Well, my HW weigh-out video was approved, and at 2:36pm (EDT) the money from my winnings went into my HealthyWage account, and I immediately went in and set it up to be mailed to me in a check for $1,361.77. (They take out $7 administration fee for sending the check.) It will be here in 1-3 weeks, but they seem to be very fast in doing stuff, so hopefully it will be on the short end of that timeframe.

I just had a piece of flounder as my first meal since being sure I wouldn't need to continue to fast. Made it 58 days with the Lord's enablement! Later this afternoon, I will have half of a banana, and this evening I will have a small slice of Dave's Killer Bread 21 Grains & Seeds THIN toast with avocado on it. That'll be all for today!

If you're interested in checking out HealthyWage for yourself, my personal link (which will get you $40 added to your prize money) is: https://hwage.co/2376135/ I'll be joining another challenge tomorrow, and they MIGHT do the special promotion where they give my referrals $100 incentive to join, so you might want to wait a couple of days before actually signing up. (Of the 5 people I referred, three of them have made their goals and will be collecting prizes.) The website will tell you all about how the program works, but if you have any questions, you can put them here in the Comments section, or you can send me a personal message.

38 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Awesome, Debbie. It's terrific to see you earn the full just rewards of your hard work. Nicely done. Let's go! #greatwolf 
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: jimmiepop
Woo Hoo!!! Job well done! You have a wonderful plan in place and a deep faith to see you through anything you attempt!  
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: catwmncat
Congrats! Why are you doing a second challenge? Did you purposely want to set smaller goals for the hw? 
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: LizEMa16
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: jeannieselby
@LizEMa16, 60 pounds was the very most I thought I could lose in 6 months - and it took me until two days before the deadline to make it! Next challenge is 38 pounds, because that's what I'll need to be (159) to get into the "normal" BMI range. Thank you @jimmiepop, @catwmncat, and @jeannieselby! 
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
@Anna Bear54, right now, my main focus is on getting a handle on new eating patterns. Perhaps when I master that, I'll switch focus to abolishing Diet Coke from my life. I know it's bad for me, but one new thing at a time is about all I can successfully handle. 
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: liz-andra
Congratulations, 🎉💃 👊 
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: Sarah1950
Congratulations Debbie, I am so happy for you. What an amazing journey.  
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: debratrachta anderson
Wonderful news Debbie! Congratulations! 
2021年 06月 28日 投稿者: Texasgranny6
Am so happy for you. 
2021年 06月 29日 投稿者: Snowwhite100
Congratulations 👏 
2021年 06月 29日 投稿者: cmj29
2021年 06月 29日 投稿者: lourock1
I'm stoked Debbie what a blessing to watch this journey. it truly is about standing to the end of a thing. too many of God's people give up right before the victory. battles are hard but so are we. just to see what Jesus did on our behalf as a man filled with holy spirit. truly remarkable. awesome work. words cannot express my joy for you.  
2021年 06月 29日 投稿者: HeBrewZ
Woo hoo! So proud of you 👍! 
2021年 06月 29日 投稿者: Chow moore
Well alright then. you worked hard. so here's to enjoying that wage. 
2021年 06月 29日 投稿者: ladytanker




Debbie Cousinsの体重の記録

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