Finally, baby steps, got back to the gym today. Starting slowly ... but February/March is for hitting the gym hard, then to scale back to 3 or 4 days a week from then until December.

Need to begin tracking food again too.

Finally kicked a cold I have had for nearly two weeks ... was bringing me down. But, PGA tour is in full swing(so I can at least watch golf), it is staying lighter longer each day, coaching my son's bball team has me active, and golf is about a month or so away for us in Cincy, so it is all trending in a happy direction.

Exercise lifts the mood, I should've remembered this when I hit my doldrums December and January.

No time like the present. Though, this is yet another lesson learned - I cannot hit a goal (150) then fall off the wagon only to get back to a new two year high(169) ... the work and discipline to get it off is far too hard for us compared to the ease with which we gain it back.

2276 kcal 脂質: 96.99g | たんぱく質: 132.42g | 炭水化物: 219.47g.   朝食: Chobani Blueberry, Black Coffee. 昼食: Pear, White Rice, Chicken Breast. 夕食: Meatballs, Noodles & Company Mac and Cheese. 軽食/その他: Orange Leaf, Jif Natural Creamy Peanut Butter, Pretzel Crisp, Laughing Cow Light and Creamy Swiss, Cucumber, Celery, Babybel, Cashew, Reddi Wip, Chocolate Covered Peanut. もっと...
2936 kcal 運動: ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 20 分, 運動マシン(ふつう) - 50 分, 睡眠 - 7 時間, 座る - 15 時間   50 分. もっと...


Ahha..Golf is in full swing.. :) Looks like I'm in a similar spot to you. You push me, I'll push you? 
2013年 01月 30日 投稿者: sjcoray
you got it.  
2013年 01月 30日 投稿者: br_e_co





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