So, was just thinking this morning about how people are easily duped by water weight and the scale. Once you learn how nutrition really works you realize things like sodium and carboHYDRATES causing you to gain water/glycogen.

Someone who eats "clean" goes off plan and hits Mcdonalds. They go off plan and they don't count calories, the day is a loss so they may as well finish it in style with a DQ Blizzard. This describes a friend of mine and I used to be the exact same way. Boom immediate 5-10 pound gain overnight due to doubling their sodium intake along with the weight from more food in their system and most likely a lot more carbs than usual.

Now take someone on keto and the weight gain will be similar if not worse due to going from 20 carbs to 400 on a cheat. That is about 4 pounds of weight in glycogen alone not to mention the extra food and sodium.

These fluctuations can happen light years faster than it takes to lose the same amount of pure fat especially for people close to their goal. It can take days if not a week to flush it out. Couple that with the impatience of a dieter and you see the problem. The guilt and frustration can take a toll.

This is the reason people will say they are different, science doesn't apply to them like it does others. This is why scammers can swoop in and make people believe the lies wholeheartedly with their hypotheses that is must be something else(hormones, blood type etc) They don't care that they are lying if it means it will make them money.

People think they are different but lock them in a ward where they are fed an exact amount of energy and they ALL lose. Sure, we don't have that option in our day to day so we must find a diet we can all stick to. This post was for people who can, in fact, stick to various diets but are on one purely because they think it has some special metabolic advantage. They may be struggling with the WoE that they chose. You can't really make it a lifestyle if you hate it. I am not saying don't do a certain diet or do exactly as I do before people put words in my mouth.

3145 kcal 脂質: 100.29g | たんぱく質: 155.09g | 炭水化物: 417.66g.   朝食: Peach, Montgomery Inn Barbecue Sauce, TGI Friday's Boneless Buffalo Chicken Bites, Quest Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Protein Bar. 昼食: Peach, Beef Sloppy Joe (No Bun). 夕食: Cheese Pizza, Pure Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter High Protein Bar (Small), Dole Bananas, Equate Protein Cookie Snickerdoodle. 軽食/その他: Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats (37g), Compliments White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies. もっと...
4192 kcal 運動: ウエイトトレーニング(ふつう) - 1 時間, 走る(ジョギング) - 時速8km - 1 時間   15 分, 自転車(のんびり) - 時速16km以下 - 4 時間, 睡眠 - 8 時間, 休憩 - 9 時間   45 分. もっと...

22 人のサポーター    いいね!   

Excellent post! I do have to say that hormones do play a part. When I couldn’t lose a year ago they tested some hormones saying that if they were low or an imbalance then it would cause weight loss to be much harder. Turns out all was well and it was from chemo and my body saying ‘nope you tried to kill me and I’m going to retain all you give me’. But how many people out there have a severe hormonal imbalance? I recently read some articles that stated all diets work because they restrict calories and certain foods. If you love carbs and can stick to Keto then you have less chance of overeating those carbs you crave.any like me don’t have the willpower to cut all of our favorite foods for months or years on end just to drop a few pounds slowly. Impatient lol. Find a woe that works for you that you can keep up with forever, watch calories to some extent and watch portions and your diet will work no matter what 😉. If that’s CICO great. If it’s paleo or Keto great. Whatever is chosen you can’t have huge binge days or it sets your progress back days or weeks. I’d think you would want to keep up glycerin in the muscles and water overall to always have energy for daily living and not get dehydrated. It’s why I plan to get 5# lower than I need to compensate for the ‘binges’ during the holidays. I miss 4 slices of pizza, my aunts cookies and pumpkin dip and a second plate of turkey and gravy lol. If I take those things away I’ll give up so we just have to find ways to add in things we truly enjoy in moderate amounts. That’s something you, Chris and Rosio have taught me :). Thanks for that! 1200 of meat and veggies was miserable lol. 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: peeperjj
Thanks for posting Diablo360x!!! I agree with you... 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: John10251
I especially like how you emphasized 'carboHYDRATES'. That really sunk in for me. Thanks! 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: LZenn
Np, LZenn. People forget that important fact about them. :) 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: -Diablo
I have never "dieted" in my life. I just am accountable for Cal's in vs Cal's out 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: keith george cooke
Wish I could say the same, Keith. The torturous low-fat AND low-carb diets the stupid doctors used to put us on. I say stupid I mean stupid! What good is a diet if you can't stick to it for more than a day and who is masochistic enough to do that?! 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: LZenn
Whoa! An incomplete sentence and an outburst all in one post. I blame the ice tea. Too much caffeine!!! 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: LZenn
I wanted to eat low carb, but find I need to have carbs. So I have decided to eat a diet that balances the percentages of fat, carb, protein in my foods and gradually up my exercise. With fibromyalgia, I have to take it slow and easy, but I know I have to get my heart rate up for the exercise to be effective. If I increase cardio, eat a balanced diet of fewer calories that satisfies my hunger and am able to lose weight that will be a lifestyle change I am happy to make. Of course everything in that means I will splurge once in a while, holidays etc.  
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: johannagbl
Sounds like a good plan to me. I also need carbs to stay on track and because they are optimal for my goals. Win-win. 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: -Diablo
That is all very true. I think what people seem to forget is that carbohydrates are in almost everything we consume. it's even in fruits and vegetables. When trying to consume carbs wisely, I wouldn't go on a low carb diet per say but I would go for good carbs. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. Carbs are important. 
2018年 09月 27日 投稿者: M S G





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