I know it's been a minute that I've posted anything. Not to mention I'm up a pound since February. I wanted to give it a few weeks before I reported "why", because without a dexa scan there's no way to be sure and right now that's not possible or recommended by the CDC. BUT, the verdict is in - and it looks like this girl broke her hypertrophy plateau and put on some muscle. How do I know this? I'm up a pound and waist is still 28 and the hips are still 33. I suspected a couple of weeks ago, because I actually felt stronger and to be honest even looked a little thicker all around (specifically my butt, quads, arms and abs), but it wasn't fat. But, ya know us gals increase muscle mass so incrementally....it's hard to know. I wanted to give it a few more weeks. I have been using the Wim Hof breathing technique lately to help increase oxygen saturation, ESPECIALLY when I'm working out and there are some articles stating that O2 saturation can be integral to pushing through Hypertrophy plateaus in strength training. I have to say in stamina alone - the technique is amazing and has really upped my game with weights as I find I don't have to split the sets when I use it. But, a month later I'm a pound up, the inches, are the same, and mama says I look leaner. 3 cheers to body recomp!!! I hope everyone is finding some happiness and joy in these crazy times - stay strong and healthy out there and have a good week! I'll try to write a little bit more later.
56.3 kg これまでの減量分: 38.9 kg.    残り: 0 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に0.1 kg減量中

44 人のサポーター    いいね!   

You look harder and stronger than I remember from earlier. Great dedication! 
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: TomLong
Nice work!  
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: davidsprincess
Amazing!!!!! 💪🏻 
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: Swedishblondie
How many people googled the Wim Hof breathing technique? (I did) Well done Egull, you're looking strong! 
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: Ireland-83
Well done!  
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: HCB
Looking strong, Egull❣️❣️❣️ 
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: moopie321
Great going on gaining muscle. It isn't easy! Looking cut! 💪🏼 
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: -Diablo
I want your arms!!!! 
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: wholefoodnut
Thank you, Tom - There's definitely a lot of incentive these days to show up and do the work! Thank you, dp - I know things are tough right now, but hang in there gal. This to will pass. Thank you, blondie - you're looking perty darn good yourself! And, Ireland - I have to say in the month I've been doing Wim Hof's breathing techniques including the cold water emersion (i.e. cold showers), I've noted many benefits and the nice thing is, they're pretty immediate. Thank you HCB! And, thank you Moopie - you look beautiful and strong, as always :-) Thank you, D - increasing the muscle mass is definitely a labor of love but so worth the results and benefits on so many levels. I'm glad I've stuck with it! And, thank you Wholefoodnut- I'm still in shock I have these arms! LOL. Thank you Chris - I've been wanting a Dexa Scan for months now. I even know where it's located and I'm kicking myself I didn't take advantage sooner. My insurance probably would have covered it. But, we'll have to wait until this passes to truly see the gains. I will definitely post the results when that day comes for sure :-) 
2020年 03月 22日 投稿者: Egull1
you look good 
2020年 03月 23日 投稿者: clairsheart
The hard work is definitely paying dividends. Good for you! Nothing like feeling like a strong, lean and high functioning machine! Machine sounds so utilitarian but I mean it as your body 'using power to apply forces and control movement to perform intended actions.' You have increased your body's power and are reaping the rewards. 
2020年 03月 23日 投稿者: 59Carol





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