Finally - a Sunny Monday. Whew. Go Sunny Sun. Rah!

I think I've started this journal about 50 times - and keep editing or deleting so I'm just going to start typing and 'let 'er rip'.

I really don't know how to rate this past weekend. After journaling about 'getting that urge to overeat under control' on Saturday .. well ...I ... see, that's where I get stuck trying to assign a review.

First though - I didn't mean to imply I go to Walmart for stress 'relief' - I was trying to say I go there to get my mind off whatever it's stuck on because it IS or CAN be a very stressful place with the screaming babies and that lady in the checkout lane reading the Enquirer just telling the screaming baby in the cart to 'QUIT-IT' every few minutes to the point I want to smack her in the head with a Globe (the magazine... or maybe a real globe...)

But first, (or I guess, second now) someone explain this to me... because I've NEVER understood it but despite it's constant occurrence cannot ACCEPT it.

What is the deal with navigating your cart down one side of the aisle to always shop from the shelves on the opposite side? I'm sorry if you're one of those people who do that but are you aware of how selfish you're being when you do that because you essentially block the ENTIRE aisle when you do that??

Is food like ART, must be viewed from three feet away to fully appreciate it and decide the selection??? You don't do that in produce, oh no, you pull your cart up so tight against the spinach bin you'd think you were on guard duty. But get over on the non-perishable shelves and you suddenly need to tie up the whole AISLE while you block one side with your cart as you stand on the other side in a daze. Okay, end rant.

Where was I? Oh, trying to assess my eating this weekend. After my 'yes, I survived a week long urge to binge' journal on Saturday I grilled (outside): chicken thighs and country ribs. This grilling thing is new for me; the husband always served the role of 'grill master' in the past while I did EVERYTHINGELSE in the kitchen.

So a week of still trying to get the 'grill plate' seasoned, trying to get the smoker thing working at the same time, learning to use propane without being a 911 call, and trying to turn out cooked meat that isn't raw or shoe leather texture: challenging.

But I'm finally becoming the Zen Master of the Weber Grill. I know this because the husband said 'this is nothing but GOOD.... ' as he practically licked the plate clean.

I knew that too because (finally) mindful eating went OUT the window on that meal. Or so it felt. Now this is where it gets SO confusing.

I'd really not eaten that much Saturday morning because I knew I had this grilling thing planned and wanted to save room to CHOW DOWN in case I did finally get it right. And chow down I did. I had two chicken thighs, a rib, macaroni and cheese (!!!) and baked beans. All in one setting. Well, not really one setting as I ate the first chicken thigh in the kitchen while I was fixing HIS plate. I was just that hungry and it smelled just that good.

At first, I felt bad. Not bad enough to stop, but one of those 'oh well, we'll get 'em next time, can't be perfect every time' bad. Then I realized I never felt 'full' so apparently I didn't eat 'too much' although it 'seemed so'. Then I weighed one of the chicken thighs and ribs and logged it all and went 'uh, really not bad so what's the problem? Oh, no problem. So what's the problem?'

Still conflicted though - after dining on such meager portions for so long while I worked on identifying my hunger to hone my mindful eating skill, it just seemed 'off the rails.' So I went through the whole checklist like this:
1) ok, each thigh is smaller than your fist so ... no, not too much
2) yeah, Mac & Cheese with baked beans, not the best thing for you but it's rare enough to be okay
3) what's the problem again?

I just don't know. It seemed 'not right' but I can't find the wrong. Maybe THAT's what I was working through in my previous journals.

Sunday morning - French toast. Just one slice and not as healthy as my normal 'breakfast' but again, everything in moderation, even the moderation, right?

But finally getting around to the thing ... so if you read this far... here it is:

When I wrote last week about 'when I look normal on the outside, I still don't feel normal on the inside' ... could it BE that I'm not convinced NORMAL is my goal but I never feel special enough to be 'rare'?

After all, if more than 50% of society is obese, then isn't obesity the normal now????? While it's not revered, respected nor envied, it's still the average.

If the AVERAGE woman wears a size 14, I'm under that now size wise - at least, in jeans ( I know Sharon, it's always about the jeans). I'm not normal. Do I want to be normal?

Is THIS perhaps that barrier to me defining the 'me I want to be' because I always refer to myself as 'just your average small town gal trying to make my way through this world with as few bruises as possible'?

So in summary - I think in the scope of 'Eat what you Love' - well, I ate what I loved this weekend and for 90% of it I loved what I ate. That 10% bothering me - am trying to figure out where that's coming from. Either I've had too tight a reign on myself for so long it felt unfamiliar or I really went off the rails and need to recoup. Jury's still out.

One of the things I do need to put a little focus on is automatic snacking at night. Sure, it's within my RDI but settling down last night with my routine pistachios felt really familiar to a year ago when I settled down every night with the peanut butter filled pretzels and ginger ale. It felt so familiar it felt uncomfortable. Maybe that'll be all I need to stop it. Tonight will tell.

Thank you for reading.
83.5 kg これまでの減量分: 45.8 kg.    残り: 1.8 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.

