shared it 4 years ago. Still true.

2093 kcal 脂質: 76.36g | たんぱく質: 154.61g | 炭水化物: 215.80g.   朝食: Pop Secret Movie Theater Butter Popcorn, Cousin Willie's 94% fat free butter popcorn, Cheeseburger with 1/4 Lb Meat on Bun, Fairlife Fat Free Ultra-Filtered Milk, Cuties Mandarin Orange, Orange, Navels Oranges , Oranges , Marketside magic cookie bar, Fairlife Fat Free Ultra-Filtered Milk, Quest White Chocolate Raspberry Protein Bar, Pork Chops (Top Loin, Boneless) . もっと...

53 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Yep, in the long run that's what counts.  
2023年 04月 25日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
Exactly! Moderation in all things. Thanks for sharing. 
2023年 04月 25日 投稿者: Wisco Soul
Or calorie surplus if you‘re trying to bulk 💪 
2023年 04月 25日 投稿者: sk.17
Yes but it puts the cart before the horse. Lately, on keto (and I have tried ALL of the diets since about 1984) my stomach is just a floppy bag somewhere in my guts that I occasionally put stuff into, like a handbag. It spends its time mostly empty and I may or may not put food into it depending on my whim. This is because high fat /low carb turns of ghrelin and turns on leptin, and turns off insulin also. So that means it turns off the hunger signal, turns on the satiety signal and turns off the fat storage signal. That is a HUGE difference to the 45 - 50 yrs of low fat high carb diets I have been on, where I have been absolutely desperate for food until I lost my sh!t and ate everything in town. Add to that the amazing thrill (better than meth) of being in ketosis. It makes sense too. In spring. Primitive man has run out of any stored food but there is nothing grown in the garden... all he can eat is animals he can find, and green shoots and plants. What does he need to hunt? He needs ENERGY. He can't run without energy. And being in ketosis (living on greens and meat) kicks you into an incredible high. just Wowser. Mega release of energy. The fact that I am on keto is the reason I can keep my calories low. Causation goes the other way from what your poster says. And also despite what your poster says, not all of those diets work very well for humans.  
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Bubbles McBubble
Your insulin never gets turned off. Insulin is there to remove sugar from your blood. Fat ALWAYS gets stored into your cells after being broken down by bile from gallbladder. Fat is the easiest macro to be stored as fat. This whole insulin causes weight gain thing is a myth. The number one drug being prescribed right now for weight loss is ozempic, what does ozempic do? It is a diabetic drug that has a side effect of weight loss, but it’s main function is to increase INSULIN in diabetics. This right here proves the whole insulin causes weight gain a myth. This drug raises your insulin and despite doing this causes weight loss at the same time, proving increases in insulin does not increase your weight. You might feel more energetic and less hungry, and that’s great for you. Personally I did keto the first 6 months of my weight loss journey, lost weight but had NO energy in the gym, started eating carbs, continued to lose a lot of weight and solved the energy problem. Everyone is different, if keto works for you, that’s great I wish you luck on your journey, but carbs, insulin, sugar, etc aren’t our enemies, too many calories are. It all comes down to getting your body into a calorie deficit, like Diablo posted. Many ways to do it. 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Kennyn27
You got it, Diablo! It all because one size does not fit all. The right diet or life-style change is the one that works for you. 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Magpiezoe
So Bubbles, you found something that works short term which offers nothing besides appetite reduction for YOU. For others like myself it would cause an eventual binge because restrictive diets don't work for me and most people in my experience. Many of us have found something that works long term. Your individual preference is just that, a preference. I feel like I can count on one hand keto dieters who have gotten to their goal and maintained on this site in the 12 years I've been on this site. Successful flexible dieters? Dozens. 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: -Diablo
i restrict and do dirty keto but i have TONS of binge days. this go-around, I've been able to rebound easily, but not in the past (as my years of journaling here on FS will reveal)  
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: kaylinrenee
Lol, Cindy. Teh hormoanssss. Kenny, that post was perfect. 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: -Diablo
And yes, raising insulin actually decreases hunger. And yeah, you burn more fat doing keto. Dietary fat. It's only logical for the body to use what is more readily available on a high fat diet. At the end of the day/week/month it still comes down to an energy balance. CICO 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: -Diablo
Bubbles -- if going keto works for you, by all means do it. But there's nothing magical about keto, and it's definitely not for everyone. I'm down to high school weight with perfect blood sugar and lipids on a pretty dang carby diet. And absolutely did not go hungry getting here. It's all about finding the way to get your energy in balance that doesn't make you miserable and that you can sustain. There is no right diet for everyone, but there's usually a right diet for you  
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: writingwyo
Kenny n wyo 👌 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Supergainz1
My experience with keto is I was never satisfied when I ate and I had a short temper. Things pissed me off pretty quick and I’m not usually like that 😂 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Supergainz1
I break a lot of the "rules," but I've lost and maintained almost 40 lbs. for about 2 years. I eat dinner late, I eat desserts, I occasionally drink adult beverages. Something I even eat way over my planned calories. What has made me successful after years of yo-yoing up & down is finding balance & exercising more. I eat a mix of carbs, fats & proteins, tracking my . macros & calories. I don't feel any hungrier eating carbs. In fact, my usual breakfast is a bowl of mixed fruit, half a bagel with peanut butter & coffee. (Mostly carbs) Everyone has to find the diet that works for them....there is no magic pill.  
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: SherryeB
I was so conditioned to have low carb meals that I still struggle when I eat carbs. I never did keto, just stayed under 100 grams of carbs daily. Now in maintenance and trying to build/ bulk and carbs are's definitely a head thing but I'm getting better.💪 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Diana 1234
Btw mcbubbles, if keto works for you and you enjoy it then it’s awesome. But really it’s not the only way.  
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Supergainz1
ive been eating carbs and little fat no sugar and still losing weight. i am happy cuz i love carbs 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: andrea9013
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Zakata
There is a diet for every person. I don't believe in one size fits all diets. I do what works best for me. And obviously you, Diablo, totally do what works best for you. The proof is in the pudding of which you have plenty to show. LOL.  
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: -MorticiaAddams
Very true!! 
2023年 04月 26日 投稿者: Maine coon





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