#boochbooze probiotics with a buzz... lol I didn’t try it but spotted this at Costco.

1804 kcal 運動: Fitbit - 24 時間. もっと...

19 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Okay - this brought up the answer to a question I'd been carrying around but too lazy to google. I've read 'don't put the scoby in the fridge' but all of the kombucha's I've bought were already chilled. So now to see this box obviously not chilled... is there a better, worse temperature? 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: FullaBella
Adult just mentioned one she tried - I finally found them online, in Maine. I'm thinking 'well, do they ship in refrigerated trucks like some of those meal plans I've bought? OR does it not matter? 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: FullaBella
The bottled kombucha are scoby free, but if you leave it alone long enough a scoby might start to form from the bacteria and yeast floating in the tea. It’s in the fridge to slow down that process. I don’t know why alcoholic kombucha does not need refrigeration. I read alcohol kills the probiotics. That might be why boozy kombucha can be stored at room temperature. 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: moopie321
Ah, thank you. That's conflicting .. the higher the alcohol content the less probio. But I guess if you drink enough you don't care?  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: FullaBella
That seems counterproductive. 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: Erquiaga
I know kombucha is extremely low in alcohol. But to super charge it... benefit??? 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: Erquiaga
It becomes more of a kombucha flavored alcoholic drink vs kombucha with a little bit of alcohol?  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: moopie321
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: Erquiaga
Ahhhhh, whatever sells.  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: Erquiaga
Hey ladies, this is the I found today: https://www.fermentory.com/bottled-products-1 It wasn’t super alcoholic (tho I got carded whoot) and it definitely was refrigerated. The taste was clean and interesting - but yeah the oak taste was pretty loud at the end. Bella was giving me a hard time lol but it tastes like how fresh cut wood smells? Herbaceous. I liked it, it was different. More of a drinky drink, less of a heath drink.  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: adultosaur
Go ahead... ask her how she knows what oak tastes like. I dare ya. I gotta go google herbaceous now.  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: FullaBella
Yay for not being carded❣️ Mmm... mead, kombucha and Jun!! Has anyone tried jun kombucha? The difference Is that it’s fermented with green tea and honey.  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: moopie321
Haha tastes like licking a tree... like how wheatgrass juice tastes like a freshly mowed lawn. 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: moopie321
...not that I’ve licked a tree but I’ve eaten with wooden chopsticks...same? 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: moopie321
Okay, Adult is chewing on oak & Moo is licking trees. And *I* am the wild one... hahaha 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: FullaBella
Okay, Adult is chewing on oak & Moo is licking trees. And *I* am the wild one... hahaha 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: FullaBella
Well adultosaur is a 🦖 and I’m a 🐮  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: moopie321
You’re just a beauty. 💃  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: moopie321
Apparently chewing oak is how I cracked my tooth today. 😑 
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: adultosaur
Moo you are on 🎯  
2019年 10月 29日 投稿者: adultosaur





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