Well, yesterday I was mad at my body and rebelled. I woke up at 235 pounds yesterday morning. Still retaining fluids. I didn't even weigh THIS morning, after my day of splurging. Had two cans of Diet Coke, and got Mexican food for dinner - chimichanga, refried beans (gave rice to husband), and LOTS of tortilla chips with their homemade guacamole - all of which I still have leftover for today, too! I didn't log that meal yesterday, because I was throwing a tantrum, and didn't want to have to even estimate how many tortilla chips I was eating. Maybe today, when I eat the leftovers, I'll at least count the chips so I can record it all.

I can really feel the difference in water retention after having the Diet Coke yesterday. My fingers feel like sausage links this morning. Speaking of sausage links, maybe I'll have some with some eggs for breakfast. BOY, I wish we had Farmer John brand sausage links here in Virginia. I used to get them in California, and they had the BEST flavor. Nothing as savory of an equivalent here. Hmph. Maybe I won't have some after all. Time to decide on SOMETHING for breakfast, though. Been up since 3am.

2039 kcal 脂質: 93.58g | たんぱく質: 75.53g | 炭水化物: 234.07g.   朝食: Chimichanga with Beef, Mission Restaurant Style Tortilla Chips, Guacamole with Tomatoes, Navels Oranges. 昼食: Ruffles Original Potato Chips, Hobe's Country Ham, Martin's Dinner Potato Rolls. 夕食: Beef Stew with Potatoes and Vegetables in Gravy, Pillsbury Flaky Layer Biscuits. もっと...

28 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Today is a new day! Please don’t be so hard on yourself! You will get back on track. Have a great day! 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: Javadali
Hey, its a fresh start! 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: morganstuart
Debbie, you know that if you stick with your plan those retained fluids will flush out. Stay strong my friend, self-sabotage is not the answer (as I well know). 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: shirfleur 1
We all need a tantrum day once in a while. You'll get past it soon. This is a good weekend for eggs! prices ought to be low. Enjoy your Easter weekend.  
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: Texasgranny6
dont let it set you back you have been there for a lot of us in our struggle when i started i didnt know if i could do it or not you gave me the inspiration to keep trying and not give up or give in and ive seen a lot of your posts helping so many others. I hope in a small way that we can all help you  
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: Hooligan2
Sorry to hear of your struggle. Let me suggest a “radical” move. Toss those leftovers right now into the trash 🗑 can. Don’t even think about it. Yes, you paid 💰 for them but the the money lost is trivial to health cost and mental anguish to you for eating them again. It’s a powerful feeling to overcome the temptation. 🤗❤️👍 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: Chow moore
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: Snowwhite100
Ooops, sorry @Chow moore, I ate them for breakfast at 4:30am this morning. HEY, Mexicans eat Mexican food for breakfast, right? @Hooligan2, @morganstuart and @Javadali, thanks for the encouragement. @Texasgranny6, I like your spunk. @Shirfleur 1, I appreciate even the "Hi, Debbie"s you occasionally send - always makes me smile. Must be another post I made that had the comments from @jimmiepop - you little wiseguy, you. Love your sense of humor and sincere heart.  
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: Debbie Cousins
diet coke is my weakness. if I am not feeling well I drink it warm. at least that's my excuse. Happy Easter.  
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: carol655
You had a lot of salty foods so Im betting thats where you get your retention. I have an occasional Diet Coke and I don't have those issues . Everyone is different though. 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: kattay
Ask for help from your Father...He will help you agaon 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: HCB
No diet is sustainable if we don’t let ourselves be human every now and then! 
2021年 04月 4日 投稿者: bgr12




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