Had a good day yesterday. Drank LESS THAN 2-liters of Diet Coke! Got in 1.7 miles of walking. Drank ten 8-oz. bottles of water. I'm "trying on" a new mini-habit: WATCH one set of Obese HIIT Workout All I have to do is watch it. I watched yesterday, and I was starting to feel a little tinge of motivation. Bonus step will be to DO one of the exercises ONE time. Then, do EACH of the five exercises ONE time.

This is a very ambitious goal, as I have a 60-year history (started when I was seven) of saying, "I hate to exercise!" Even in elementary school, I would say I was "sick" to get out of having to go to P.E. In middle school, it got even worse, because I really struggled with having bad B.O. I would go to great lengths to avoid sweating. I still hate to sweat. Though the B.O. isn't a problem anymore, I sweat profusely under my breasts (no odor). I mean I DRIP sweat. My bra gets soaked, and it is very uncomfortable. That is why the 200-step walking stints have worked out so well for me! Yesterday, I walked 1.7 miles without breaking a sweat, HOORAY!!!

Today's Quote: "It is easier to avoid temptation than to resist it." James Clear, "Atomic Habits" Today, I'm having my twin friends come over and giving them the rest of the mini donuts that have been in the fridge for a week. Having them out of sight has greatly helped me to not eat them as frequently. But, they are still a temptation. Just writing about them makes me want one right now. With my new WOE, nothing is off limits for me. If I really want something I CAN have it with no guilt or shame. Food is not moral or immoral. It is not good or bad. And, I am not "good" or "bad" for eating it! 90% or more of the time, lately, I have been making more healthy choices. As I continue to incorporate more and more healthy foods into my WOE, there is less and less room for unhealthy or non-healthy ones.

29 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Thank you! I needed to hear that. I have been "over" for two days in a row! I mean OVER by 200 calories- and all in sweets! Gah! I need to get back on track to make better food choices. The pounds COME ON so easy, but they are SO HARD to remove!! 
2022年 03月 20日 投稿者: 3dkids2
The Atomic Habits book is a good one. Small, incremental progress builds up! I had a lot of gym class trauma as a kid myself, so I'm a little exercise-resistant myself. I hike and ski, but I consider that activity, not exercise. I'm a big believer in finding joy in movement, however you get there 😊 
2022年 03月 20日 投稿者: writingwyo
Good for you Debbie, keep moving in the right direction! 
2022年 03月 20日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
Very very inspiring Debbie!!👍👏💙💪 
2022年 03月 20日 投稿者: CrystalJo74
I have a Diet Coke habit too. Is it helping you to cut down on it? How? I drink enough water 
2022年 03月 20日 投稿者: msbentley411
Good for you Debbie !!! Every step in any direction is better than not taking any step at all. 
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: Jergens123
@msbentley411, there are numerous articles about the negative aspects of drinking diet soda. In my heart, I know I should give it up completely, and that is my ultimate goal. I want to be a good example to my grandchildren by drinking water.  
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
carbonated water is what helped me break my soda habit a few years back (wow, it's been over 7 years). you can add fruit or they have flavorings. I wonder if that's worth a try!  
2022年 03月 21日 投稿者: Asarver




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