I’m embarking on the whole30 diet. 30 days of eating inflammation free foods. It’s a temporary elimination diet where you eat foods that are grown from the ground and from the animal. Here are the nos: 🍯 or added sugar/sweeteners, 🍷 booze, 🍞 grains, 🥛 dairy, 🥜 legumes, preservatives (except salt). The purpose is to figure out what foods causes gastrointestinal distress. The last time I did this I lost only a few lbs, but felt fantastic. Here’s to day 1 🐸☕️🥂.


1408 kcal 運動: Fitbit - 24 時間. もっと...

27 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Best of luck with it. I hope it does what you are seeking :) 
2020年 01月 2日 投稿者: kissangelgirl
Lol but hell that is not CICO at all, it’s against SCIENCE 😳 
2020年 01月 2日 投稿者: velvetee
Thanks kissangel, it’s not easy to follow that’s why it’s temporary. I do hope I’ll have better self control this round during the reintroduction phase. 🤞 Keyten is right in that keto prepped me for this. The only change is the removal of preservatives and dairy. #mindfuleating #whole30 
2020年 01月 2日 投稿者: moopie321
Velvetee, 😂😂😂☺️🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅 #teamcico #teamscience #dietexperiments 
2020年 01月 2日 投稿者: moopie321
#teambullshitthatworksnonetheless #ilovesciencetooistudybiochemistryeveryday #nocicoyethealthyandnocelluliteonthetop #justliveyourlifeoke 
2020年 01月 2日 投稿者: velvetee
Velvetee, since you study it, can you tell me if inflammation causes any weight gain besides water 💦 retention? Does it slow metabolism or promote appetite or any other changes? It’s something I thought was just water, but I really felt like I was more focused while I was on the whole 30 diet. #placeboscanworktoo  
2020年 01月 2日 投稿者: moopie321
There's a lot more to losing weight than the amount of calories you consume. When inflammation is present, even those with the most disciplined eating and exercise habits may find they can make little progress losing weight. Low serotonin, high cortisol are one of the reasons. It's a very vast topic.  
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: velvetee
When you say weight loss do you use that interchangeably with fat loss? I agree stress hormones may slow weight loss, I’ve seen it with my keto friends. But idk where the weight is coming from, water or slower metabolism (water weight or fat weight). 
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: moopie321
Fat loss I think can be as simple or complex as the person want but comes down to cico. I want a diet where I feel happy, it’s nutritious (with micronutrients), there’s variety, I have time for the other priorities in my life and I am satiated ... (there may be more) while achieving my goal. My whole30 diet is to figure out what exactly is causing my bloating/cramps. I haven’t had a case of diarrhea since I’ve been drinking kombucha everyday. Lol diarrhea is weight loss too.😂😂😂  
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: moopie321
You asked for weight loss so I talked weight loss. Weight and fat loss are different things too. In my case I don’t follow CICO. I follow “overall shape, visual aspect and internal feeling”. But of course if ,imagine, I don’t exercise and overeat and weight 300lbs, it’s about energy balance and then counting will help. I don’t fear sugar or fat in particular, but I know what makes me feel bad and tired. So I eat accordingly with occasional slip where I KNOW I will suffer in away lol. I like to be aware, that’s all. 
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: velvetee
I too am going to do a similar detox diet when I get back from trip. Need to get those toxins out of body.. Keep us posted on how it goes!💪💜 
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: Diana 1234
Diana, it’s a good way to figure out how certain foods affect mood, appetite and energy levels. Day 2 is in the works, just getting ready to head out the door. I was craving creamy cheese last night but went to sleep instead. Had coffee and kombucha, feeling good. :)  
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: moopie321
Yup, I agree velvetee. I use weightloss and fat loss interchangeably but I really mean fat loss for both. 🙃🙃🙃 
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: moopie321
I'd say, it's easier to lose weight vs fat. At your body composition (from what I see cf your pictures), losing lbs isn't really crucial. But it's important to understand where things should be corrected. 
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: velvetee
Here's to feeling fantastic! 👍💕😊 
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: Becc@
Thank keyten. The problem with diets too restrictive is when I go off I tend to get a little wild. Luckily keto dieting prepped me for this. When I did whole30 two years ago I didn’t learn anything. I introduced everything back at once. 😆😆😆Lol, hopefully this time it’ll go smoother. Thank you draglist❣️I’m going to need it. Thank you Velvetee, hopefully this is the last time I’ll have to do whole30 🤞 Thank you Becca, the first week is the hardest. Day 2 went well. I do fantasize about cheese and potato chips... I can make it at home or find a restaurant that makes it from scratch. 😋😋😋  
2020年 01月 3日 投稿者: moopie321
Sending positive thoughts although I know you'll ace it! 
2020年 01月 5日 投稿者: FullaBella
Thank you draglist and Bella. There’s something weird going on. I don’t see all the comments posted but I do try to respond to many of them.  
2020年 01月 6日 投稿者: moopie321





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