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2024年 05月 1日

hi started the day off alright, but now ending shity then OK again. Maria and I did 3 customers. The 1st one was a small house, Maria and Di had done it before. The 2nd house is also small. I went up Maria down. The 3rd was a very small flat. Maria did she did a tiny hallway and bedroom and ensuite. I did the big bathroom and big kitchen. Maria went without saying anything to the customer and me. She waited for me in the car. The customer thought it rude ( which it was). The woman wanted to give me a tip, but not Maria. I ended up declining her kind offer. because I couldn't take it, one be she was elderly 2 didn't think it fare on Maria. Anyway, more than enough about me. How are you all? It should be all your turns, not just my life. England has a bank holiday on Monday, so it's nice to be off. Watching good old Coranation Street. Had Lyn and her son Joe in for a cuppa today. I always seem to have a lot of company, which does me good. up late last night, not too sure about tonight. catch up soon. I have much love to you all. Merry Mel ❤️

2024年 04月 28日

Ho everyone, I will continue with Jim and my story. so the last entry was Jim is a milkman in Rye. Well, one day, it came to an end. But his brother in law Pete needs someone to help him in painting and decorating and plumbing, well, a bit of everything. so he went to see them with me and accepted his offer of a job. I at the time was working in Spar. late at night, I hated it, but it was a job. Jim came to Redhill, and I was in Hastings on my own. He was staying at his sisters Janet. And baby sat for Claire, who only had Hayden and Bailey at this time. it was about 20 years ago. This went on for a while. and we couldn't contact each other like today. it became daft because he was here and I was there we never saw each other. And I was missing out baby sitting too ( as I can not drive) it was totally silly. So Jim told Janet, and within about 4/6 months, Janet found us a flat. honorary the one I am in now. we moved here in 2008, and of course, I am still here. Jim carried on working for Pete. I found Merry Maids all lovely 😍. A bit more another time. I said I would stay on a diet and have so far, but it's only been two days 🤣😅😂. I hope you are all well. take care and much ❤️ everyone Merry Mel ❤️

2024年 04月 27日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
58.1 kg 0 kg 6.4 kg まあまあ
   (7件のコメント) 週に0.5 kg増量中

2024年 04月 24日

2024年 04月 21日

I have been looking back at my old site, and the saddest thing is seeing Jim so in love with me celebrating 2023, and before it's finished, God decided to take him away from me. It doesn't seem possible to be in the lonely boat now. I still can't get my head around it. 😫 it's still so raw. Someone told me a woman found love again after losing her husband only 6 months. I think it's far too soon. But we are all different. I'm still too much in love with Jim. No one else would be good enough for me. if I am not unkind, I'm just realistic . I intend to live a happy life because Jim would want me to be. But I truly know I will never be in love again. yes, there are some people who would say never say never. But there is no messing about with me, I mean it. Anyway, how are you all. Today, I have done 21,292 steps also been to the gym. I truly hope your all OK, love and very best wishes always. Merry Mel ❤️


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