney or something. If the only asset I still have is connected to the bank, well, enter 'hermit mode'. Lock the door and I'll go find my kleenex box house shoes.

So now that I'm painted into this corner what will I do with my life? While you'd find my image under 'world's dumbest tax payers' you'd also find me under 'shrewd but realistic widow' because I'm well aware that of the reality of the compromised potential of a relationship with another man some day.

He'll have baggage of course - no way to get this old without it. But the fact is, if he is financially equal to me, he can afford a gal with better boobs and half my age. So how to proceed?

I began trying to put details to my potential 'Valentine'. Certainly not this year, maybe even not by next February, but what do I really want? As I've been reading about health & weight goals and the outlines to achieve them on others journals I thought I'd give it a try with this topic. As I was waiting for the accountant yesterday I started trying to draft my ideal mate to determine which traits on which I'd be flexible and those on which I'd not budge.

He must make me laugh more than he makes me cry.
Smarter than me but not feel the need to remind me of it daily.
Spontaneous with a sense of adventure.
Relative similar health so that we can walk equal thru the day.
Trustworthy and trusting.
Comfortable in jeans but willing to pull on the occasional suit.
Handy with tools or at least comfortable enough to coordinate 'the guy'.
Financially able to carry his own weight and not interested in comingling the bank accounts.
Must not have a butt smaller than mine.

Okay, it got a little silly there so I stopped writing because another taxpayer sat down in the waiting room and began talking to me. I put my pen down and made small talk wondering if the universe was answering my wish list just that quickly although I really didn't get a good look at his butt. It seemed interesting as he mentioned he'd just retired this year and was frustrated with the cold weather preventing him from being outside but then he mentioned his wife and I laughed internally thinking 'down Bella... stop letting STG's comments go to your head... not every man who talks to you is a potential suiter ...'

Point? I don't know. If you're still reading but feel lost in all of this, welcome to my club. I know if dating these days is anything like it was nearly three decades ago I'm not up for it. I recall even back then it felt like a job interview with cocktails. Speaking of cocktails, I did email Kaddy and ask if the invite to join the 'Galentine' day was still open; she said 'Yes! I'll email you the details tonight!' That was last night but they didn't arrive. I am not about to display pathetic and needy to ask again. If they don't arrive today, I'll just find another plan tomorrow.

And if not tomorrow, I'll find it another day. As one of the frames on my wall read, 'Life is a Journey and You Hold the Map.'

Bless you if you read all of this; bless you even if you didn't. I just appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. Thank you.

79.4 kg これまでの減量分: 49.9 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.1 kg減量中

5 人のサポーター    いいね!   

