Tiny bump down, pretty much holding steady across the board. I ate a hot dog at Costco yesterday before I went in because I didn't want to eat samples. Dogs got the bun. Yeah, I'm that weirdo in the food court.

Finally got back in the pool yesterday after almost a week off although that's not really the right word since I did other things. I just didn't get in the water. It was cold, I wasn't into it. Totally spoiled here. All that aside, it was a good strong swim, no wavering. I did turn the current down a notch and Zones put me in both cardio and fat burning zones the whole time. I'm shooting to keep it lower in the pool although I'm trying to increase my performance level so that the faster current still keeps the lower heart rate.

I jumped in without my snorkel initially and knocked out 100 strokes with the current hitting me in the face and I didn't take on any significant water into my nose/mouth until the last couple strokes. I toyed with doing the whole set without it, but since I went for the long swim, decided against it. My heart rate was actually lower for that mini set than when I got into the serious swim. Thought that was interesting, but I swam for years without the snorkel, so it was a fairly natural movement. It was funny the moment I realized I needed to breathe that air stuff you need to live. 🙃

Sciatic nerve has calmed down, thank goodness, did some serious stretching after the swim to help keep it that way. It's funny because I knew it was the nerve immediately this time because I could feel it moving up and down my leg. No doubt from running around like a little kid in the sand dunes at the beach the day before playing hide and seek with dogs. No pics of that;, I'm sure we looked like idiots, but it was fun.

Fixed the pants and a couple bra bands yesterday. Some things are just going into the donate bag. Either too new, too hard to alter or just not worth it. I'm an intermediate sewer only. I can hem, I can repair and reconfigure a lot, but I am not a tailor so better to just move things on to their next destination. YouTube is helpful, but there are things where you need someone to show you just what it is you're doing wrong.

WEIGHT 161.7lb
BMI 32.7
FAT MASS 65.7lb
LEAN MASS 96.0lb

1318 kcal 脂質: 71.26g | たんぱく質: 88.77g | 炭水化物: 85.93g.   朝食: Egg White, Heavy Cream, Egg. 昼食: Thin Crust Pizza with Meat. 夕食: Chicken Thigh (Skin Not Eaten), Pork Chops (Top Loin, Boneless). 軽食/その他: Almonds, R.W. Knudsen Family 2% Lowfat Cottage Cheese, Garden Lites Veggie Muffins Zucchini Chocolate, Frozen Blueberries, Almonds, Ghirardelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Chips. もっと...
2462 kcal 運動: Apple Health - 24 時間. もっと...

3 人のサポーター    いいね!   





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