1757 kcal 脂質: 90.59g | たんぱく質: 147.68g | 炭水化物: 96.60g.   朝食: ウィルキンソン 炭酸水, ミックスナッツ, ゆで卵. 昼食: セブンイレブン レンジで焼き餃子, セブンイレブン たんぱく質が摂れる お肉たっぷり豚しゃぶサラダ, セブンイレブン 豚もやし鍋 鰹と昆布の旨味だし, セブンイレブン カニカマバー, セブンイレブン 味付き半熟ゆでたまご, セブンイレブン すりおろし野菜フレンチソース チキンサラダ184kcal, セブンイレブン 6種具材のお豆腐とひじきの煮物, 花王 ヘルシア緑茶. 夕食: セブンイレブン たこぶつ, セブンイレブン 味付き半熟ゆでたまご, セブン-イレブン たんぱく質が摂れる!鶏むね肉サラダ. もっと...

21 人のサポーター    いいね!   

@ヤママユガ さん, I never had octopus 🐙 ever and also never can have it. Could you please describe taste and texture?🙏🏽 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: Farzana-
@AI@さん> It is very difficult to express the taste in sentences. This is my own personal impression. 🐙 The octopus itself has almost no taste. If you concentrate on your tongue and chew it multiple times, you will feel a little sweetness. In Japan, most people eat with "soy sauce". Therefore, the taste is greatly affected by the seasoning used. It has an elastic texture and cannot be cut unless it is chewed strongly. If you pay attention only to the texture, it is close to "a dish of grilled beef small intestine". The octopus can be chewed and cut. A dish of roasted beef small intestine is difficult to cut even if chewed. The texture is particularly difficult to express, so it can be quite different. ▽T|b✨ 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: ヤママユガ
@ヤママユガ さん, oh thank you. I was so curious about it. Thanks again for letting me know🙏🏽😉 
2021年 04月 3日 投稿者: Farzana-





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