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2024年 05月 16日

Hi me again, continuing my Jim story. we had 15 happy years in this flat. We never argued. If something bad happened, we would go our separate ways for an hour or so, eg I would go walking. Jim would mess around with the car. Afterwards, we would either go heart to heart with the problems. or write them down and swap notes, read them, then talk about our differences. It always worked. If anyone is going through this argumentative period, try writing it all down swaring as well, I can promise you you will both benefit from it, and it works. We always found stuff to laugh at big or small. I laughed until my sides ached. Jim laughed until he dribbled. I used yo say to him, "Would you like a bib. That used to set us off again. Anyway, our life was musical and magic, hence the song Magic Moments by Perry Como. look it up if you don't know who he is and the song. The words in it were Jim and l. Carry on another day. getting worn out now. Have a great evening. much love to you all. Merry Mel ❤️

2024年 05月 16日

2024年 05月 14日

2024年 05月 11日

2024年 05月 11日

体重: これまでの減量分: 残り: ダイエット続き:
57.7 kg 0 kg 6.0 kg まあまあ
   (2件のコメント) 週に0.9 kg減量中


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