607 kcal 脂質: 35.26g | たんぱく質: 59.49g | 炭水化物: 10.25g.   朝食: Chicken Thigh, Chicken Thigh, Baby Spinach, Publix Green Bell Pepper, Sweet Onions. もっと...
週に0.4 kg減量中


After eating one way for so long I understand what you mean by not feeling normal. You want to grab for what you used to and then stop and remind yourself that is no longer best for you. It takes a while to create a new healthier "normal" and will always leave you second guessing yourself until it becomes habit. Anyways I'm rambling. Happy you got a sunny day... its been raining here for a week and I'm getting sick of it :-(  
2013年 06月 3日 投稿者: Tamaralynn0480
The bbq food felt "bad" because what you ate didn't match up with what you thought you "should". If you had planned it out ahead of time, calculating the calories and portions and knew going into it that you were "allowed" to eat it, would you still feel the same way afterward? I think the issue is the labels we put on food - salad is good, macaroni and cheese is bad. Trouble is, an oversized salad with heavy dressing, cheese and bacon bits can be worse nutritionally and calorie-wise than a modest serving of mac and cheese. There's something wrong with how we make ourselves feel guilty for wanting something that tastes good, that somehow wanting to lose weight means we can't enjoy our food. Even your late night snack is making you question yourself because we are told not to eat after such and such a time or that snacking is a luxury only thin people with good metabolisms are allowed to partake in. Or maybe it's just that we don't trust ourselves, that being around the "good stuff" might cause us to lose control - as if we surround ourselves with bland and boring food, we could trust ourselves more. As for feeling "normal" on the inside, well that's an enigma of epic proportions. What IS normal? Is there only one definition? Or do we each have our own truth? I don't know. Let me know when you figure it out!!! 
2013年 06月 3日 投稿者: evelyn64
Evelyn - I think some of the 'bad feeling' is the image of me standing in the kitchen, chicken thigh in my hand just ripping the meat with my teeth instead of 'sitting down, cutting it ever so mindfully with a knife' - maybe, slovenly? Less mindless; more 'cavewoman'? The snacking - I do not try to inflict 'no eating after x-time' thankfully but to be snacking out of habit because 'It's 7pm, I've showered, time to sit down with a munch and zone out to the thing' ... it rang a bell inside me that needed listening. NORMAL? I have NO freaking idea and I do think that's part of this whole 'where am I going and will I recognize it when I get there'. MacNCheese is my nemesis, and evil food for 'me' that sits in the fridge and calls OUT to me asking me to come play. To have a modest serving of it meant I was eating it as soon as I finished cooking it and nibbled it all the way through until I finally dumped the leftovers in the garbage disposal. I don't think it's bad, I think I behave badly with it. Tama - my 'normal' is yet to be defined but I do think several months toward 'mindful' has made eating while standing in the kitchen feel ... not right. Maybe that's all it was - reminding me this wasn't a habit to which I needed to return. 
2013年 06月 3日 投稿者: FullaBella
BANG! Nail on the head-it isn't bad food, I simply behave badly with it! That's it, right there, the essence of so many "problem foods" for me. That could be what it is, just needing to remind yourself that you want to be mindful, not standing in the kitchen scarfing food before it gets to the table. I have to FORCE myself to take it to the table and sometimes to even put food on a plate, I totally get where you're coming from on this one.  
2013年 06月 3日 投稿者: CollyMP
I behave like a cavewoman most nights these days. I make plates for everyone and snack in between. By the time I'm done feeding lil man I've grazed myself through a meal. It felt bad for a while.. then I realized it was survival. lol I want to be a grill zen master! I need tips and tricks. So far I'm convinced the grill gods hate me. I leave it alone for a second and all of a sudden there is a giant fire. Maybe I should clean the thing. 
2013年 06月 3日 投稿者: Ms Elizabeth
They need warning signs in the grocery aisles - STAY WITH YOUR CART. Especially these days they cram so much in the stores there is no room to roam willy nilly. But I have to admit I love moving someones cart so I can get by and them watch them come looking for it. I do well on the grill because DH could not leave the TV long enough to become good at it so I took over years ago. Even cooking salmon over direct heat achieving crispy skin and tender flakey flesh without the white stuff oozing out. Seriously, I want to get back to a few months ago when I was content with my 1400 or less calories per day and enjoyed actually losing weight. Now I'm sort of maintaining and eating mindlessly - even though logging. It is really scaring me. I also realize I am not alone. 
2013年 06月 3日 投稿者: Neptunebch
Colly - I think that was finally 'it' because as I was writing the response to Evelyn I finally 'sighed' in surrender. DFW - I only make one other plate and I'll confess I get really frustrated always being second; can't imagine having to be last after a family; I'd probably eat the chicken AT the GRILL outside. NEPTUNE: I would love to do that - move the cart. But first I want to learn to grill salmon as you described; you have me drooling here! You know, ONE of the OTHER things that got in my way is I had practically abandoned fresh salads because, well, lets face it - hard to make a salad the size of my fist (my usual meal portion control measure). Yesterday I said 'Forget that' for a while - if I'm hungry, I'm going to have a salad because I love them.' I know I need to keep an eye on the portion but there has to be peace in the middle somewhere! 
2013年 06月 3日 投稿者: FullaBella
OMG, are you now or have you ever been a Baptist? A whole bunch of this sounds like false guilt to me...the kind they put on you in church. 
2013年 06月 4日 投稿者: Baxie





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