This evening I did:
Heather Robertson - Day 9: Lower Body Strength // Unilateral Leg Workout

Felt great with my 5kg dumbbell and quite challenging for the second half. Only modified the hip thrusts to just both feet on the floor because one-sided just doesn't feel good for some reason.

Also went for a lovely walk through our local park this morning when the sky cleared for pretty much just that hour - we were lucky! So, I'm glad I got 4 walks in this week and 3 YouTube strength workouts - all good.

Hubby baked our favourite fruit cake for the first time in this new home and we'll share it with his sister and niece when they visit next weekend. Not even sure if they like it, but fine if not. It smells so festive and Christmassy and will always remind me of my mom - it was her speciality too although she always doused hers in brandy. Ours doesn't usually last that long to need preserving.

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend! xxx

1772 kcal 脂質: 58.49g | たんぱく質: 68.79g | 炭水化物: 242.11g.   朝食: The Juice Company Orange Juice with Juicy Bits, Golden Syrup, Plant Menu No Beef Burger, Rowan Hill White Muffin. 昼食: Lidl Crispy Mixed Leaf, By Sainsbury's Sweet Chilli Sauce, Cook Spanish Bean Stew with Peppers & Kale, Rowan Hill Cheese Topped Rolls, Acti Leaf Soya Milk. 夕食: By Sainsbury's Sweet Chilli Sauce, Plant Menu No Beef Burger, Lidl Crispy Mixed Leaf, Rowan Hill Cheese Topped Rolls. 軽食/その他: Acti Leaf Soya Milk, Bellarom Instant Hot Chocolate, Asda Bran Flakes, Acti Leaf Blueberry Soya Pot, Asda Red Seedless Grapes, Pringles Sour Cream & Onion, Aero Peppermint, Nescafe Instant Coffee. もっと...
1993 kcal 運動: ストレッチ(ヨガ) - 5 分, ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 40 分, 歩く(ゆっくり) - 時速3km - 1 時間, 休憩 - 14 時間   15 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...

11 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I have just finished my peppermint infused latte and am going to tear myself away from the computer and get my butt moving. Enjoy the rest of your lovely sounding weekend. you do know the brandy isn't just about preserving it? 😉 
2021年 12月 12日 投稿者: Katsolo
Lol! Too true, Kat. Yup, the brandy adds that special something.😊👍Enjoy your evening too! 
2021年 12月 12日 投稿者: Nikina70
This is the face I was looking for originally. 🥴🤣😂 
2021年 12月 12日 投稿者: Katsolo
Lol! Ok, more about the Christmas cheer! I get you! 🤣🤣🤣 
2021年 12月 12日 投稿者: Nikina70





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