Pushing those carbs to the last possible tenth of a gram! By planning my day well in the beginning, I can indulge in FIVE GRAPES (legally, without guilt), and I can have an Atkins Endulge Chocolate Coconut Bar to reward myself for a job well done! Yes, I know I'm not supposed to reward myself with food! Old habits die hard. Next time, I'll buy myself a pair of underwear, or a face masque! Had a KILLER day in the Fiber department, without any shortcuts - 35.3g!!! The Endulge bar actually HELPED in that department.

NOTE: If you are counting NET carbs, Sugar Alcohols are not figured into the total. The way the FS algorithm is set up, the only way (I have found) to bypass this is to create a "Custom Food," and to put the Total Carbs in as 11, instead of 19 (to account for the 8g of Sugar Alcohols. If you are of the camp that "doesn't believe in" sugar alcohols, it's probably better if you stay away from this product. For ME, it was like having a Mounds Candy Bar without blowing it!!!

May God Bless You on Your Journey,

1546 kcal 脂質: 122.67g | たんぱく質: 63.18g | 炭水化物: 64.89g.   朝食: Redco Foods Salada 100% Green Tea Naturally Decaffeinated Tea Bags, SweetLeaf 100% Natural Stevia Sweetener, Butter, Walden Farms Calorie Free Pancake Syrup, High Fiber 1-Minute Flax Muffin. 昼食: Salisbury Steak. 夕食: SweetLeaf 100% Natural Stevia Sweetener, Salada Green Tea, Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing, Kroger Salted Sunflower Kernels, Avocados, Tomatoes, Tyson Foods Grilled & Ready Grilled Chicken Breast Tenderloins, Kroger Leafy Romaine. 軽食/その他: Grapes (Red or Green, European Type Varieties Such As Thompson Seedless), Endulge Chocolate Coconut Bar (MINUS Sugar Alcohol). もっと...
3652 kcal 運動: 掃除 - 1 時間, 洗濯 - 20 分, 立つ - 30 分, 浴びる - 30 分, ウォーキング - 40 分, 睡眠 - 7 時間, 休憩 - 1 時間   20 分, 料理 - 1 時間   10 分, 勉強 - 10 時間   30 分, 運転 - 1 時間. もっと...

3 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Sounds like a good day!!!!! 
2019年 01月 9日 投稿者: liv001




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