So this morning my phone woke me up at 5am with debit orders going off for the first of the month. I was not happy! I'd set it for 7am, so promptly turned the volume off and tried to get more sleep, but failed until about 6:45 when I finally closed my eyes. I thought I'd work out this evening instead, but as hubby woke me up at 8 while putting on his 'workout' shorts I thought - heck, let's just do it and then went and did 45 minutes of upper body with Sydney Cummings plus my 20 incline pushups and tricep dips outside. Washing my hair in the shower afterwards was a chore, but I'm so glad I got it done! On Monday I did 50 minutes of legs so I think starting the week off right helped too.

We've been doing 16:8 IF since Monday and it's going well too. Haven't reduced my calories that much, but I think it's helping to have set times for meals and snacks. I start the day with 700ml lukewarm water with a tablespoon of lemon juice and another 400ml water to get to about 11 when I'll have a black coffee if I feel like one. And then break fast at noon. Hoping I can stay motivated for the duration of the lockdown, but easter weekend is looming. Hubby wanted to have a breakfast fry-up twice this week, but I convinced him to save it for the weekend and I'm glad I did. I think it would have sent me over the mental edge of 'anything goes' and not sure when I would have come back from that.

We're having one Beacon marshmallow egg each a day. I've never bought them before, but when hubby and I went shopping just before the lockdown we thought - this is the time! It's a box of 48 so should last us the duration. I have secret stashes of chips and chocolate tucked away cos if I leave them in the kitchen they would disappear, but so far he's been very good. I'll bring them out gradually when we're watching a movie or something and I portion them too so he doesn't get his hands on a whole packet or slab. Starting to see and feel the results of losing about 9kg since the beginning of the year is starting to be a great motivator for him - he used to snack constantly and I'm so glad the switch has flipped for him!

I think part of my resolve this last week has been because my sister and her family would have arrived yesterday for a three week holiday. We had so many plans of places we were going to and lots of eating out. As we're not doing that, and I know how sad my nieces are to not be here, I feel like it's almost my duty to stay on track with my eating and maintenance so that when they do finally get to visit again - which will hopefully be at Christmas - I'll be able to indulge as much as I want knowing I didn't let myself go just sitting at home feeling sorry for myself. There are so many wonderful things to be grateful for right now and I'm trying to keep those in front of mind every day.

This is already longer than intended, but if anyone's read it this far I have one last thing on my mind (although this is mostly just my own ramblings for me to read in future, but anyway) - tracking calories is the key - if you don't do that you're not using this app to it's full potential so it slightly irks me when people on here complain about not losing weight when they're not tracking. CICO! Stay safe and healthy everyone!

1446 kcal 脂質: 37.11g | たんぱく質: 51.52g | 炭水化物: 163.12g.   朝食: Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Kellogg's All Bran Flakes, Simple Truth Unsweetened Soya Milk, Health Connection Wholefoods Golden Flaxseed Powder,  Tap Water, SPAR 100% Lemon Juice. 昼食:  Cheddar Cheese , Lancewood Medium Fat Cream Cheese Sweet Chilli, Woolworths Flapjacks, Sunflower Oil. 夕食:  Rose Wine, Simonsberg Feta with Herbs, Spaghetti, Bodicafe Wholefoods Proteins Splittin Good Soya Chunks,  Stir Fried Vegetables, Wellington's Sweet Chilli Sauce. 軽食/その他: Nestle Ricoffy, Mister Sweet Speckled Eggs, Canderel Stick, Nestle Cremora Coffee Creamer, Ultra Mel Lite Vanilla Custard, Beacon Marshmallow Easter Egg, Tower Strawberry Flavoured Jelly. もっと...
1839 kcal 運動: ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 45 分, 休憩 - 15 時間   15 分, 睡眠 - 8 時間. もっと...

14 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Since using this app. It has made me so aware of calories. How ignorant of me to not take calories serious.  
2020年 04月 1日 投稿者: Rhodes1
I completely agree with you Count your calories Drink lots of water Get adequate rest I have had this app for years, and I found myself using it sporadically before, because I didn't know (notice) there was a whole newsfeed. Having a whole community of support and advice has helped me stay on track amd not feel alone in this 🌸 
2020年 04月 1日 投稿者: Mich@2315





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