(Kratky method)

74 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Aww 🥰 so cute. I miss you 
2024年 01月 18日 投稿者: PinayRN
Happy new year Pinay, miss you too 
2024年 01月 18日 投稿者: yfritz
Nice to see you again yfritz. 😘 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: wifey9707
Oh look, it's my inner, thinner me, struggling to find its weigh in this new year! Ha Ha ha :) I'm a poor little lamb who has lost his weigh. bah bah bah HA HA HA Happy New Year YF, and have a great, glorious, year! 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: TJHenggeler
Beautiful! Still getting a gardyn or aerogarden? 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: cindylynnwho
beautiful! miss you friend ❤️ 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: Asarver
Hi Wifey Happy New Year, I’m in love with your parka❤️ 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: yfritz
Beautiful baby you’ve got there 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: TheLovelyMrsG
TJ😭🥲❤️ 🐑🐏🐏 I thought you forgot about me! How’s Houston? I hope all is well in the TJ land. Let’s make 2024 about soothing our soul and creating green oases. Join me in the yfritz indoor garden🪴Happy New Year to you and your family 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: yfritz
Cindy, it’s a long story… I read a lot about hydroponics and now I’m obsessed with DIY Kratky system. Is your hubs into Kratky too? I make my own Kratky jars (I even bought hole saws🤣) Experimenting with different grow medium and such. Seeds planted in rockwool cubes germinated in less than 48 hours in the makeshift greenhouse made with a strawberry container! I’d still love to own a Gardyn, but I couldn’t find a good spot for that in the house. It was either getting a Gardyn or ditching my beloved antique Chinese chest. The chest won, and now it is beautifully serving as my hydroponic station. 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: yfritz
Ashley Aserver, I miss you too. Did you go to Spain? I see you still run 5K! My exercise is on hold💔 What happened to Matt? Is he ok? 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: yfritz
TheLovelyMrsG, wish me luck!🤞🏻Cilantro is supposed to be super easy but I was never successful growing it outdoor. 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: yfritz
Yfritz I didn’t know about the Kratky method. I’ll have to ask my hubby about it. Glad you are enjoying yourself :)  
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: cindylynnwho
YF, at the risky of sounding skimpy, I could never forget about you. I’ve periodically came on looking for your posts, which is a challenge on the phone. Houston is great, or at least it’s home. It took me longer than intended to feel settled, but I am there. My daughter is amazing, even took the JV District championship for the Butterfly stroke, and is a bronzer student. She blows me away. I will mull the other part of your response, but I am in need of self healing and growth. Hope you will be around to prod/prune/nudge me along the way😉 
2024年 01月 19日 投稿者: TJHenggeler
Cindy, could you ask your hubs if petunias are slow germinating? I started them on January 4, still not much going on there… 
2024年 01月 20日 投稿者: yfritz
TJ, first of all I’m very proud of your daughter. Sounds like she made a successful transition to the new school. Good for her. What’s new with TJ tho?? Have you unpacked your guitar yet? I got an acoustic guitar as a Christmas present from my son. String instruments are hard to learn for keyboard players like me. I now realize that string instrument players perceive music very differently from keyboard players, and it has been quite enlightening. 
2024年 01月 20日 投稿者: yfritz
YF, you are good, noticed I was silent on certain facts. He he he I agree on your assessment of musicians can differ from stringed to keyed instruments. There is even a diff between guitar and bass. That said my new musical muse (Miss from Band-Maid) is amazing. Though I’ll never play like her, I pseudo swoon when I hear her play. So yes, my bass is out and on its stand. I have even played it, thou probably as much as my rowing machine. 🤦‍♂️😂 As for me, I am feeling calmer being in TX. Less political angst generated by CA politicians. They’re crackers! But driving in TX is anxious as it seems there are less rules. Go figure. In line with your comments on growing a garden, working on self, etc. I agree. The transition has spoken to me that much of who I am is wrapped up in my wife and daughter. I need to get back in touch with my inner goofball, be happy with me, for me, and work out from there. I have sort of lost sight of that part of me. More later… 
2024年 01月 20日 投稿者: TJHenggeler
Yfritz he has petunias in his gardyn but says he doesn’t know much about them  
2024年 01月 20日 投稿者: cindylynnwho
So far, so good! Would love an update on how well this works. I assume you have to replant every month or so. Would love to have fresh cilantro rather than buying all the time. 
2024年 01月 21日 投稿者: SharonEsq
yfritz excited for you regarding the guitar — good tone definitely has a hump in the beginning because of the need to develop fretting strength & calluses but stick with it! the piano spoils us with easy tone generation :p 
2024年 01月 21日 投稿者: johncip





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