No relationship is ever 100% perfect... But I guess we 'tolerate' the areas where we are left wanting. Trick is, to find someone, who has 'weaknesses' (as far as we are concerned - purely subjective of course) we can learn to live with. I found recently, that I need to get to grips with things, that I would rather leave to my DH to deal with. Like the changing lightbulbs, plugs, water softener etc. Strangely, I always dealt with the financial side, and had a real grip on it... Then, not sure when or why, my DH took it over... And I happily let him... But, I MUST make an effort to involve myself again - particularly as it's all done on line, with passwords and the like. But I guess, when you have to, you deal with it. As for dating... I would imagine, everyone, 'of a certain age' (I include myself in that bracket) finds dating daunting... But, you need to take the plunge sometime... And... Dating doesn't have to be 'a major romance', it can just be companionship :) 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: Sk1nnyfuture
I've never liked wish lists when it comes to partners. People are well people. They all have what we see as positives and negatives and it's about finding that person that we can love through the hurdles that are thrown at us. As for valentines day.. you can be your own valentine! I'm being mine this year and I have a partner. I'm getting takeout from my favorite restaurant so I don't have to deal with obnoxious crowds and waiting times. I don't have to share my dessert. I'm getting people I love in my life little thank you/thinking of you gifts. Best part is I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine and settle into the hot tub to pamper myself. So.. go pamper yourself honey! You don't need someone to treat yourself to the best valentines day you've ever had. Heck.. you can probably do it better because you know what you like, want, and deserve. No dreaded.. you got me what?!!?! and I have to smile and still say thanks? 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: Ms Elizabeth
On the one hand, I think it's smart to keep your shrewdness about you when moving out into the world as an available woman. But on the other hand, don't let that shrewdness overpower your ability to believe in the hope and wonder of the world. I really do believe the energy we put out there comes back to us so protect yourself but stop before it reaches the point of becoming cynical. And as for having to take over the handyman role (or at least call "the guy"! lol), why not sign up for some of those do-it-yourself workshops that they always have at Home Depot and Lowe's? Growing up, I was lucky in a way because my brother was a rebel without a cause and left my dad without the stereotypical assistant. So we broke the mold and I was the one holding the end of the 2 x 4 or sheet of plywood as he cut it with the power saw and the one handing him the screw driver (and I knew which one was which!). So I became quite adept at handling tools - no expert, for sure, but I was able to install my own closet organizer when I was just 16! Anyway, what else was I wanting to comment on? Oh, taxes. Uggh. I used to be good at doing our family taxes but then we moved to Quebec, the only province that makes you file a federal and provincial return separately. Add to that the fact that my daughter's paycheque makes no sense to me (not entered in the normal way) and I have a panic attack every year. I told hubby that I want to get our taxes done professionally this year just so I can know if I was doing it right. I hope all works out with the Galentines Day event :) 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: evelyn64
Hells Bells girl what a journal. So much rolling around in your head, I hope getting it down on papers helped a bit. You always make me smile, in a good way. Sadness and fun all in the same breath. That's my Bella. Hope you do get out tomorrow night but whatever you do you will be 'good' with because that's you, you roll with the punches. I sent you a PM (in case FS doesn't alert you :) 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: sarahsmum
I don't feel like I have enough life experience to even be qualified to comment on this journal. :-) You are a beautiful person, Bella. Your personality alone is enough to earn you that description, don't sell yourself short. Not every man with money wants the cheap skank with fake boobs, so don't worry about not being a hot market item... when the time is right to get back in the game, that is. You, my dear, are spending an awful lot of time worrying about the future and the "what ifs". You need that vacation, with an agenda and distractions. I think it would do you some good to start living in the moment, instead of contemplating the future. That's about as much as I can muster up the cojones to say, as again... I don't feel qualified lol. I too am a tax fool. I have paid in the last three years as I was self employed, but this year I'm praying for a refund. I will be thinking of you.  
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: Annabelle3117
Read it all! Every word!  
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: madaboutmoose
Another great post, Bella. You have your head on straight. Take care 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: dboza
Of course I read every word. Your journals are a pleasure. You know tomorrow really is just another day , only hallmark thought it was ok to hijack that date forever and ever and make a lot of money,floral shops and restaurants joined in and the rest is history. WHatever your plans with friends or not make sure it's another day in a long string of loving you- you are so very magnificent my friend who has had struggles and triumphs everyday. Think of all the new things you've tackled....painting, gardening, crafts, decorating, yoga, mindfulness, self care, new life philosophy, fresh perspectives....thats my pre valentine valentine.  
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: sharonfriz
I also read it, every word and will say have a good blessed day Bella. 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: LadyBea40
I actually read the whole thing. Amazing. You will fare well, young maiden. However, you forgot a very important trait in your potential suitor: "Single." Baggage is one thing, but you don't need an entourage. Unfortunately, this is a holiday that brings a lot of melancholy moments for those who aren't currently in a relationship, but I think you can rest assured in two things: 1) the right guy will find you eventually, and 2) you bring a lot of joy to all of us here, so . . . who needs a physical relationship anyway!? 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: DairyKing
good stuff, here, Bella. I like that you are looking toward the future but still being with yourself in the present. Making that specific list of what he "looks like" is also a good idea. I've done it myself a couple of times. Still gathering the courage to open up but I'm preparing...  
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: Sweet Ce
All men have smaller butts than we do don't they? I've never seen a man with "fat thighs" either. Great journal. 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: Neptunebch
Yes. As always BELLA you make us smile & cry. But I think YOLANDA is more qualified than she believes herself to be. This journal you did spend an awful lot of time worrying about the future & what-ifs. I understand where that all comes from because I too have been where you are,but you are a very inteligent person that knows that no amount of worrying we take on will help us out of the circumstances we find ourselves in. Yes,we can make plans & even hope those plans work out but none of it is garunteed. Wouldn't you feel so much better focusing on YOU & what kind of mate YOU will be for someone once he comes along? There's no need for you to keep an eye out for him...when the right one for you comes along he will make himself known. He will get your attention. He wont allow himself to be overlooked by you. :D YOU are the prize Bella! Shine yourself up,where YOU know it's needed.Make the changes & improvements YOU wish to see in yourself. You already sparkle in our eyes! :D He,whoever it is & when the time is right,will find you. 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: myawethinTICself
P.S. and dont reject him on the size of his butt! :D 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: myawethinTICself
One day at a time, my friend. Re-entering the dating world will feel right at some point, and you'll know if & when it does. Until, then spoil yourself, do what makes you happy, and take the time to get truly reacquainted with who you are as you start this next chapter. Xoxox 
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: Ruhu
Dear Bella, thank you for another real and vulnerable trip inside that interesting head of yours. You are braver than you know and when you are truly ready to move on you'll put yourself into situations where you may meet a kind man. Don't worry about being shiested either; as I know you have a very good bullshit meter to help you! Happy Valentine's kind to yourself.  
2014年 02月 13日 投稿者: Josie Ann
As always, I catch up with your life in spurts! I think taxes make everyone cringe.. you are not alone! I like that you have at least thought about a potential future valentine. All in good time if it's meant to happen, in my opinion, as long as you're open to it which you sound like you are. Happy valentine's day! Hope your galentine's day plans work out. 
2014年 02月 14日 投稿者: Bkeller1023





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