This evening I did:
Heather Robertson - Intense TOTAL BODY Workout // Strength Training

Nice one. I just didn't feel the jumping today so just modified where necessary. I feel a bit shaky now, but it's all good.

I'm letting excuses get in the way of working out again this week and it's mostly the cold temperatures and work, but I could possibly still get two more strength workouts in before the week is up. Just have to catch myself off-guard sometimes and just do it before too much thought gets in the way. The same with walking - I only went out on Monday so need to go for a good one tomorrow so I'm hoping the weather behaves.

After a week of not tracking any calories I felt like giving it a go again this week. Still a challenge, but today I used my old trusted friend, 16:8 IF, to reduce calories somewhat. I've also prepped some lighter calorie meals for the next couple of days (hubby made a stew and I roasted some veg) so hoping to keep the end daily average under 1800. If I can manage it I will probably keep tracking until Friday, the 17th, and then take a break for the rest of the month.

Our new blender/food processor has somehow gotten lost in transit, but hopefully a new one will arrive on Friday. That means a tasty, hearty soup for next week's lunches, which also always helps to stick to a calorie deficit - and will be good overall health-wise.

The idea with tracking for this and some of next week is to just try to keep things a bit stable so I don't have another uptick, but we'll see how it goes. Still would dearly like to stay below 70kg this year and start the new year at a reasonable and not overly inflated weight (or size). We already have boxes of mince pies stashed in the cupboards and that whole idea of 'holiday snacking' is creeping in all over. I will try to stick to sensible portion sizes and not go 'hog-wild'. I'm also tempted to try to bake some gingerbread men - I do love them, but I don't even have a rolling pin or cookie cutter/s yet. Might make a plan this week though if the stars align.

I've met some folks who belong to a local gym that is about a 7 minute drive away and would involve me driving there on my own in the evenings. I will think about it for the new year, but I'm also not keen on being tied into a gym contract. The social aspect and meeting a friend for classes is very appealing though - maybe in Jan. There is also a gym that is about 25 minutes walk away, but I'd have to make some new friends there. The bonus is that it's cheaper and there's no contract involved. But, I'll stick to my home workouts for now.

Hope you're all having a great week so far! xxx

1276 kcal 脂質: 36.61g | たんぱく質: 61.99g | 炭水化物: 175.52g.   朝食: Asda Golden Syrup Porridge Pot, Applied Nutrition Vegan-Pro Chocolate, Asda Bran Flakes, Cinnamon, Bananas, Acti Leaf Vanilla Soya Pot, Tap Water. 昼食: Acti Leaf Soya Milk. 夕食: Cook Spanish Bean Stew with Peppers & Kale, Plant Menu No Meat Meatballs, White Rice. 軽食/その他: Acti Leaf Vanilla Soya Pot, Aldi Cashews, Lyle's Golden Syrup Cake, Nescafe Instant Coffee. もっと...
1924 kcal 運動: ストレッチ(ヨガ) - 5 分, ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 40 分, 休憩 - 15 時間   15 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...

20 人のサポーター    いいね!   

I’m working through Heather’s new 14 day plan called FIERCE! And it’s beast mode I tell you. Wild!! Today suggest and back for me, day 3. 😅💪🏻 
2021年 12月 9日 投稿者: wifey9707
*Today is chest and back* Hate autocorrect! 😐 
2021年 12月 9日 投稿者: wifey9707
Fantastic Wifey! I might do Day 3 or 6 tomorrow morning. Hope you enjoy it!!!Fabulous that you're doing them all! 💪👏👍 
2021年 12月 9日 投稿者: Nikina70
2021年 12月 9日 投稿者: suma-ya-c
Ok. Day 3 completed!! Arms feel like noodles!!! 😓😓😓 Back throbbing! Come on Nikina, join me in this day! LOL 
2021年 12月 9日 投稿者: wifey9707
I just don't get it. I watch tons of these fitness videos, too, and nothing... what am I doing wrong? 🤣🤣🤣 
2021年 12月 9日 投稿者: Katsolo
Lol Suma. 😀 It's my word for eating anything and everything - but I'm trying to be mindful instead. 
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: Nikina70
Thanks for the challenge Wifey! I did it this morning. I think I could have gone a bit heavier than the 2.5kg I used so didn't get the full benefits, but still a great workout! 💪👍 
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: Nikina70
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: Nikina70
Happy Friday and I hope you have a great weekend too, Petra! Hope you find some easy changes you can make to reduce your cholesterol soon. 💕💕💕 
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: Nikina70
Oh yes!! I used up to 20lb dumbbells. 😓💪🏻 Sooooo sore today. Love it!!  
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: wifey9707
I know what you mean, Petra. So much conflicting information out there. Hope you can find some trustworthy info. 😊 
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: Nikina70
I'm going to borrow that word Nikina...sounds so much nicer than pigging out😂 
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: suma-ya-c
Wow! I'm impressed Wifey! You are fierce! 💪👏👍 
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: Nikina70
Suma - I'm sure I heard it somewhere and don't remember where so please go ahead. Might be an American term. 😊 
2021年 12月 10日 投稿者: Nikina70





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