Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets.

Twenty adults [body mass index (in kg/m(2)): 34.4 +/- 1.0] were randomly assigned to the KLC (60% of energy as fat, beginning with approximately 5% of energy as carbohydrate) or NLC (30% of energy as fat; approximately 40% of energy as carbohydrate) diet. During the 6-wk trial, participants were sedentary, and 24-h intakes were strictly controlled.

Mean (+/-SE) weight losses (6.3 +/- 0.6 and 7.2 +/- 0.8 kg in KLC and NLC dieters, respectively; P = 0.324) and fat losses (3.4 and 5.5 kg in KLC and NLC dieters, respectively; P = 0.111) did not differ significantly by group after 6 wk. Blood beta-hydroxybutyrate in the KLC dieters was 3.6 times that in the NLC dieters at week 2 (P = 0.018), and LDL cholesterol was directly correlated with blood beta-hydroxybutyrate (r = 0.297, P = 0.025). Overall, insulin sensitivity and resting energy expenditure increased and serum gamma-glutamyltransferase concentrations decreased in both diet groups during the 6-wk trial (P < 0.05). However, inflammatory risk (arachidonic acid:eicosapentaenoic acid ratios in plasma phospholipids) and perceptions of vigor were more adversely affected by the KLC than by the NLC diet.

KLC and NLC diets were equally effective in reducing body weight and insulin resistance, but the KLC diet was associated with several adverse metabolic and emotional effects. The use of ketogenic diets for weight loss is not warranted.

3102 kcal 脂質: 106.41g | たんぱく質: 180.20g | 炭水化物: 405.14g.   朝食: Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar (Small), Pears , Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bar, Chobani vanilla greek yogurt, Pepperidge Farm German Chocolate 3-layer Cake, Casey's Bacon Breakfast Pizza. 昼食: Pumpkin Cake with Icing, Winchell's Chocolate Cake Donut - Chocolate Iced, 1% Fat Milk, Quest Chocolate Sprinkled Doughnut Protein Bar, Plum, Peach. 夕食: Kraft 3 Cheese Mexicana Shredded Cheese, Great Value Enriched Hamburger Buns, Field Pork Burger, Oranges, Bell Plantation PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter, Chobani vanilla greek yogurt. 軽食/その他: Mighties Kiwi, Quest Chocolate Brownie Protein Bar. もっと...
3903 kcal 運動: 走る(ジョギング) - 時速8km - 35 分, 睡眠 - 7 時間   40 分, 座る - 8 時間, ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 1 時間   20 分, 自転車(のんびり) - 時速16km以下 - 2 時間   35 分, 休憩 - 3 時間   50 分. もっと...

11 人のサポーター    いいね!   

This is why it doesn't matter if you knock yourself out of keto or if you never achieve it. It is irrelevant to fat loss. Less energy in than out is what matters and if you want to go low carb to achieve that, go for it, just don't beat yourself up if you are not in ketosis. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
Wow, mic drop 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: yohoyoh
No opinion just wanted to know was there a follow up to this 2006 study? N = 20 which is small. 6 week duration only. Looks like a preliminary trial in which the next step would be to sample more.  
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: AboutMyTribe
It may be helpful to share professional consensus then use the science they refer to back those claims 😉 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: AboutMyTribe
Do you want to break the bad news to Jason Fung, or would you prefer he hear it from someone else? 😂 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: @philrmcknight
And your point is ---- to demoralize all the folks here who are having such great success with keto? You are a bodybuilder. Many people here have 50, 100, 200 lbs to lose. They're doing it with keto and other diets. Why can't you just let people do what works for them without constantly trying to put down their diet? 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: erikahollister
Yeah, D! Why would you want to go spread the truth and let people out of prisons that gurus have worked so hard to put them in? 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: LZenn
I didn’t read the study. But as someone who uses keto diet for weight loss I would use this info for the next time I fall out of keto to not use it as an excuse to binge. Thank you! 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: moopie321
LZenn - the truth is TBD, unfortunately. The truth is research is ongoing and professional consensus has not been reached. Until then, look at studies and see how you feel. But not a reason to state certain things as fact. The only thing that has consensus is that keto = weight loss. I think it's great that D shares information - however, it isn't the whole story. The research community did weigh in on the metabolic ward studies conducted. Read the articles and the related body of research. Get excited or be critical of what you come across. But it is too early to say it is truth -- doesn't diminish that down the line it may very well be deemed so.  
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: AboutMyTribe
Yeah, I was born a bodybuilder, disregard my before and after pictures where I was almost 70 pounds overweight. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
I'll put a metabolic ward study over a doctor who is just profiting off of his pseudoscience any day, Phil. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
So you'll be breaking the news to him, then? 😂 I'm sure he will be devastated.  
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: @philrmcknight
Erika, this is good news for anyone doing low carb or keto so it is better for MORE people. How about that. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
I don't even want to think about him. The same way I don't want to think about Dr. Oz. So no, you can do it since you're such a fan. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
Fung already knows these things anyway, Taubes does as well. If they tell everyone that they were wrong they'd lose everything. Why would they? 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
AMT, unless someone funds a very long study, this is as good as it gets. Oh wait, didn't Taubes do that and the study backfired on him? Yep. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
Not quite sure about that. There are ongoing studies....not sure what they are about though. So I personally have a wait and see appraoch. It will be intetesting when results are published to say the least. I always wondered, how do you go about knowing you are carb sensitive aside from diabetes? A few people asked me that question. Didn't have an answer other than eat and find out.  
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: AboutMyTribe
High carb diets can make you feel bloated and sluggish. Also, if you feel like going to sleep right after a large carb+fat meal you're most likely insulin resistant. That happens to me, which is why I say it doesn't matter. It still comes down to CICO which is why I can still lose on 500 carbs a day. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
Insulin sensitivity is actually a good thing. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo
The thing is, if there were metabolic ward studies that showed an advantage with keto, keto dieters would share it like crazy. Share something that refutes keto and they deflect with comments like are you going to break the news to Fung. No, you may be enamored by him but he means nothing to me. 
2019年 09月 5日 投稿者: -Diablo





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