Good morning! Lost another 2/10 pound this morning, PTL. Slowly inching my way down. Total down from 258.6 to 241.4. Yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed my fruit: cherries, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe and pineapple. For veggies I had butter beans and lots of onions, celery and tri-colored peppers in the Chinese Casserole. Still not getting enough protein.

My daughter made creme brulee again (I kinda suggested it, since I'm deliberately upping my calories this week.) I bought her some 5-oz disposable creme brulee cups, which are smaller than the ramekins she was using. I'm eating a whole one each day for three days (they actually have about 4 ounces in them). My calorie average for the week should work out right around 1,650 if I stay on target with the other things I've scheduled through Sunday. Planning ahead is SO helpful to me!

Busy day today (at least for me). Taking my mother-in-love to the pharmacy this morning to pick up a prescription and get a her second shingles shot. This afternoon, I'm picking up my granddaughter from school and taking her home. I might go to BJ's on the way to her house. I've got some coupons that expire on the 5th and don't "need" to go that way for anything else before then. I also might go to Publix today. They've got 2-liter Cherry Pepsi and Canada Dry Ginger Ale (both of which my husband drinks) on sale for $1.49 when you buy four of them. I like to stock up on things when they are on a really good sale like that. Also need to cook more Butter Beans today. I'll finish my last bowl of what I have tonight.

Praying for extra motivation and determination for all of us today! God bless you!
109.5 kg これまでの減量分: 8.0 kg.    残り: 41.5 kg.    ダイエット続き: 100%.

1987 kcal 脂質: 122.65g | たんぱく質: 45.69g | 炭水化物: 190.39g.   朝食: Butter, Dave's Killer Bread Good Seed Bread. 昼食: Chinese Casserole (serving is 1/8th of casserole), La Choy Rice Noodles. 夕食: Cooked Immature Lima Beans (from Fresh, Fat Added in Cooking), Dave's Killer Bread Good Seed Bread, Butter (Salted). 軽食/その他: Mixed Melon & Pineapple, Trader Joe's Creme Brulee. もっと...
週に0.6 kg減量中

23 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Nice loss. You are one busy lady. Sending motivation and determination your way. 
2022年 09月 1日 投稿者: meonadiet




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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