Good morning, everyone. Hope you'll awaken to a bright, sunny day. It will be cloudy here, and 66 but rain coming this afternoon and staying around for at least 12 hours. I have to take my granddaughter to an orthodontist appointment this afternoon in an unfamiliar part of town, so I'm not looking forward to driving in the rain.

Yesterday was another good day - the tenth in a row, judging from my walking record! Got in 1-1/2 miles yesterday. Did a almost 1/2 of a mile at the grocery store price monitoring and finished up that 1/2 mile at home. Then, I had to take my MIL to a dermatology appointment; so, while she was in the doctor's office, I walked along a nice sidewalk in front of the building. One round trip was a perfect 1/10th of a mile, so I did that five times. Next was BJ's. Only got in 3/10th of a mile in there, so I finished up the other 2/10ths at home to make it a neat 1-1/2.

Planned ahead for the MIL appointment, and took along four 8-oz bottles of water, all of which I drank while we were out. Finished out the day with just under 2 liters of Diet Coke. Still, better than the THREE liters I was drinking every day before I started cutting back. Small steps - but moving forward, PTL.

BIG NEWS on the exercise front. Remember I told you that I made a new exercise atomic (mini) goal to just WATCH one set a day of the Plus Size HIIT Workout? (An "atomic" goal is one that is an irreducible step of progress that may or may not lead to accomplishing more in a strategy toward a bigger goal.) Well, day before yesterday, I actually DID one of the exercises 10x. Yesterday, I did ALL of them but one (the "inchworm," which I won't be doing) for the whole 20 seconds each. I wasn't even winded. A couple of them are tricky with my bad knees, so I was very careful that I didn't twist them too much. Remember, this is ME, Debbie Cousins, the one who HATES exercise! ANY exercise is an accomplishment for me, so to do this in addition to my walking was nearing miracle status.

Eating choices have been good - lots of fruits and vegetables. Though nothing is restricted to me, I didn't have anything yesterday that could derail my nutritional progress. I've really been enjoying a daily smoothie with fresh strawberries, blueberries, grapes, banana, Greek yogurt (full fat) and milk. It makes enough to freeze an 8-oz container to have the next day as "ice cream." Quite yummy.

QUESTION: Does anybody know anything about these "Cotton Candy" type grapes? I've had them before, and they DO taste like cotton candy. I got some at the store yesterday that were "Grape Jelly" grapes, and they're the sweetest grapes I've ever tasted! How do they make these grapes so sweet? Is there something artificially added to them? It doesn't say on the packaging. Anybody have any knowledge about how they are made and whether they are a good snacking choice?

The End.
114.8 kg これまでの減量分: 2.7 kg.    残り: 46.7 kg.    ダイエット続き: まあまあ.
週に1.9 kg増量中

36 人のサポーター    いいね!   

according to the info I have found, cotton candy grapes are just as healthy as an ordinary grape. they are "genetically engineered" but still contain the same nutrients as a regular grape. 
2022年 03月 23日 投稿者: Mimi Campbell
You're doing wonderfully! Great job! 👍Every day, taking positive steps 😊  
2022年 03月 23日 投稿者: writingwyo
Way to go! You are doing fantastic! 💪🎉😎♥️ 
2022年 03月 23日 投稿者: annamommy
Great news Debbie, well done! 
2022年 03月 23日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
So, I just looked it up, Cotton Candy grapes are not injected or genetically modified, they were created through good old-fashioned cross-breeding. They do have a little more sugar than normal table grapes, 20 brix instead of 17-19 brix. I'd say they are a great choice for healthy snacking as long as you don't go crazy. They are certainly healthier than cotton candy, haha. Enjoy your yummy snack!  
2022年 03月 23日 投稿者: DarkFaerieQueen
Never heard of those grapes.... 
2022年 03月 23日 投稿者: Slow Meta
That is all great news and good for you for walking and exercising (WOW - I am impressed) and cutting down on your fav diet pop --- and sticking to your food plan - all at the same time!!! Congratulations and good for you - that was a fun read. 
2022年 03月 23日 投稿者: Jergens123
Oh those cotton candy grapes are amazing! 
2022年 03月 23日 投稿者: abbadabba




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