This afternoon I did:
Heather Robertson - LEG DAY! // Strength Workout (Dumbbells Only)

My first one for the week. No reason and no valid excuses for starting so late in the week. I did go for a walk on Tuesday though and then hit 10,000 steps yesterday as well. Went for a meetup walk in the park that ended at a pub instead of a coffee shop so the cappuccino I'd planned to have ended up being a cider. Well, that just put me in the festive mood a bit so I had a Christmas mince pie when I got home and decided that's it for tracking again for a while.

I stepped on the scale just now in my workout gear and all signs point to around 68.5kg for tomorrow morning's weigh-in, which would be fine with me. Work has happily gone very quiet, which is great since I need a mental break from it for a while. So I could do a workout tomorrow morning as well - or otherwise Saturday afternoon. Will see how it goes.

On Sunday we're spending the day out with hubby's family so that should be fun and partly the reason for me loosening the reins right now (there are many others besides). Will hopefully fit in a walk tomorrow too.

Almost the weekend. Hope you are all well! xxx

1861 kcal 運動: ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 30 分, ストレッチ(ヨガ) - 5 分, 休憩 - 15 時間   25 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...

15 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Sounds like a nice wind down for the holidays xx 
2021年 12月 16日 投稿者: suma-ya-c
Thanks Suma - yes, it was. It will be a relatively quiet one for us this year again, but we don't mind it. Wishing you a wonderful festive season! xxx 
2021年 12月 17日 投稿者: Nikina70





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