2012年 05月に参加しました

132.9 kg
これまでの減量分: 19.8 kg

113.1 kg
成績: 体重に変化ありません

52.2 kg
残り: 61.0 kg
Long year last year. Bought our first house and moved across the state. Still in Florida. Life was not good this time last year, this year has been incredible. I still stress eat and it got really bad and I gained all my weight back and then some. I decided to get my life in order and do something about it. I've been back on this woe for just over 2 months and slow and steady is working. I'm keto, ketovore with 20:4 eating window. I love broccoli too much to give it up. Sustainability is the key this time. We go out to dinner once or twice a month. This time for birthdays, special events I'm not giving up the piece of cake or a favorite meal. I know if I go to Cheddar's I'm getting my Monte Cristo BUT it's one meal. Usually I can get something on my WOE but for certain things, nope gonna happen. I found I can't even finish it now. Hubby is not on any diet (just smaller portions) so he finishes it for me the next day. My stress eating is now eating outside of my times but still low carb. (Hurricane Ian was fun, not) If we go out for breakfast or lunch I adjust my eating window and it's no big deal. This is something I can do. Before it would have derailed me but now I adjust. If it takes me an extra week or two to lose the total weight who cares. I'll still get there.

Mini Goals
Weigh 235 lbs - Unknown, just something
Weigh 218 lbs - Class II obese (bmi 39.9)
Weigh 215 lbs - Unknown, just something -
Weigh 191 lbs - Unknown, just something -
Weigh 191 - Class 1 Obesity instead of starting from Super Morbidly Obese (from 50.1 to 34.9)
Weigh 163.6 lbs - No longer obese just overweight (bmi 29.9)- Unknown, just something
Weigh 150 lbs - Hubby treats to new clothes
Weigh 136lbs - Normal weight according to BMI (24.9)
Weigh 130 lbs - Full Body Wax - Husband pays
Goal Weight - Full Body Massage with spa day - Treat for me by me



最後の計量: 週に0.2 kg減量中 Down
最後の計量: 週に0.3 kg増量中 Up
最後の計量: 週に4.4 kg減量中 Down


カロリー: 98kcal | 脂質: 5.86g | 炭水化物: 9.23g | たんぱく質: 1.86g
Great LCHF tortilla recipe.
カロリー: 58kcal | 脂質: 1.99g | 炭水化物: 9.69g | たんぱく質: 2.63g
Red Pepper & Tomato Soup
Lovely roast vegetables make this taste amazing.
カロリー: 168kcal | 脂質: 13.47g | 炭水化物: 3.57g | たんぱく質: 9.50g
Cream Cheese Biscuit
A very low carb breakfast muffin.
カロリー: 105kcal | 脂質: 2.26g | 炭水化物: 8.63g | たんぱく質: 11.63g
8 Minute Microwave Cupcake
A super quick, delicious cupcake which literally only takes minutes.
カロリー: 398kcal | 脂質: 32.49g | 炭水化物: 5.68g | たんぱく質: 18.19g
Pepperoni Pizza
Pizza crust made with cream cheese and eggs offers a lower carb recipe.


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