355 Notifications behind again. Had grandson over two days, and grand daughter overnight one day this week. I'm enjoying watching my pole beans grow. They are 2-3" tall now, and I have over 80 sprouts that have pushed through the ground. Two of the pots only have 2-3 sprouts, so I will soak the remaining package of beans and plant them in the sparse places.

My weight has been stabilized, even though I have been eating whatever I've wanted to (which included finishing off a 4-lay chocolate dessert last week, and chocolate chip cookies I made with the grand daughter yesterday). Since it's staying the SAME with eating badly, it stands to reason that if I was actually DIETING, I might would be LOSING right now, huh? Maybe I should try that!!!

Hope everyone has a good week!

32 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Have a great and beautiful day Debbie!!👏🌺🌸 
2021年 04月 18日 投稿者: Shrewdness
A new day and a new week, have a great one Debbie! 
2021年 04月 18日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
Fun time with g-kids! Awesome!! Have a great day! 
2021年 04月 18日 投稿者: Javadali
You mentioned fasting every 4 to 6 weeks. You "could" do that now and then at the end of May, and then again at the end of June. I expect to the end of June. I love you and am praying for you. I think I have food poisoning now and my daughter and hubby are coming today. 
2021年 04月 18日 投稿者: Snowwhite100
this has been a hard year for gardening we had straight line winds the other day but maybe knock down a couple of my tomatoes everything else standing to God's grace good luck 
2021年 04月 25日 投稿者: ridemariel




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